Thanksgiving Sunday!
Psalm 150:1-6
A. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Some will ask, what do I have to
be thankful for? Many will stop, count
their blessings, and express their thanks to God!
B. This is something that should take place all
year round! People with a grateful heart will naturally express
C. Praise in worship is one form of thanks
expressed to God and many times people have trouble
expressing praise!
I would like to look at
"Praise" today and see
we can come to a better understanding of how we can come to the place of
Praising God!
I. The Psalmist is
very clear that we should praise the Lord!
A. Praise
God in his sanctuary!
B. Praise
God for what God has done!
C. Praise
God with music!
D. "Let
everything that breathes praise the Lord!
E. But
many times, Praise is seen as some mysterious
that we do not know if we want to do are not!
II. First, let's
look at some common misconceptions about
A. The
Worship & Praise in a worship service is controlled largely by the worship leader.
1. In other words, the leader should be able to cause us to worship and praise the Lord by the way he or she conducts the service.
2. The leader can possibly cause us to have an interesting service or maybe even raise the enthusiasm a little, but he or she can't cause us to praise the Lord!
3. The leader might say, "Do I hear an Amen?" We might respond by saying, "Amen." That doesn't mean that we mean it!
4. The
leader might get everyone to raise their hands as a praise gesture, but that
doesn't mean it is heartfelt!
5. Worship & Praise comes from the heart, and the Worship leader can't create that in our hearts that causes us to Praise the Lord!
B. The pastor, singers, & worship leader are conducting worship; we are just spectators.
1. We should all be worshiping; we are all the actors. The pastor is on the same level as the congregation, when it comes to praise in worship!
2. God
should be the spectator; we are all worshiping for and to God.
3. Although,
God does become active also in the movement of the Holy Spirit!
C. Praise and worship comes when individuals make a decision that today I am going to Praise the Lord!
1. While
this is a part of it, we do need to make an effort to prepare ourselves for
worship and to be active in worship.
2. This
isn't the key either; we may decide that we think our worship services are
lacking, so we are going to worship today.
a. So, we decide that we are going to testify today, but we really do not feel the testimony or the victory!
b. We may decide that our services need more outward expression (saying amen, lifting hands), so we decide to do this, but it isn't heartfelt, and we haven't praised the Lord!
III. Then how do we
come to the place of Praising the Lord?
A. We
have to work on the heart.
1. Praise
is a form of Thankfulness; we may say Thank You to someone because it is the
thing to do, but if we don't feel gratitude in our
hearts then we aren't Thankful!
2. We
can go through the motions of praise, but if we don't feel it in our hearts, we
haven't worshiped!
B. How do we work on the heart? If we have trouble worshiping and feeling praise, what do we need to do? Start with the basics:
1. Are
we in tune with God the rest of the week?
APray without ceasing.@ (I Thess. 5:17) If we aren't, how can we expect to be in tune on Sunday?
a. Do
we pray? without ceasing? (prayerful attitude)
b. Do
we consult God with everyday decisions?
c. Do
we lean on God through the week?
d. Do
we realize the good things God does and Thank God for them regularly?
2. Do
we desire to know more about God?
a. Do we study and read the Bible regularly? In it we see reasons to Praise the Lord!
b. Do we take opportunities to learn from other Christians and be encouraged by other Christians by attending church services?
3. Do
we desire to serve the Lord through the week?
a. Do
we want to be used to tell others about Christ? Do we take opportunities?
b. Do we want to show God's love by caring and doing for other people? Do we take opportunities?
IV. We have too
long put too much emphasis on our Sunday Morning
service as a gauge of how our church is doing!
A. Someone
asks how our church is doing; they are wanting
to know how many we are running on
Sunday morning.
B. They
ask us how spiritual our church is; they are
wanting to know if we have any amens,
crying, hand
raising, and things like that.
C. But
the real gauge of how our church is doing is what
are we doing after encountering
Christ Sunday morning?
1. Are
we concerned about growth enough that we are taking part in our own daily Bible
2. Do
we stay in close communication with God through prayer?
3. Are
we busy doing for the Lord through the week?
Helping others? Involved in some personal ministry?
4. Are we supporting the ministries of the
our tithes and offerings?
D. When
we aren't doing these things, we can't praise the Lord!
1. We can't praise God for what God is doing in our lives when we aren't letting God do anything in our lives!
2. We
are too overcome with guilt and defeat!
E. But when we do these things, Praise is a natural response.
1. Our
hearts are full!
2. We are so excited about how we've seen God move in our lives!
3. People
will naturally express this praise in different ways.
a. Some
may cry!
b. Some
may want to say amen!
c. Some
may want to testify!
d. Some will sing a little louder!
e. All
will want to participate in worship!
F. But it will all be the natural response of hearts in tune with God, hearts that can see God making a difference in their lives!
A. Are
we one of those "hearts in tune" this morning?
B. Or
do we find ourselves asking, what do I have to be thankful for? Thanksgiving has become a drudgery! Praise has become something we try to work
ourselves up to! It doesn=t have to
be that way!
C. As we encounter Christ at the table this
renew your relationship,
work on that relationship all
week, so that
you can really celebrate Thanksgiving
and so you can
overflow in praise to God on Sunday?
Prayer of Confession
Service of Communion
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