Power to Live!
video clip of Matt. 14: 22-33:
A. When I read the scripture for today, I have
to ask myself, ACould
Peter swim?@ Why else would he be so excited when he began
to sink?
B. In this regard, I can relate to Peter. I am not too brave when it comes to water
things because I can=t
C. Tell story of canoe trip . . . .
I am perhaps a little less brave
when it comes to water things after this trip.
I like to watch water; I fish from the shore mostly; I wear a life
jacket when in a boat; I don=t
wade out too far when baptizing someone ; and It would be in my
wildest dreams to ever ski! But I think the lesson from this scripture
has much more important implications than this.
Let=s look and
see what we can learn about the power to be
I. Let=s look at the scripture:
A. Peter was brave in this scripture, especially if he could not
swim. If he could swim, he was still
brave with the water as rough as it was that day!
B. Peter was brave when Jesus was arrested; one gospel writer records
that one who was with Jesus (believed to be Peter) drew a sword and cut off the
ear of the slave of the high priest. (Mark 14:47)
C. Peter was there all the way through the mockery of a trial. He denied, but he was there. He hadn=t
quite matured in Christ!
D. But when Peter was killed, tradition has it that he was crucified,
and at his request, because he felt unworthy to be killed as his Lord, he was
crucified upside down. He was really
brave by the time of his death! What
I. How
does the implications of this message go deeper even then
A. A lot of physical things in life take bravery; getting in the
water if you can=t
swim, riding a motorcycle for some of us, sky diving for others, handling
snakes, etc.
B. But I think, where the rubber hits the road, it is spiritual
things and what God calls us to do that takes the most bravery! In Peter=s
case, it was Jesus who told him to step out onto the water.
C. Jesus can give us the power to be brave in
these cases too:
1. When I became a Christian, mine was Public
Tell of my first experience at standing
before a class
. . . .
a. I am an introvert by personality type.
b. Preaching
was the last thing I could imagine myself doing!
c. But
here I am!
d. I
still rely heavily on prayer before public speaking!
2. Telling others about Christ!
Even the toughest dude, needs power when it comes to sharing with others
about Christ!
3. Giving a public testimony! What will people think?
4. Teaching a class.
5. Singing for Christ!
6. Using our gifts, whatever they are, for Christ!
A. These
things take bravery, but Jesus can give us the Power to
be Brave!
1. Jesus
helped Peter!
2. Jesus
helped me!
3. I
don’t know what the future holds or what I will be
asked to do, but I know who holds the
future and I know
He can empower me to do it!
A. Is God calling you to something that you can=t imagine yourself doing?
B. Give it an honest look; don=t
discount it too quick because you can=t
see yourself doing it.
C. Be willing to surrender to trying the Spirits! Be willing to step
out into the water!
D. Come to me and talk to me about; God can give you the Power to be
E. Are there things in your life that you need bravery to face?
to the one who can give you Power to be Brave as we encounter Christ at the
table this morning!
of Confession
of Communion
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