Monday, October 28, 2024

"Belief That Endures!"


At the church where I attended as a teenager, there was this lady who had two little boys who also attended; for the purposes of this recollection, we will call her Sherry.  This lady attended very faithfully.  Many of her brothers and sisters, also her mother, attended the church as well; this family was very strong in the church.  There were a few people in the family who did not attend, and one of these was Sherry=s husband, we’ll call him Terry.  Terry was one of these good old boys who just didn=t come to church and really didn=t see much use in it.  Sherry would talk of how she prayed that he would come to know Christ and she worked at it, but usually she was doing good if she could get him there for Christmas.  Time went on, the church went through some hard times and split, and Sherry continued to come very faithfully; she even got more involved after the split, Terry still didn=t come.  Sherry=s brother-in-law, who was a pastor, became the pastor of the church, and Terry still did not come.  Time went on and the church would not leave the split behind, so we later went to another church.


At that church, things began to happen.  The church began to grow, during which time I was able to find healing, but that isn=t the point of this story.  As the church was growing, one Sunday, Sherry=s sister showed up for worship; a few weeks later, Sherry and her boys showed up for worship.  They began to attend and eventually joined at that church too.  Sherry also needed to find a place where she could pick up and go on and leave the dissension behind; a place where her boys could grow in Christ in a positive environment.  One Sunday we arrived at church to find out that the thing we had hoped for and prayed for had happened.  Terry had come under conviction and had called our pastor to his house and had made a profession of faith.  Terry became very active in church.  He was a go-getter for God!  He brought others of his family members to Christ, one was an alcoholic brother-in-law!  A couple years later, Terry accepted the call into the ministry.  For a while, he later became the pastor of the church where I attended as a teenager.  He tried to help that church have a new start.  What if Sherry had given up?  What if she had quit praying for him?  What if she had quit coming to church, to be with him?  The story might have had a much different ending.



This is much like our scripture for today.  Let=s look

today at some people who had to wait a while with belief and

endurance before victory finally came.




Joshua 6:6-16&20


I.          Notice the people had a "Belief that Endured."


A.        They marched around the city six times and nothing happened.  Not even one stone fell!


B.        What if they'd given up?

1.         What if they'd said, "This won't work!  I don't see any results!"

2.         Remember these are the ancestors of those who had said, "We can't                                    conquer Canaan!"


C.        What had happened to them?  What had happened to their old attitude?

1.         Revival!  They had their belief in God revived! 

2.         They had their belief in what God could do through them revived!

3.         Could this be one of the greatest needs of the Christian Church



D.        Theirs was a belief that wouldn't give up, and victory came!


II.        We need a "Belief that Endures!"


A.        Victories don't always come to us when we want them to!

1.         It may be a loved one who we want to come to Christ.

2.         Maybe it's church growth in attendance.

3.         Or maybe it's our own personal growth as a Christian.  We find that                                    we try and try, only to fail again!


B.        The lesson here is to not give up; this could be the sixth time around

            Jericho so to speak, and it could happen any time!

1.         If we don't stop believing in what God can do through us and in the                                    world we live in!

2.         If we don't give up & quit!


C.        Let's not let Satan stamp out our belief with time!


III.       Could it be that one of Satan's greatest tools against the church and individual

            Christians is unbelief, resulting from discouragement?


A.        Look at the world around us:

1.         Christians who don't believe their life matters!

2.         Christians who don't believe they can make any difference!  Things                                    are just going to go this way, and I can't stop it is the general



B.        If Satan can discourage us thus killing our belief, he has us!


C.        A lot of times I have noticed he does it with time!

1.         Time when things we wish and pray for don't happen!

2.         Time that he can work on our minds!

3.         We need endurance to keep believing!


IV.       But it doesn't have to be this way.


A.        God is greater than Satan!


B.        God hasn't changed!  God hasn't moved!


C.        If we believe with endurance, we can have victory today!

1.         We will start seeing our loved ones come to Christ!

2.         We will continue to see our church grow!

3.         We will have personal victories over our old selves!


D.        When we believe, we are more prone to let God use us to do the things

            that need to be done so these things can happen!



A.        Do we believe in Christ?


B.        Do we believe in the difference Christ can make through us?


C.        Do we have belief that endures no matter what happens or how long it



D.        God is still the same today as he was back then!  We can see some things

            happen today, if we believe and will let God use us to make the difference!


E.         As we encounter Christ at the table today, ask God to rekindle your belief!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, October 21, 2024

A Dedicated Body.


A.   The "Church" in God's plan is to be a thriving vital

part of our world!


B.   The "Church" is a team of believers.


C.   Paul gives us some instructions in Rom. 12: 3-21 as to  what this team of believers should be!



Let's look at this passage and see what he had to say!



                         Rom. 12: 3-21


I.   We aren't to think too highly of ourselves.

A.   We should see ourselves as a part of a team, working gether!


B.   Not as "the team."


     C.   The buck does not stop here!


II.  Paul refers to this team as the "Body" of Christ!

A.   This body has many members!


B.   But each member doesn't have the same job! v.4

1.   We need to be aware of that!

2.   We are called to different jobs.

a.   We aren't all called to be preachers!

b.   We aren't all called to be teachers!

c.   We aren't to all be singers!

d.   God hasn't given any one of us all of these talents!

e.   Although, I do believe that God has given all of us a talent!

3.   As a church, we need to be careful here because:

a.   We want to encourage people, so if they have these talents, they can find them!                              (This is important!)

b.   But we don't want to push people to the

point that they feel like they should do

"all things"   or they aren't right with


c.   If we do this, people will become

discouraged and give up because after all

no-one can live up to that kind of

expectations!  None of us can or should do



C.   We should do the job that God has given us, and we

should do it to the best of our ability!

1.   If God has given us the ability to teach and we aren't doing it, that job won't get done!

a.   Somebody who we could reach may not be reached for Christ!

b.   Somebody who we could help through a bad

time may give up and quit!

2.   If God has given us the ability to sing and we  aren't doing it, somebody is missing a blessing and the encouragement that God intended for them to have!

3.   When we don't use the abilities that God has

given us, the chain of effectiveness is broken! 

The "Body" is crippled!


III. This team "Body" should show the world genuine love (v.9)!  When we do, we are showing them Christ! 


A.    Love with mutual affection; outdo one another in

Showing honor (v.10).  If we are Christians, we will love each other, and if we can't, there is something wrong!


B.   We will be honorable in all we do, even our business



C.   Rejoicing in the hope that we have in Christ (v.12).


D.   Patient in suffering, realizing that God can make us  better for having gone through it!


E.   Being a person of prayer!


F.   Giving to those in need, etc.


G.   Extending hospitality to strangers, not just those who

Are like us!

1. Not saying or posting hateful things back!

2. Not defacing property, even if it is a sign you do not agree with!

3. Not saying bad things about them!


     H.   Bless those who persecute you!  Don’t hold a grudge

          Try to get even.  In our polarized world, many feel

Persecuted by the other.  We are to bless them!  What

does that look like?


     I.   Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who

weep!  We are to have empathy for one another!  We are

to place ourselves in their shoes!  Then we know how

to act!


J.   We are to do all these things because of our "genuine love!"  The only way we could do that is as we yield to Christ and let Christ Love through us!


K.   Through God's sanctifying grace we can become what God

would have us be.


IV.  This team "Body" is to live peaceably with all people!

A.   It should go without saying that we should live

peaceably with fellow Christians!

1.   The shame of it is that today this is not always

the case!

2.   We have Christians who fight and churches that  split!

3.   We have Christians who fall-out with a brother or sister over something and will not talk to them  because of it!

4.   I have seen church problems!  I have seen

Christians fighting!

5.   These things should not be, and they will not be

if we keep in tune with God and don't fail!

6.   But we do fail, and when we do, if it causes  problems, that is where forgiveness comes in!

7.   Jesus said in Matt. 6;15, "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you!"

8.   Forgiveness is a must, and when we have this forgiving spirit, it makes it possible to live peaceably with all people!


     B.   This one hits home with the recent division of our own


1.      With the things that have been said about us by

Those who have left, it is easy to feel condemnation toward them.

          2.   We have to leave the judging to God!

          3.   There are other traditions who do not and have

               Never agreed with our theology.  We have treated

them with grace and love.  We have to do that

with those who have recently disaffiliated as



B.    This one hits home with the political polarization in

Our country!

1.      Things are said in person or online that

Demonizes what we think by the other.

2.      We have to not let it generalize our thinking

that all people who do not agree with us share those


3.      Whether they do or not, we have to give it to

God, pray about the situation, and treat the other with dignity and love! That is the Christian way!


D.   Whether we are hurt by a Christian or a non-Christian,

we are to turn it over to God and leave the judgement

to God!



A.   When we work together as the body that Christ meant for     us to be, we will make a difference!  We will see some good things happen!  We’ll see people come to Christ!

Great is our reward in heaven, as the song “Thank You” declares and so touchingly reminds us!


B.   To make a difference, to see these things happen, it

takes real dedication to Christ!


C.   Is your relationship to Christ what it should be?


D.   If it isn't, then yield to God as you encounter Christ at the table this morning!


                      Prayer of Confession


                         Holy Communion


Monday, October 14, 2024

Salty Words!




Let me share some interesting facts about salt from Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia.


A.      Salt - Chemical name is Sodium Chloride NaCl.


B.      Most widely used as a food and seasoning, as such is an essential part of the human diet (although we don't need as much as we as American's usually consume).


C.      Widely used as a preservative for meats.


     D.   Is used in some refrigeration processes, in dyeing,              and in the manufacture of soaps and glass.


     Trans.    Today we will look at it as a preservative.



                          Col. 4:2-6


For the purposes of this message, I want to concentrate on vs. 6.


“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone.”


I.   Let's look at some ways our speech is not seasoned with salt.


     A.   Gossiping - telling something bad on someone!

          1.   It could be true, but if it isn't necessary, it

is still gossip.

          2.   Gossip tears down another's reputation!  Just the                opposite of preserving!


     B.   Have you ever saw people that liked to use their

Speech to ag people on?

          1.   Someone tells them about something that happened!

          2.   They respond with, "Boy, I wouldn't let them push

me around that way; I'd give them a piece of my mind! They think they know it all!  They think they are better than you!" etc.

          3.   Before you know it, unless the first person is                   really disciplined, he/she will get worked up to

the point of doing something, but it might be the

wrong thing to do!

          4.   Again speech has been used to destroy and not                    preserve!


     C.   The negative tongue!

          1.   "You can't do anything right!"

          2.   "You can't do that; you'll mess it up!"

          3.   "Your stupid!"

          4.   Children's ability to learn and confidence in                    themselves to achieve are greatly reduced if they                have parents that are negative toward them!

          5.   Adults are affected also!

              a)   If we have a boss that is an encourager, we                     will try hard to please, but if our boss is                      negative we will figure what's the use;

he/she won't be happy anyway!


              b)   One goal of marriage should be to help our                      partner to become the best he/she can be for                     God and for themselves.  We can't do that if

we are negative!

          6.   If we are negative about people, again, our

speech has been used to destroy and not preserve!


II.    Let's look at some ways our speech can be seasoned with salt!


     A.   By trying to always find something good to say about             someone or not say anything about them at all!

          1.   Unless it is to someone that can help the

situation and with the intent of helping.  90% of the tmei it is not!

          2.   This way our speech has been used to preserve                    someone's reputation and not to destroy!

          3.   I'm talking about idle talk, not when someone

asks for a reference, etc.


     B.   By being a peacemaker!

          1.   Matt. 5:9

              "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be                  called the children of God."

2.   Instead of trying to ag someone on, we try to bring peace and help them to put themselves in the other persons shoes, so they can understand why the other person acted the way they did!

          3.   This way our speech has been used to preserve a                  friendship!


     C.   By being positive.

          1.   By helping people realize they can do things! By                 being an encourager!

          2.   Remember and remind others of Phil. 4:13.  "I can

do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"


     D.   Be ready to preserve people's souls by pointing them

To Christ!

          I Peter 3:15b  "... be ready always to give an answer

to every [person] that asks you a

reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."


III. Our speech seasoned with salt can be the best witness we

can have! 

A.   It can help our personal ministry!

     1.   What we say. Like I’ve said before, we may be the

Only Bible some people read.  What are they

reading about God or God’s love because of our

speech?  Is God wanting to bring peace? Is God

loving?  Is God hateful?  Is God Judgmental?  Is

God positive or just wanting to get them for

whatever they have done?  Does God want

to have a relationship with them and include


     2.   Another way we speak today is online.  What does

What we post say about God?

          3.   Does our speech draw people to God or push them



B.   It can help the ministry of our church and our witness in the community, because our church is not a building.  It is us, and the church is reflected through each of us!




A.   Is your speech usually seasoned with salt?


B.   Is it used to preserve or destroy?


     C.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, do

you need to ask Christ to help you with this one?


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion