Monday, December 18, 2023

No Room in the Inn!

                                            3rd Sunday of Advent!


A.   Have you ever stopped in a town to stay overnight only to find that you couldn't get a room because of some  convention or a ball game?


B.   This kind-of happened to Christ one time!


C.   Does in still happen to Christ today?


D.   Let's look this morning at the time it happened to Him and ask ourselves whether or not it can still happen  today.


                          Luke 2:1-7


I.   This is the time it happened to Christ!


A.   Joseph and Mary had gone to Bethlehem to be taxed.


B.   As ordered by Caesar Augustus everyone was to return to their hometown to be taxed, so Bethlehem was very  crowded!


C.   There wasn't any room in the Inn because there were  already other people there that had come for the taxing!


D.   So Jesus came into this world in a stable.  He was

          given second best because all the best places were



II.  Can or does this still happen to Christ today?  Is Christ ever turned away because there is no room?


A.   You wouldn't think so would you?  You would think that if Jesus came today (since we know who he is) He would be given the best place possible!


B.   But Christ "is" here today in the form of His spirit.


C.   And Yes, I believe this still happens to Him today!


D.   Today the Inn may not be crowded with people, but it

is still crowded where Christ can't get in!

E.   The "Inn" I'm talking about is people's hearts!

Christ is here, and Christ will only take the place we

give Him! Christ isn't pushy! Like the famous painting

with Christ standing at the door knocking and no door

knob on the outside of the door, we have to let him



III. Let's look at some things the heart can be crowded with and not leave any room for Christ!


A.   The heart can be crowded with making money!

1.   Making money isn't wrong; we all need some to  live!  Right?

2.   But making money is exciting, and it can be fun to plan ways to make money.  We can get so absorbed in it that we stay up at night to plan our next move! This isn't necessarily wrong, but it does illustrate how absorbed we can get with it and whether it is wrong or not is determined by how making money ranks in comparison to Jesus!

3.   Because it is exciting, we can become so possessed with making money we don't leave any room for Christ!

4.   I'm not saying you shouldn't ever stay up to make financial plans, but do we ever stay up for Christ?

Does Christ get more room in our hearts?

1.      When is the last time you stayed awake thinking about Christ or the Church?

4.   Also, “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." I Tim. 6:10a NRSV

a.   We can get so absorbed in money that we start justifying sin!  It's alright to cheat a  little here!  It's alright to misrepresent  here a little to sell something!

b.   The next thing we know how much money we will  make is our guideline as to whether or not something is wrong instead of the teachings of Christ!  After all, I give Christ His part!

c.   But do we?  Or has Christ been shut out of our hearts altogether?


B.   The heart can become crowded with pleasure!

1.   It's not wrong for Christians to have fun; we should!

2.   But we can become so possessed with an activity (ex. sports, fishing, hunting, watching T.V., playing the computer) that we don't leave room for Jesus!

3.   A good indication we are in this shape is when these activities become more important to us than people & God!

4.   Another indicator would be a comparison between time spent in these activities and time spent:

a.   Reading and Studying the Bible.

b.   Attending "all" the services of the church

c.   Helping people.

d.   With our family.

5.   After we've given our heart to Christ, pleasure

              will still be enjoyable to us, but it will come in

second to caring and helping people and our

relationship with Christ!

6.   Pleasure may even become a tool by which we

              can minister!

ex.  Christians plan sporting activities,

fellowship dinners, camp trips, and many times those outside the church are brought into the church through these activities who normally wouldn't have ever been reached through the regular church services.


IV.  What happens when a heart is too crowded for Christ?

A.   Christ will not come in!

Matt 6:24 NRSV "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”


B.   Christ is not pushy!

Rev 3:20 NRSV  “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.”


C.   Christ will not stay where He is not wanted!

1.   II Peter 2:20-22    The scriptures are plain that people can willfully turn against God after they have accepted Christ!

2.   I hasten to say!!

Romans 8:38&39

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor  powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Nothing can make us turn from God; God is able to  keep us!  Nothing can separate us from that Love!

3.   But God doesn't take away our choice; if we

willfully turn our backs on God, we are "lost!"

4.   "the latter end is worse with them than the

beginning"  II Peter 2 v.20b

a.   Some interpret this to mean that once we  turn from God we can't turn back!

b.   I don't know about that.  I have a little  trouble with that!

c.   The point being, Christ will not stay where

Christ is not wanted!  We have to make room for

Christ!  We have to open our hearts and keep our

hearts open to Christ’s leading in our lives!



A.   Is the spirit speaking to your heart this morning?


B.   The Inns were so crowded with people at the time of  Christ's birth that he had to go somewhere else to be  born!


C.   Is there room for Christ to be born in your heart this morning or are you letting something crowd him out?


D.   Christian, are you yielding the proper place to Christ in your heart?


E.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, do you need to make a commitment to Christ? What better way to prepare for the coming of the Christ into the world?


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

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