Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Surprising Recipients!

 Christmas Eve. Service!


                          Luke 2:1-20

Movement 1:

     That time is here, that time we have been preparing for! Tonight begins the celebration of Christmas, and we continue the celebration for 12 days.  Next Sunday will be the 1st Sunday of Christmas.  The following Sunday will be Epiphany Sunday when we talk about the aha moments of who this baby really is!


     For tonight, we are taking a fresh look at the birth narrative.  As we look at Luke’s gospel, the angels first proclaim the birth of Christ to the shepherds in the fields keeping watch over the flocks by night.  Let’s look at the angel proclamation and the surprise recipients of this message.


Movement 2:

    What about the Angelic proclamation?  “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” ( 10b-11)

     This sums up what Luke believes about Jesus.  He is of the House of David.  He is our Savior!  Matthew gets close to this one for he says “You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” He is the Messiah!  The Jews were waiting for the Messiah. He was expected to be of the House of David, so the Angels have already proclaimed that Jesus is of that house.  There were a lot of expectations around this: he would right the wrongs, he would set them free from the oppression of other kings, he was the answer to their problems!  Lastly, the angel proclaims Jesus as Lord! This language isn’t used in the early birth accounts.  Lord means master!  This baby would be our master.  He would be the Lord of all creation!  This was an awesome declaration from the angels.  This was the message the apostles would later preach about Jesus. (Acts 2:14-36) What I want to look at tonight is who was this message delivered to?  The Shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night.


Movement 3:

     The modern reader could get lost to the real message here.  We think of shepherds as the people who took care of the sheep.  They would go after the one that was lost. They would protect them from animals that would harm.  We use shepherd language to describe the pastoral care of a pastor for the congregants.  The shepherds are the cute figures who appear in the manger scene.  We have a very positive view of the shepherds!

     While the shepherds did underscore Jesus’ association with the line of David, shepherding was a despised occupation at the time of the birth of Christ!  Shepherds were considered shiftless, dishonest people who grazed their flocks on other people’s land! (New Interpreter’s Bible Commentary) So it is not by accident that Luke’s gospel has the proclamation made these lowly shepherds. These are the surprising recipients of this very important message of the birth of the Christ!  In Luke’s gospel, Jesus was not sent to the kings or even the religious people who thought they had it all together. That would have been the expectation for the Messiah; after all, he was of the lineage of King David, but Jesus was sent to the lowly and to the outcast.   

    What does this say to us? Well to borrow from John’s gospel, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes…” John 3:16.  Jesus came to all people, none excluded!  That does include us, but we do not need to think too highly of ourselves; we all need God’s Grace.  We cannot make it on our own; we have all sinned and messed that up!  Luke would have us also realize that Jesus not only came for us but also to the lowly and outcast of our society.  We do not need to forget that.  We need to widen the scope of who we invite, none excluded!  We need to ponder that this Christmas! We need to swing the doors open wide to a world that desperately needs to hear that God loves them!  That is the message of the “Surprising Recipients” of the message of the birth of the Christ child!

      As our musicians play a selection of music, you are invited to bring your special end of year Christmas offering up and pick up a candle, form a circle around the sanctuary, and we will light the candles and sing “Silent Night.”  Ponder the meaning of the “Surprising Recipients” as we begin the celebration of Christmas this year!


                      Candlelight service


Monday, December 23, 2024

What are We Giving for Christmas?

                                            4th Sunday of Advent!

Before the message:





A.   Christmas is very rapidly approaching us!


B.   Christmas is a time of giving gifts as we remember

God's greatest gift to us, Christ!



I want to reflect for a little while this morning on

what we are giving for Christmas.



                       Rom. 5:15-18, & 21


I.      First let's look at what we've been given for Christmas.


  What it all boils down to in this baby born in Bethlehem is:


A.   We've been given grace. (vs. 15)

1.   After humankind (we) chose sin and that sin

              separated us from God, God chose to give us grace!

2.   God gave us a new chance that we didn't deserve.


B.   We've been given justification! (vs. 16)

1.   Because of what God has done in Christ, we are

back in fellowship with God.

2.   Just-as-if we hadn't sinned.


C.   We've been given the gift of dominion in life through

          Jesus Christ! (vs. 17)

1.   We can be conquerors now!  We are a part of the

kingdom of God now!

2.   Christ can help us through this life now!  He can make a difference in our lives now!

a.   God/Christ doesn't promise us a bed of roses

in this life.

b.   But Christ promises to be here with us

through the work of the Holy Spirit.  We

talked about that a couple weeks ago in the message!


D.   We've been given the gift of eternal life through Jesus  Christ our Lord! (vs. 18&21)

1.   Christ will not only help us through this life.

We will also receive eternal life!

2.   In Heaven where we will have fellowship with God 

forever and where there will be no hurt, sickness,

death, or pain.

3.   Notice, it is through Jesus Christ our Lord!  The Christ of Christmas!

4.   Again, we celebrate the eternal life with the

evergreen tree on Christmas!


II.  We've been given so much for Christmas, but what are we

giving to God in return?

A.   Are we giving God a life that says, "I don't need you;

I can make it by myself?"

1.   Perhaps, we have gone through life feeling we're


2.   We haven't realized how much we fail and how much

we really need God's justification through Christ.

3.   We have never really accepted Christ.


B.   Are we giving Christ a life of inconsistency?

1.   Today we are in church and concerned about God.

2.   What about next week?  Will we be just as

concerned then?  What about next Sunday?

3.   Our world and communities have seen two much

              inconsistency among professing Christians! It is

              killing us; Christ called it lukewarmness.

          4.   We don’t need to just think of God on Christmas,

Easter, or for that matter only on Sunday!  We

need to be constantly on for Jesus!


C.   Are we giving Christ a life of strife?

1.   A life that can't get along with other people?

2.   A life that harbors grudges and won't turn them

over to God?

3.   Our world has also seen too much of this: too much of professing Christians that can't get along.  It  is a real shame that this is the only picture of Christianity that some people see!


D.   Are we giving Christ a life of hypocrisy?

1.   Do people that see us on Sunday see a different

              person than those who see us through the week?

2.   That is hypocrisy.


E.   Or are we giving Christ a life of true dedication?

1.   A life that has realized that I am a sinner and I need (and accept) the forgiveness found through Jesus the Christ.

2.   A life that wants Christ every day.  The desire

for Christ in our lives remains consistent, and it

is evident by our actions.

3.   We, like Christ, love people!  We don't want to

              fight and bicker with people, and if they hurt us,  we turn it over to God because we are still

              concerned about their soul!

a.   Our love brings us to care for people.

b.   Our love brings us to hurt when they hurt!

We can actually shed real tears with them!

c.   And we are happy when they are happy as well.

4.   A life in Love with Christ, that doesn't want to

hurt him any day or anytime!  It hurts us just as  much to sin on Monday at work, school, or wherever we are as it does on Sunday at church!

5.   A life that wants to share the wonderful Love of God!


Conclusion:    Christmas is a time of giving!


A.   A plaque we have on the wall reads like this:

"Your life is a Gift from God.  What you make of it

is your Gift to God."


B.   This is so true!  It should be scripture!


C.   What gift are we giving God this Christmas!


D.   As we encounter Christ at the table, let's give God our

greatest gift by committing our lives more deeply

to God.  Then we will really be ready to celebrate


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion



May the God of hope fill you with

all joy in believing,


so that you may abound in hope

by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Monday, December 16, 2024

What Would Christmas be Without Christ?

3rd Sunday of Advent!


     A.   What is Christmas to you?  (answers from Congregation)

              Possible answers: Love, gifts, family, Christ.


     B.   All these things point back to one thing: Christ!

          1.   Love because in Christ we see God's Love

              extended to humankind.

          2.   Gifts because Christ was God's gift to us.

          3.   Family because God created families and he sent

              Christ into the world as a part of a family!



Let's look at the Christmas story and then ask ourselves; what would Christmas be without Christ?



                        St. Luke 2:1-20


I.   What would Christmas be without Christ?


A.   It would be a day without love because Christ showed us how to love!

          1.   No love for family.

          2.   No love for friends.

          3.   Children were possessions; women were


          4.   The world didn't understand love as we do before

              God revealed it to us through Christ!


     B.   It would be a day without gifts because gifts are a

          celebration of God's gift to humankind!


     C.   It would be a day without the Christmas tree because

          the Christmas tree points to Christ!

1.   Evergreen represents everlasting life that we have in Christ.

2.   The lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.

          3.   The star reminds us of the star that led the                     wisemen.

          4.   The angel reminds us of the angel that proclaimed                the glorious news to the shepherds.

          5.   All the different crismons on our tree remind us

of Christ!


     D.   It would be a day without singing and praise because             there would be nothing to sing and praise about.


E.   It would be a day without Santa Claus because after all Santa Claus is believed to be a good person that gives gifts and that comes right back to the reason we give gifts.


II.  What is Christmas because of Christ?


     A.   It is a time of celebration such as we have in verse

     20.  Don't let the carols loose their meaning!


     B.   It is a time of Love, family, and friends.


     C.   It is a time of exchanging gifts.  It is a time of



D.   It is a time of remembering God's ultimate gift and what Jesus (God's gift) means to us!


     E.   It is a time of singing & praise!


III. After we realize that everything of importance points to

Christ, let's determine to keep Christ in Christmas as we shift our minds toward thinking of Christ coming into the world that first time!


A.   Take time to read the Christmas story: Luke 2:1-20 this Christmas! Maybe take a nativity set and move the characters around while you read.


     B.   In your families Christmas, make it a special time of

          remembrance by teaching the symbolism of Christmas in            your home.  Gather your family around and talk about:

          1.   the meaning of the lights.

          2.   the meaning of the evergreen.

          3.   the reason we exchange gifts.

          4.   the reason we sing carols.


     C.   Don't let the commercialization of the modern day                Christmas rob you and yours of the real meaning of



D.   For children you could capture the meaning of Christmas by planning a Birthday party for Christ sometime during the 12 days of Christmas, between Christmas day and Epiphany!


     E.   Do something to keep Christ in your Christmas.



     A.   One of the best ways for us to keep Christ in our

Christmas is to make sure we have Christ in our hearts.


B.   As we encounter Christ in communion, let Christ in, draw closer.  There is not a better way to prepare for the celebration of Christmas this year!  If you make a first time commitment, let me know so I can help you with your new journey in Christ!


                      Prayer of Confession

Celebration of Communion


Monday, December 9, 2024

Baptized with the Spirit!

                       2nd Sunday of Advent

                          Luke 3:7-18




(1)  Focus statement:


The one has come who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire, giving us reason to rejoice and to prepare.


(2)  Function Statement:


This sermon will cause the congregation to rejoice in the gift of the Holy Spirit and to yield more fully to the Holy Spirit in order to prepare for the second coming.



1st movement

     I knew a family as I was growing up who lost two of their children to death by natural causes about a year apart.  The family had 6 children, four of which were girls.  The four girls were in church, but the parents or the boys didn't come to church.  The girls sung with a group of girls at the church.  They were very active in our youth group.  We had prayer meetings on the school campus at noon, and these girls were almost always there.  We had cottage prayer meetings for the youth on Thursday nights and again these girls were almost always there.  These girls were probably some of the most active among our youth.  They were very likeable.  Two of the girls died: one in about eighth grade with encephalitis or spinal meningitis.  She came down with some type of hepatitis and as a side effect of this she contracted the other and died.  She had been healthy up until this time.  It was one of those things that you couldn't believe happened.  Then, about a year later, one of her older sisters died in about 10th grade with heart failure.  It was like any other day.  The parents got up to fix breakfast and get the kids off to school.  They called them in for breakfast, going around to their rooms and calling them through their doors, but this one didn't come.  They went again to wake her, but this time to discover that she was dead.  The autopsy showed that she died of heart failure.  Very tragic!  How can someone make it through something like this?  This is a real story; it could happen to you and me! 


2nd movement

     The only way to make it through something like this without getting bitter is with the help of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is our comforter, one who hurts with us, one who gives us what we need to make it through life, one who helps us to put life back together, one who gives us a purpose in life, and one who helps restore us back into the image of God thus preparing us for the second coming.  Our part is in letting the Holy Spirit do this for us, yielding!  As we yield to Christ, Christ baptizes us with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit wanted to help this family put it all back together.  One of the girls in this family let the Holy Spirit do this; the last count I had of her she was still a happy, energetic person serving as a missionary with her husband for their church.  Many of the other family members literally fell apart.  They turned from the Holy Spirit.  The family had started to church after the first one died, but they had left the church again after the second one died.  The last account I had, the parents had gotten a divorce, and the father had become an alcoholic.

     I don’t share this to run down or belittle this family; they probably reacted like anyone would who had been given the counsel that they were given.  We all face difficulties, and they certainly did.  They had really received some bad advice from our pastor at the time.  After the first one’s death, our pastor had told them “God is trying to get your attention!”  Wow!  That tells them God did this terrible thing to their daughter to get their attention! God is a manipulative God!  God does bad things!  Well, it seemed to work; they got into church and were really trying to serve.  Then, the second one died!  What could our pastor say then?  God had their attention! Well, they left the church.  They didn’t reach out to a God who loved them very much because they had been given a much different picture of God!

     I wish our pastor had ministered to them in a way that said, this is a terrible thing.  Sickness and death are a part of life, but God is a God who wants to help you through this through the Holy Spirit.  Whatever happens to us in life God is working to help us through it.  He could have continued to give the family something to hang onto after the second one died had he ministered in this way.  He would have been painting a much different picture of God, and I believe a much more accurate picture of God and God’s workings in our lives!  I also feel sorry for that pastor who had this kind of understanding of God; I have to wonder what ever happened to him.  What did he do when tragedy struck his house?


3rd movement

     On this 2nd Sunday of Advent we need to rejoice in this gift of the Holy Spirit and yield our lives to Christ, so Christ can Baptize us with the Holy Spirit: the one who can give us a purpose, and can get us through life.  This story may almost seem so tragic that you would suspect that it was fiction, but it is not.  This is a true story with real people; I have not disclosed the names to protect them.  This type of thing could happen to any one of us; it happens to someone every day.  We are not promised that we will have no problems and that we will be sheltered from bad things.  Tragedy happens!  We need the Holy Spirit to help us through life; we can't make it on our own. When bad things happen, we need the Holy Spirit to help us be better and not bitter!  God, through the Holy Spirit, is working to bring something good out of everything that happens to us, but we have to let God.  We can’t run from God. It may not even be immediately noticeable to us; many times, we think “how can God bring something good out of this?”  We just need to trust and let the Spirit continue to work in our lives, and as we look back, we can see how God through the Holy Spirit has indeed brought something good out of it for us.  We need the Holy Spirit to fit us for the Kingdom of God.  Through God’s Sanctifying Grace, God works through the Spirit to transform us throughout our lives to become the best, most loving, most graceful person we can be, that masterpiece that God has planned for us.  As we yield our lives to Christ and are baptized with the Holy Spirit, we will truly be preparing for not only the celebration of Christ's first coming, but also, the reality of Christ's second coming.  

As you encounter Christ at the table this morning, bring all that you are to the table.  Bring your hurts, your pains, your concerns and let Christ through the Holy Spirit minister to you!  Yield to the Holy Spirit and let God transform you!  Trust in the Holy Spirit to bring you through whatever you are going through!  That is the kind of God we serve!  That is what God wants to do!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, December 2, 2024

Get Ready!

                                            1st Sunday of Advent

                          Matt. 24:36-44

(1)  Focus Statement: 

This sermons shows that we need to be ready for the    second coming of Christ because it could be anytime.


(2)  Function Statement:

Because of this sermon, the congregation will be moved

to yield more fully to the Spirit of Christ in order to get

ready for the second coming.


1st movement


Do you remember life before 911?  The big news was Gary Condit, the election results, Bill Clinton, etc.  We thought very little about getting on a plane and flying anywhere in the world!  We would have been upset if we were detained too long at the screeners at the airport.  At Senath-Hornersville School (I have to think back to there because that is where the kids were before Sept. 11th), every other year, a group of 7th and 8th graders from the school had the practice of flying out to New York or Washington D.C.  Years just before Sept. 11th, Wesley had gone.  We didn=t think anything much about putting him on the plane for the trip.  When we went to the Post Office, the furthest thing from our mind was catching a deadly disease from the mail.  When a crop dusting plane flew over, we didn't think about it spraying anything but chemicals for neighboring crops.  This was not only the climate of our area it also reflected the climate of our nation. National Intelligence was down to a minimum since the Cold War.  We just didn't expect anything to happen here, so we really weren't watching for anything to happen!  If we had been expecting something to happen, we would have been ready!  We would have had war planes in the air over New York and Washington.  Our media wouldn't have been telling the world where our president was.  We would have really been searching people at the airports and we wouldn't have minded it when we were being searched, realizing it was for everyone's safety.  We would have had heavier doors between the cockpit and passenger compartments of our airplanes.  We might have even had Federal marshals on the planes.  If the people were expecting to be used as human bombs, they would have probably resisted more on the planes, but something like this had never happened before!  

2nd movement

Jesus says in our scripture today, "So it was in the days of Noah!"  People were eating and drinking, going on with life as usual.  People were marrying and giving in marriage, making plans for the future.  They didn't expect it to rain; it had never done that before!  If they had expected it to rain, they would have been ready.  They would have been building boats instead of laughing at the one who was! 


3rd movement

Jesus says this is the way it will be at the second coming.  People will be going on with life as usual: some will be ready, but some will not be!  We generally will not be expecting it!  How many of us really expect that Christ will come back today, tomorrow, next week, or in our life time?  Come on now!  Do we really?  It didn't happen in the lifetimes of the many who have gone on before us!  If we were expecting it, we would be getting ready!  We would be reading our Bibles with a passion, trying to make sure we hadn't missed anything!  We would be taking every opportunity to talk about Spiritual things, trying to figure everything out for ourselves and inviting our loved ones to join us on the journey!  We'd be in church every opportunity we had, trying to get as close to God as we could!  We aren't doing all these things because we really don't expect Christ to come anytime soon!  We think we have plenty of time! To a world much like ours today, Christ says, "Watch!  Stay awake!  Get ready because the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour!"  Only as we prepare for the second coming can we really appreciate what God did in sending Christ into our world the first time!  AWatch! Stay Awake!  Get ready because the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour!@  There is not a better message for us as we begin Advent this year and as we prepare for the second coming.  Many of us are no more ready for the second coming than our country was for September 11th. 

As we go through Advent this year, prepare your hearts for the second coming: pray, study, and give yourself to God.  Prepare for the celebration of His first coming by starting traditions in your family that really help you and yours to keep Christmas a celebration of the birth of Christ.  Plan a Birthday Party for Jesus!  Teach your children or grandchildren the symbols of the Christmas tree: evergreen, because Jesus brings us everlasting life; lights, because Jesus is the light of the world; and  angels, because they remind us of the angels that proclaimed the saviors birth! The best way we can start the preparation this morning is to yield more fully to the Spirit of Christ!  As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, yield to Christ this morning!


Almighty God,

As we begin this Advent season and move toward the season of the birth of the Christ, forgive us of our sins.  Let us be prepared for your coming!  Let us be prepared so that if you were to come back tomorrow we would be ready and not be caught unaware!   Amen.

Monday, November 25, 2024

God's Abiding Care!

                         Christ the Kind and Thanksgiving Sunday!


                         Matt. 6:25-33


(1)  Focus Statement:

This sermon tells us to not worry because God will take

care of us and to be thankful for God's continuous care.


(2)  Function Statement:

Because of this sermon the congregation will relate to instances in their lives where God has been there and cared      for them and will be thankful.



     Today is Christ the King and Thanksgiving Sunday!  This Sunday completes the Christian year.  We have cycled through Christ’s birth and life.  Today, we celebrate that Christ’s sits on the throne in heaven and reigns along with God over all creation.  We celebrate His reigning in our lives!  We celebrate that whatever happens He is there to bring us through, and we can be thankful for that!


1st Movement

As I may have already indicated before, I lived through a very bitter split in the church that I was a member of as a teenager.  I would like to share one story from the time we attended the church after the split which was about two years.


It was a Saturday work day at the church.  We had been working inside on either installing a Baptistry or remodeling the nursery, putting one way glass in so people in the nursery could see the worship service.  Things had gone pretty well.  In some ways, the church had tried to pick up and go on over the last two years; in other ways, they had not.  We had done a lot of work on the building during these regular work days, and the church had tried to create a new start, but there was a lot of bitterness toward "those other people."  This particular work-day, we had finished what we were doing inside, and a prominent lady from our church and myself (about a 17 year old youth) were out in front of the church.  There was this old ugly stump out in the front of our church where we had cut down a dead tree in the past.  A man from the other church who was a farmer came by, stopped, and offered to pull out this stump for us with one of his tractors.  Before I tell you what happened next, you need to know that this man, prior to the splitting of the church, had been the Youth Sunday School teacher, had held cottage prayer meetings with the youth in his home, and had been a trustee in the church.  When this man made the offer to remove the stump, this leading lady in our church laid into him something fierce with me standing at her side.  "You get off of this property!  We don't need your help!  You didn't help us when you were here, and you're not going to help us now!"  As he kind of backed toward his truck, he made another attempt.  "I just wanted to do what I could to help; I think we all need to work together;  I could pull it out pretty easy with my tractor."  She said to that, "Get out of here!  We don't need you!"  After he left, I tried to talk to her, but she made one other statement that I will never forget, "I don't know if it is right or wrong, but that is the way I feel!"  After this last of many events that showed to us that the people were not willing to leave the past in the past and move on for the Lord, my family and I moved to another church.  I was very broken, my family probably left mainly because of me, but the Lord brought me through it and has helped me to grow and be better because of this chain of awful experiences in my life.  The Lord has taken care of me!


I can remember one other time, as I looked at this scripture, before Donna and I got married, my family and I went on vacation to Michigan.  My grandparents and some of my other relatives were in Michigan, and we would try to go up there about once a year to see them.  We were driving up, and it was night.  It was one of those dark, rainy nights where you can't see too well.  I was driving, and we had missed the turn where we usually turn because things do not look the same at night.  We were trying to get off in Holt because that is where my mom's brother lived (Holt is a suburb of Lansing).  We saw an exit that we recognized as being a road near them, so we went off.  We circled around off of the ramp and came to a stop light.  We looked the situation over, and decided to turn left.  We couldn't see any signs, but that felt like the way that we should go.  As soon as I made the left turn, blue lights started flashing in my rear view mirror.  I pulled off, and the policeman came to my door.  I told him that we were lost, and he said, "That's evident!"  Come to find out, we were headed up a one-way street the wrong way.  He said, "It's a good thing it is this time of the night because normally people are coming down this road at 55 mph."  He told us how to get where we were trying to go and let us go.  The Lord, with the help of this officer, took care of us again!


2nd movement

Our passage today says not to worry about our life, what we will eat or drink, and don't worry about our body, what we will wear.  Look at the birds of the air and the flowers in the field.  God takes care of them so wondrously, and we are more important to God than these.  We spend a lot of time worrying about life.  As I look back over my life, God has been there.  God hasn't always sheltered me from the bad as is evident from the first story that I shared today, but God has helped me to grow and be better in spite of what Satan or the world brings my way!  I have learned to cherish the scriptures:  (1) "All things work together . . . .", (2) "God is not the author of confusion . . . .", and (3) "God will not allow us to be tempted beyond . . . ."  God can take our hurts and turn them into something good for us.  On the other hand, there have been those times when God has sheltered me from the bad as is evident by the second story.  I know God doesn't always promise to do this.  We don't know what the future holds, but we know that God is there and will take care of us.  That is what our scripture tells us this morning!


3rd movement

In a couple of days, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day.  As we pause for just a moment, I would like to ask you to try to think of some experiences in your life when God has been there and cared for you.   Pause . . . .   Have you thanked God for God's abiding care?  I challenge you to do that as we encounter Christ at the table today;  after you receive communion, you can kneel at the altar or you can pray at your seat, whichever seems to you to express the most thanks to God.  Also, if my story hits a little close to home because you have experienced a crisis in your life that has left you broken, God wants to restore your life.  Won't you bring that God as we encounter Christ at the table this morning?  I also hope that after looking at this today we can be more conscious of God's abiding care as we go through this next year.  God deserves our praise and thanks more often than once a year!  Amen!

                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion