Sunday, October 6, 2024

Changed Through Christ!




A.      It won’t be long until the season change? Some leaves are falling

already.  The leaves will soon be turning all kinds of fall colors!


B.      It=s getting colder; before we know it there will be snow and ice!


C.      The changes in seasons unveil to us a real fact about life.


D.      Things change!  Situations Change!  People Change!



If there is anybody who knows about change, it is Paul.  His life was a complete turn-around after he met Christ on the road to Damascus.  Paul's teachings seem to tell us that if Christians are what they should be, they too will be Constantly changing!



                 Rom. 12: 1&2

text v. 2a.

"Do not be conformed to this world, c  but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, . . . ."


I.   This change is made possible by the "mercies of God" and expressed through Christ!


A.   Vines Dictionary    Mercy - Greek

OIKTIRMOS pity, compassion for the ills of others.


B.   Mercy expressed!

Rom 3:23  All have sinned.

    6:23  wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal


John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son . . .


II.  This change is instructed by Paul!


A.   I appeal - ask that you present your bodies a living  sacrifice!  Not Dead but Living.


B.   Paul  the chiefest of sinners, but he'd found a better way!


III. This change is acceptable unto God!


A.   Accept Christ - Present your bodies a living sacrifice!


B.   Not - accept Christ and forget it!

Another Biblical writer agrees: James 2:17 - 20. 



“Faith without works is Dead!”


IV.  The opposite of this change is conformity to the world! Doing what the world does so we will fit in!

     A.   Laughing at jokes that make Christians look like idiots!

     B.   Cursing like a sailor!

     C.   Being judgmental, unloving, and prejudice!  


V.   This change isn't a one time thing, but it is a lifetime of changing into what God wants us to be through God’s Sanctifying Grace!


A.   Vines Dictionary - Greek word for transformed is Metamorphoo.


B.   English word Metamorphosis Process of Change.

Example: Caterpillar – Butterfly


VI.  This change is accomplished by the renewing of our mind!


Vines Dictionary - in Greek renewing is to make new.


We might say: Take out the old clutter and take on the mind of God!  How do we do that?


A.   Read & study the Bible!

II Tim. 2:15   "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman

that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."



B.   Attend Church   Heb. 10:25

Anot neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.1A (NRSV)


C.   Fellowship with Christian people.

Heb. 10:25b (above) & I John 1:7

Abut if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.1A

I John 1:7(NRSV)        


D.   Strive to live a Holy Life!

II Cor. 6:17,18 also 7:1

A 17  Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean;  then I will welcome you, 18  and I will be your father, and you shall be my sons and daughters,

            says the Lord Almighty.@

7 Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and  of spirit, making holiness perfect in the fear of God.1A


E.   Prayer - Go to the source of a renewed mind!



A.   That ye may discern (demonstrate) God's perfect will in our lives!  We are to demonstrate God's perfect will for humanity!  Change!!!


B.   Are our lives different than they were

5 yrs. ago?

3 yrs. ago?

1 yr. ago?     (Are we more loving?  Growing in Love? This is always a good litmus test!) John Wesley talked about being perfected in Love!


read Rom. 12: 1&2 again


C.   Have we really presented our Bodies to God for God's service?


D.   Maybe you need to come this morning and present yourself to God

     for the first time?  Maybe you need to come this morning and present

     yourself to God for renewal because you really haven=t presented

     yourself a living sacrifice?


E.      You can do that as we encounter Christ at the table this morning!



Prayer of Confession

Service of communion

    Gk age

1The Holy Bible  : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

1The Holy Bible  : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

1The Holy Bible  : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

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