Monday, August 26, 2024

Seven Churches of Revelation Series. Sermon 3: Pergamos. "The Conformed Church!"


Introduction:   Watch clip about Rosa Parks:



A.   What does it mean to "Be true to a cause?"

B.   Maybe, to stand up for something we believe in no matter what.

C.   But it is so easy to give in to pressure and be untrue to a promise.


Today, we will look at the church in Pergamos and see what we can learn about being true to a cause from their situation. Remember, we are interpreting Revelation as either Historic or Metaphoric, and as we do, we can take what Jesus says to these churches and apply it to today.



                          Rev. 2:12-17


I.   Pergamos: the city and its background.

A.   Not as important as Ephesus and Symrna:

1.   Commercially

a.   no sea port

b.   Trade was slow because you had to go elsewhere for shipping.

2.   Politically

a.   Not as large, so not as noticeable.

b.   Not as important a town.


B.   But religiously, Pergamos was famous.

1.   Many religions were there: pagan religions.

a.   Zeus: (zoos)   god of the elements, moral law and order, and punisher of                                      guilt. (Webster & BKC)

b.   Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom (Webster &                                                           BKC)

c.   Dionysius: Greek god of wine. (Webster &                                                           BKC)


d.   Asclepius:     a pagan god of healing represented in the form of a                                    serpent. (BKC)   You had to come and let snakes  crawl over you to get healing.                                                     (Don T.)

2.   Pergamos was the capital of "emperor worship" for  this entire area.  Here you worshipped the emperor  if you knew what was good for you!


C.   So the Christians in Pergamos were a small, and strange group of people to the rest of the town.


II.  Pergamos the Church.

A.   Commendation:  faithfulness even in the midst of Satan's throne. (vs. 13)

1.   Refers to emperor worship!

2.   Even when one of them was killed (Antipas), they still remained true.


B.   Reprimand: 

1.   The Church OK's the teachings of Balaam.

a.   He was a Hebrew false teacher who led Israel

into idol worship and adultery w/Moabite women.

b.   Pergamos, the church, had evidently okayed

attending idol feasts and perhaps the immoral

sexual rituals which went with them.

2.   Again, as in Ephesus, the Nicolaitines are


a.   Remember the Nicolaitans were make believe

Christians who taught that Christians were free

To eat food offered to idols and to practice

fornication in the name of religion.@

(Mercer Bible Dict.)

b.   Again, Christ says, "I hate their doctrine!"

c.   But this time there are people here who hold

to this doctrine!


C.   Exhortation:

1.   Repent!

2.   If not, Christ would consider them as against Him.

3.   He would cut them off as with a two edged sword!


D.   Promise:  Those who remained true would receive:

1.   Hidden manna.

a.   As Israel had in the wilderness, God would

provide this for them.

b.   God would provide what they needed to meet

their needs!

2.   A white stone.

1.   Scholars differ as to the meaning of the

white stone.

2.   The important point is the stone's

inscription which gives the believer "a

new name" indicating acceptance by God!


III. Pergamos' message to Forsyth UMC.

A.   Be thankful we are not persecuted for being Christians (to

the degree they were back then).


B.   Be careful not to accept or condone immorality in our

personal lives! (Notice, Pergamos was reprimanded for

their own sin, not because they were allowing sin to go

on around them.  None of these churches are reprimanded

for living amongst sin; God does not expect us to control

the sins of those around us, just to show them a better

way!) Again, be careful not to accept or condone

immorality in our personal lives:

1.   Is it alright to cheat a little?

2.   To look at pornography?

          3.   If we are sexually active, are we living in sexually

              monogamous relationships?

          4.   Do we treat those who are not like us with love and


5.   Do we keep our commitments?

a.   We are to be transformed, not conformed!

(Rom. 12.2)

b.   However, we should be careful not to act better than others, and we should always welcome all people (those on the outside)  because Christ died for all! (John 3:16)

6.   This is more about being true ourselves than about standing up and making others conform!  You can’t force Christianity!


C.   Strive to be more in touch with God, so we can:

1.   Receive hidden manna:

a.   Strength.

b.   Courage.

c.   Patience.

d.   Comfort.

e.   Encouragement.

2.   Receive the white stone of approval showing that  God is pleased with our lives!



     D.   Strive to be faithful to God in spite of opposition!

          1.   Don’t do something or not do something we feel Christ

would have us do or not do to be accepted!

          2.   Rosa Parks stood or sat on her convictions even when

it would have been easier to conform, and she changed

the world in the US.

          3.   Make sure your convictions are what Christ taught or

stood for (love, helping the sick and the outcasts,

acceptance, and grace) and not what everyone else

says you should do, and then stay true to that!



A.      Do we feel that God is pleased with our lives?


B.   Are we conforming or being transformed?

1.   Are we being careful not to condone immorality in

our own lives?

2.   Are we accepting to all people?

3.   Are we striving to be more in touch with God?


C.   Or do we need to ask God to help us with this one as we

encounter Christ at the table today?


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, August 19, 2024

Seven Churches of Revelation Series: Sermon 2: Smyrna. "The Rich, Poor Church!"

Intro.    Watch this clip: (kids discuss how much money it takes to be rich.)



A.   How much money would you say a person has to have to be considered rich?


B.   Today, we will look at some rich, poor people, and

hopefully, we will see what "Rich" really means!



                          Rev. 2:8-11


I.   Again, a few comments about the interpretation of Revelation

in case you were not here last week.

A.   There are three methods of interpreting Revelation.              They are:

1.   Post millennial - it's all historical. (Barr)

2.   Pre millennial  - it's all prophetical. (Barr)

     This method only became popular during the mid 1900s,

but it is very popular today with some traditions.

3.   Al-millennial view - Symbolical.  The seven

     churches represent seven kinds of churches that

exist in any age and any time. 

(Barr - "New Testament Story" pg. 269)


              Another name for this type of interpretation is

Metaphoric because it uses metaphors to reveal truths

that are applicable to any age.  I think this is the

most accurate way to interpret Revelation.


B.   If we view it as either Historic or Symbolic, we can

take what Jesus says to these churches and apply it to today.


C.   That is what we are doing as we examine these letters to

the churches of Revelation.


II.  Smyrna: The City and Its Background.

A.   Smyrna was a large and wealthy city 36 miles north of Ephesus. (BKC)


B.   Like Ephesus, Smyrna was also a seaport. (BKC)  It was also a great trade center.


C.   Politically, it was pro Rome.  Even when Rome was young, Smyrna was for her.


D.   Religiously, Smyrna practiced Emperor worship.  In 195 B.C., a temple was built for emperor worship.


E.   Apparently, the local Jewish synagogue was called the Synagogue of Satan! (BKC)  Also see Rev. 3:9.


III. Smyrna, The Church.

A.   Commendation: (vs. 9)

1.   Although materially poor, they had remained rich in Spirit!

a.   It is possible that their poverty was a result of Jewish conniving; the Jews in this city would tell lies to people to keep the Christians from getting jobs etc.

b.   Also, property was confiscated by order of  emperor Domitian; again, Jews could tell who  Christians were and demand that they bow down and worship the emperor, and when they refused, they lost all!

2.   Christ commends them for holding on and keeping Spiritually rich when it would have been so easy to give up!

     a.   It would have been so easy to bow down to the

emperor and somehow justify it, but they did

not.  The church has been strongest when stands

for Christ’s teachings of love, grace,

generosity, and acceptance, even when it stands

against nationalism.

              b.   During the time of Constantine when

Christianity was made the state religion, it

became popular to be a Christian, but the real

teachings of the church suffered.

              c.   Christ taught to turn the other cheek, to love

your neighbors as yourself, to accept those on

the outside, but Constantine put crosses on

their shields and slaughtered in the name of


              d.   When Christianity co-ops with nationalism, it

is never a good idea.  The Church gets swallowed

up and begins to justify things that are against

Christ’s teachings.  The Church at Smyrna did

not do this!  They stood fast for Christ against



B.   Reprimand: 

1.   There is no reprimand to Smyrna.

2.   Smyrna is one of only two of the seven churches who receives no reprimand!

3.   This was a model church!


C.   Exhortation:  (vs. 10a)

1.   To prepare for new suffering which will be for a  short time.

a.   Tribulation.

b.   Prison.

c.   Even death.

              d.   It is not always easy to be a Christian!

2.   Whatever they face, Christ exhorts them not to  give up!


D.   Promise:  (vs. 10b)

1.   To those who were true, a crown of life!

2.   Even if they gave their lives, it would be worth  the cost!  They would have the rewards of Christ!

3.   They would really be rich, if they didn't let their poverty cause them to compromise and do as the Jews in Smyrna had done.


III. Smyrna's Message to Forsyth UMC.

A.   To thank God for our riches, both

1.   Materially (to much of the world we are rich).

2.   Spiritually.


B.   To realize the meaning of "Rich."

1.   If we spend our lives seeking material "Riches" and we find them, are we rich?  Do we feel satisfaction?

2.   People who are "Rich" are those who find a  

meaningful life in Christ!  That satisfies!

          3.   People who are “Rich” are rich spiritually!


C.   To never become like the pious Jews.

1.   They prevented those different from them from becoming a part of them.

2.   We must never make anyone feel like they do not  belong.

a.   It is easy to only associate with those who  are exactly like us.

b.   Let's be careful to reach out to all people.


          3.   The Jews of this synagogue of Satan compromised their

beliefs to be accepted by Rome.

a.   Let’s never compromise the teachings of Christ

to be accepted by the government!

              b.   Christ taught to welcome the stranger! (Matt.

25:31-40)  The Hebrew people were instructed to

“Treat foreigners and refugees as citizens – and

with love.” (Lev. 19:34)

              c.   Jesus accepted women and treated them as equals

even in a society that did not view them that

way! Let’s not readily accept laws that “put

women in their place!”  Even in the early

church, women became leaders!

              d.   Contrary to what some would have us think,

Christ never mentioned homosexuality,

abortion, or many of the issues we deal with

today, but He was big on love, grace, turning

the other cheek, and acceptance!  Let’s use

that model to deal with the issues of the day and let God be the judge! Look at the issues through that lense!

              e.   Let’s not accept laws that are unfair to any

minority in our society, just because they are

not like us! Let’s respond to and for all people

with Love!

              f.   To be accepted by the government or to make

money, let’s not make the word Christian stand

for anything that Christ would not have stood

for! Again, Christ was big on Love, acceptance,

grace, and turning the other cheek! Let’s think

long and hard before going against the things

Christ stressed most of all! Let’s make those

things the things that we stand for and


              g.   We boast of being a Christian nation, but we are

not a Christian Nation when we stand for or

against things Christ would not have stood for

or against!

              h.   Unlike in Rome, the good thing about being a

citizen of the United States, we can

“peacefully” vote our mind.  We do not have to

agree with everything the government does or how

the vote goes, but we can vote for the things

we think are more in line with Christ’s

teachings, so each time you vote, do that!

Weigh it out and don’t just go by what they say

but also what they do and support!  Anyone can

say they are Christian, but we are known by how

we live!

          4.   The Church at Smyrna did not compromise and bow to

Rome even at the risk of being persecuted.  They

stood true to Christ! Smyrna would say to us, stay

true to Christ first and to your country second and

not the other way around! There is a theological

reason we have 2 flag poles flying the US Flag and

the Christian flag flying at equal height and not one

flag pole with the Christian flag flying under the

US flag!  Think about it!

          5.   The Church at Smyrna was Spiritually Rich even when

the world they lived in was not.  We can be

Spiritually Rich in our world!  Smyrna would say, go

Forsyth UMC and be Spiritually Rich; your ability to

be rich is not controlled by outside forces!


D.   Lastly, Christ would say to Forsyth to live our lives

richly, anticipating the time when we receive our

crown of life.

1.   No Christian should have a defeated outlook; we are on the winning side!

2.   We have a reason to be spiritually rich, even when

we are having hard times.

3.   Let Christ's promise of life help us live this  life more richly!



A.   Have we let the tone of today's world get us down and discouraged? I don’t know about you, but I needed this one!


B.   Let's ask Christ to help us see the blessings and find out how rich we really are as we encounter Christ at the table this morning!


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, August 12, 2024

Seven Churches of Revelation Series. Sermon One: "The Church That Left It's First Love."



A.   How many can remember your first "puppy love?"


B.   It is said our first love is never forgotten because

it is our first bout with love and its pitfalls.


C.   A new Christian's experience with Christ is almost

Like this.

1.   When we first make a commitment, or when we are

first confirmed and say, “Yes, I want to follow

Christ,” we become aware of a love like we have

never known.

          2.   It is new; it is fresh; and it is exciting!


D.   We will see today that we need to mature to greater  depths but never loose that joy and zest Christ gives  us when we begin our journey.



                          Rev. 2:1-7


I.   Comments about interpretation of Revelation.

A.   There are three basic methods of interpreting

Revelation. They are:

1.   Post millennial - it's all historical. (Barr)

2.   Pre millennial  - it's all prophetical. (Barr)

3.   Al-millennial view - Symbolical.  The seven churches represent seven kinds of churches that  exist in any age and any time. 

(Barr - "New Testament Story" pg. 269)


B.   I believe the preferred interpretation is symbolic or

Some would call it metaphoric, but it can be applied

to anytime and any age.  It is applicable to any age. 

If we view it as either Historic or Symbolic, we can

take what Jesus says to these churches and apply it to



C.   That is what we want to do the upcoming weeks.


II.  Ephesus: The City and Its Background.

A.   The importance of Ephesus.

1.   Commercially.

a.   It was the home of a fine seaport which accommodated vast trading enterprises. 

(N.T., Hester pg. 297)

b.   Three great roads came and left Ephesus.

c.   A great trade center.  Sooner or later every important person in Asia came to Ephesus.

2.   Politically.

a.   Ephesus was the capital of Asia. (Hester)

b.   Also, the leading city of all Asia Minor.  (Hester)

c.   Here was the seat of the imperical proconsul and the center of the Asiarchate, the union  of the chief cities of the province.       (Hester)

3.   Religiously.

a.   Home of the goddess of fertility, Diana  (Artemis) and her temple.

b.   Which is one of the seven ancient wonders of  the world.

c.   It was the center of sexual perversion, in the name of religion.

1)   Diana was the goddess of fertility, so

They would perform sexual acts in the

temple to show her what they wanted, so

to speak.

                   2)   In the ancient world, many times these

Acts would include men with little

boys, which in Christianity has always

been condemned. In the translation of

the bible, this has sometimes been

referred to as homosexuality, but in

reality, it is more about and would

better be translated as pedophilia.


B.   Ephesian people were known for their evil deeds:

cheating, lying, murder, and sexual immorality.


III. Ephesus the Church.

A.   Commendation:  (vs. 2&3)

1.   Accomplished genuine Christian works - "he knew  their works."


2.   They couldn't bear that which was evil! They were  good people.

3.   They rejected false prophets.

4.   They practiced a patient endurance amongst the  evil culture.

5.   They hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans!

(def. Make believe Christians [Nelson Bible])

AThe Nicolaitans taught that Christians were free

To eat food offered to idols and to practice

fornication in the name of religion.@

(Mercer Bible Dict.)


B.   Reprimand:  (vs. 4)

1.   They had lost their first love!

2.   Perhaps, they had been so busy heresy hunting

that they had lost sight of love and forgiveness!

3.   Perhaps, they were so busy with doctrine and creed that they had forgotten the real value of love!  They had gotten so caught up in straightening people out that they forgotten to Love!

4.   Perhaps their enthusiasm and joy of working for Christ was gone.


C.   Exhortation:  (vs. 5)

1.   Remember:  What God had done and was doing for them.  Remember how it once was between you &  Christ!

2.   Repent:  Godly sorrow for their loss of their  first love.

3.   Do:  get back to a life made different by Christ's love!


D.   Promise:

1.   Remove lampstand if they do not repent and regain their Love.  (vs. 5)

2.   If they do repent, the tree of life and the

              paradise of God. (vs. 7)


IV.  Ephesus' message to Forsyth UMC.

A.   To be:

1.   Patient and enduring.

a.   Always ready to love people with the same love that God loved us: unmerited, unconditional, and steadfast.

b.   Ready to avoid discouragement. (enduring without discouragement)

2.   Always seeking the truth in love.


B.   To remember our first love.

1.   Never to let the warm love of Christ escape us.

2.   Do not let the negativity of the world stamp out

Our love in Christ!

          3.   To always remember the 2 great commandments: Love

God 1st and love others as ourselves!  Let love

Prevail in spite of all!

4.   To serve each other because we really love, care,

and desire to do so.


C.   To beware, lest we grow bitter and worn, cold and  indifferent and our lampstand be removed!  We must

have an enduring first love to be worthy of Christ!




A.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, if

There is anyone who has never known this first love or

Any Christian who has let that love grow cold, let's

let Christ forgive our sins and replace the guilt with

God's love.


B.   Let's also pray that the Spirit would help us to

always stay true to God, "Our First Love!"


C.   Let’s also pray that we would always be used as

conveyers of God’s unconditional love!


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


Monday, August 5, 2024

Cloud by Day and Fire by Night!

                                     Exodus 13:21 & 14:19-31


Focus Statement:    This scripture shows how the pillar of cloud

by and day and pillar of fire by night were

given as visible signs of the Lord's leading

the Hebrew people out of Egypt.


Function Statement: Because of this sermon, the congregation will be more alert for and receptive to the visible signs of the Lord's presence in their lives and will be more available to be used as signs in someone else=s life.


1st movement:

At our first full-time pastorate in Indiana at Concord Church in Bloomfield, as a part-time job, we also did the church cleaning.  One day I went into the sanctuary, put a tape in the PA system to listen to, and proceeded to pick up and vacuum the church.  I was listening to the music and probably singing along as I vacuumed between, and under the pews.  It took a quite a while to give it a thorough vacuuming.  I had been having some hard times and was at a rather low time in my life.  Much of it had to do with ministerial things.  I had some rather difficult stuff that I was dealing with which isn't necessary to share and in respect of confidentiality I won't.  Some of it had to do with the fact I hadn't learned to be there for people; but yet, know where to just turn it over to the Lord and leave it there, that there was only so much I could do and so far that I could go in solving someone else=s problems!  Then the tape comes to a song called, "Light at the End of the Darkness."  That song caught my attention and I stopped in tears and listened for awhile.  It talked about the darkness of life and how in Christ there is light at the end of the darkness: there is hope for the hopeless and a soothing balm for pain and misery!  It said this light shines for all the world to see.  It will shine on our hearts if we will let it!  It's as near as our faith but sometimes seems fleeting!  So look up when you are down and try to believe!  It said, "sometimes we have to be knocked down to make us look upward," and at these times in faith we needed to look upward and try to believe!  It said, "I was looking up from the bottom when it finally shined on me!  Take a listen:

I felt like I was there, and I encountered God that day in that empty church.  God and I had a prayer meeting that day!  This song became for me that day an audible sign of God's presence in my life.  It became an assurance of what I already believed!  And it helped me to take to the Lord what I couldn't bare by myself!

2nd movement:

In our scripture today, the Hebrew people are being led out of Egypt by a visible sign of God: a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  They could and did easily forget that God was there because they were used to the idea of associating God with a place: the tabernacle.  They moved their tabernacle with them, and it was hard for them to imagine God any other place!  God was in the inner most sanctum of this tabernacle: the holy of holies!  They were told that within this cloud or fire was God!  This was a new concept for them.  They needed this visible sign of God's presence and leading to remind them of God's work in what was happening here. That is what the Cloud by Day and Fire by Night was to them, a visible sign of God’s presence!

3rd movement:

I think sometimes we receive and need audible and visible signs of God's presence.  We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and can forget that God is there!  Signs still stand as reminders to us that God is active in our lives.  I think that is what that song was for me that day.  I think I am more receptive to audible signs such as I have described, but others are more receptive to visible signs: stained glass windows, crosses, seeing something written rather than hearing it spoken.  Seeing someone do an act of kindness in the name of Christ.  Sometimes we even use the sense of taste such as in taking communion!  Sometimes we experience signs with more than one of our senses.  Sometimes it is something someone says at a particular time in our lives!  Sometimes it is something that happens or something someone does!  Sometimes it is just because someone is there; this is especially true when that someone's spirituality is highly respected.  Do we look for the signs of God's presence in our lives?  Do we expect to see signs of God in our everyday lives?  I believe those signs are there because I have experienced God in some of the most unexpected times and places!  I have tried to share one of these times with you today.  I thank God for God's signs even when I wasn't looking for them!  I thank God that God can step into everyday life and make us aware of God's presence!  It isn't anything I have done; it's God stepping into our lives by a sign and saying here I am, "Excuse me!  Can I have your attention please?@  I thank God for people who have represented God to me!  I pray that God will use me as a sign of God's presence in someone else's life.  What about you?  How does God use signs in your life?  How has God's presence been made known to you?  How is God using you?  (pause)

As we take communion today, first, I hope the smell of the bread, the taste of the juice, the words of institution stand as visible signs to you of God’s presence, but secondly, as we encounter Christ at the table today, ask Christ to use you as a visible sign of God’s presence to someone else as we go forth this week.  Ask Christ to let you be just what someone needs to experience God this week!

Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion