Introduction: Watch clip about Rosa Parks:
A. What does it mean to "Be true to a
B. Maybe, to stand up for something we believe in no matter what.
C. But it is so easy to give in to pressure and be untrue to a promise.
Today, we will look at the church in Pergamos and see what we can learn about being true to a cause from their situation. Remember, we are interpreting Revelation as either Historic or Metaphoric, and as we do, we can take what Jesus says to these churches and apply it to today.
Rev. 2:12-17
I. Pergamos: the city and its background.
A. Not as important as Ephesus and Symrna:
1. Commercially
a. no sea port
b. Trade was slow because you had to go elsewhere for shipping.
2. Politically
a. Not as large, so not as noticeable.
b. Not as important a town.
B. But religiously, Pergamos was famous.
1. Many religions were there: pagan religions.
a. Zeus: (zoos) god
of the elements, moral law and order, and
punisher of guilt. (Webster &
b. Athena: Greek
goddess of wisdom (Webster & BKC)
c. Dionysius: Greek
god of wine. (Webster & BKC)
d. Asclepius: a pagan god of healing represented in the form of a serpent. (BKC) You had to come and let snakes crawl over you to get healing. (Don T.)
2. Pergamos was the capital of "emperor
worship" for this entire area. Here you worshipped the emperor if
you knew what was good for you!
C. So the Christians in Pergamos were a small,
and strange group of people to the rest of the town.
II. Pergamos the Church.
A. Commendation: faithfulness even in the midst of Satan's throne. (vs. 13)
1. Refers to emperor worship!
2. Even when one of them was killed (Antipas),
they still remained true.
B. Reprimand:
1. The Church OK's the teachings of Balaam.
a. He was a Hebrew false teacher who led Israel
into idol
worship and adultery w/Moabite women.
b. Pergamos, the church, had evidently okayed
attending idol
feasts and perhaps the immoral
sexual rituals
which went with them.
2. Again, as in Ephesus, the Nicolaitines are
a. Remember the Nicolaitans were make believe
Christians who taught that Christians were free
eat food offered to idols and to practice
in the name of religion.@
(Mercer Bible
b. Again, Christ says, "I hate their
c. But this time there are people here who hold
to this
C. Exhortation:
1. Repent!
2. If not, Christ would consider them as against
3. He would cut them off as with a two edged
D. Promise:
Those who remained true would receive:
1. Hidden manna.
a. As Israel had in the wilderness, God would
provide this
for them.
b. God would provide what they needed to meet
their needs!
2. A white stone.
1. Scholars differ as to the meaning of the
white stone.
2. The important point is the stone's
which gives the believer "a
new name"
indicating acceptance by God!
III. Pergamos' message to Forsyth UMC.
A. Be thankful we are not persecuted for being
Christians (to
degree they were back then).
B. Be careful not to accept or condone
immorality in our
personal lives!
(Notice, Pergamos was reprimanded for
their own sin,
not because they were allowing sin to go
on around
them. None of these churches are
for living
amongst sin; God does not expect us to control
the sins of
those around us, just to show them a better
way!) Again, be
careful not to accept or condone
immorality in
our personal lives:
1. Is it alright to cheat a little?
2. To look at pornography?
3. If we are sexually active, are we living in
4. Do we treat those who are not like us with
love and
5. Do we keep our commitments?
a. We are to be transformed, not conformed!
(Rom. 12.2)
b. However, we should be careful not to act better
than others, and we should always welcome all people (those on the
outside) because Christ died for all! (John 3:16)
6. This is more about being true
ourselves than about standing up and making others conform! You can’t force Christianity!
C. Strive to be more in touch with God, so we
1. Receive hidden manna:
a. Strength.
b. Courage.
c. Patience.
d. Comfort.
e. Encouragement.
2. Receive the white stone of approval showing
that God is pleased with our lives!
D. Strive to be faithful to God in spite of
1. Don’t do something or not do something we
feel Christ
would have us do or not do to be accepted!
2. Rosa Parks stood or sat on her convictions
even when
it would have been easier to conform, and she changed
the world in the US.
3. Make sure your convictions are what Christ
taught or
stood for (love, helping the sick and the outcasts,
acceptance, and grace) and not what everyone else
says you should do, and then stay true to that!
Do we feel that God is pleased with our lives?
B. Are we conforming or being transformed?
1. Are we being careful not to condone
immorality in
our own lives?
2. Are we accepting to all people?
3. Are we striving to be more in touch with God?
C. Or do we need to ask God to help us with this
one as we
Christ at the table today?
Prayer of Confession
of Communion