Sunday, November 10, 2024

A Time to Remember!


Veteran’s Day Sunday!


     A.   Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day.


     B.   Veteran’s Day reminds us of the importance of                   "Remembering and honoring."

          1.   We all have many memories.

          2.   Some aren't so pleasant; they bring tears to our                 eyes.

3.   Others are precious; we wouldn't trade them for any sum of money.


     C.   Memory is a precious gift!

          1.   We not only store up many good things from the

past, but it helps us get through the present as well!

          2.   We wouldn't know that when we are thirsty we can                 quench our thirst from a cool water fountain!  We                wouldn't know what that thing hanging on the wall                was.

          3.   We wouldn't know a red traffic light means stop!

          4.   We wouldn't know a mailbox is a place to mail a                  letter or pick up the mail!

          5.   Each time we stumbled onto these realizations, we                wouldn't know the next time what we had learned                  before but would have to stumble onto them again!

6.   Memory is precious, and we take it so for granted!


     D.   Even though memory is precious, we do forget!

1.   That is why we need things to help us to remember.

          2.   That is what Veteran’s Day is!

          3.   It is a day set aside to remember and honor all

              those who are serving or have served our country!

          4.   But it can and should also be a day to remember

all that God has done for us.

          5.   The person or nation who forgets God is as

Foolish and trouble-bound as the person who

forgets that a red light means to "stop!"


          As we remember our Veteran’s, I would like to share

four truths about God that we should also remember!



                       I Chr. 29:11 - 13


I.   Remember the Greatness and the Glory of God!

     A.   As David remembered the greatness of God in our text,

we as a nation need to remember the Greatness of God.


     B.   America has only been blessed and been great because

God has allowed it to be that way.

          1.   America started as a nation that loved and feared                God!

          2.   Not only the common people, but many of the

              lawmakers as well!


     C.   Before our country once again realizes the Greatness

          and the Glory of God, we must do it as individuals;

          individuals make up a country!


          "in Him was life, and the life was the light of all              people."  John 1:4 NRSV


          1.   Jesus was the light of all people!  He showed us

              how to live!  We will not be disappointed with

              Jesus' character (God's character revealed

through Jesus. (vs. 1) because Jesus' character is perfect.

          2.   We may have too little patience or too much

temper, but Christ was in perfect balance!

          3.   Christ is great!

              a.   Once we realize this, we will want to give

Him the proper place in our hearts.


                   "but in your hearts sanctify [or set apart]

                   Christ as Lord."  I Peter 3:15a NRSV


              b.   When we give Christ a special place in our                      hearts, He will affect and influence our

entire lives!


II.  Remember the Rights of God!

     A.   We all think about our rights.


     B.   We need to remember that God has rights too!

          1.   God has the right and is worthy to be praised and                served!


              "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive

 glory and honor and power, for you created all

 things, and by your will they existed and were


                                                Rev. 4:11 NRSV


          2.   As a matter of fact, the scriptures tell us that

              all people will one day bow their knees to God

              (Rom. 14:11 & Phil. 2:10), but for some, it will

              be too late for salvation!!!


III. Remember the Judgement of God!

     A.   Does God really punish sin?  Yes, God Does!

          1.   God cannot stand to be in the presence of sin,

              and judgement will come to those without God!

          2.   Think of the Judgement of the Flood!  Whether you                believe this to be a historical account or a

              parable about sin and God's action toward sin,

              the lessons are the same!  It is a story about


              a.   God waited in patience while the Ark was

                   being built!  God waits today while people

                   decide what to do with God's message that is

                   going out!

              b.   When the time came, God shut the door and   

                    nobody could open it!  Judgement was pronounced. 

c.   Each person made their own decisions about what they would do with the message of destruction that Noah proclaimed. 

                   1)   When the door was shut, opportunities

were past, and the world was destroyed except for those who obeyed God and took shelter in the Ark.

                   2)   Today, Jesus is our Ark.

          3.   Think of the Judgement of Christ!

              a.   God so hates sin that he poured out his

                   wrath and Judgement upon Christ!

              b.   In our place, for our sins!


"But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us."

                                      Rom. 5:8 NRSV


     B.   Remember the Judgement of God!


     "And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once,

     and after that the judgement,"   Heb. 9:27  NRSV


          "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one

          seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb;

          for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is

          able to stand?"                   Rev. 6:16b-17  NRSV


          There is still coming a day when God will once again

          pronounce judgement upon the earth, and the door of   

          opportunity will once again be shut. 

                        Read II Peter 3:9-12



IV.  Remember the Love and Grace of God!

     A.   God cannot stand sin, but God reaches down in pure

          Love and Grace!  We are people of Grace!


          "He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor

          rewarded us according to our iniquities." 

Psalm 103:10 KJV


          "For God so loved the world that he gave his only                begotten Son so that whosoever believeth on him should           not perish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16 KJV


"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as     snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."  Isa. 1:18 KJV


B.   The good news of the Gospel is that God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ!

          1.   God took our judgement on the Cross!

          2.   God suffered and died!

          3.   God rose again!

          4.   That we might have forgiveness and be put back in                relationship with God!

5.   That we could have a second chance after messing our lives up with sin!

          6.   That we can have a life of purpose and meaning!


     C.   God is a God of Judgement, but God took our Judgement

in Jesus Christ!  What will we do with that gift?



     A.   Have we accepted what God has done for us?

          1.   Have we accepted Christ as our personal Savior?

2.   Have we accepted Christ's death as payment for our sins personally?  That is the offer that God has presented to us.


B.   If you haven't, you can do that this morning as we encounter Christ at the table!


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion



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