Monday, May 20, 2024

A Precious Promise!

   Pentecost Sunday!


A.   The last words that Matthew recorded spoken by our Lord are referred to as "The Great Commission." 

Read   Matt. 28:18-20


B.   This is a passage of instruction to them and to us; it could even be looked upon as a "Charge."



It closes with a promise, and that is what I would like to look at today.  The fulfillment of this promise is what we are celebrating today!




"And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  (Matt. 28:20b  NRSV)


I.   I'm sure this turned out to be a precious promise to the disciples!

A.   They would face much persecution in their lifetimes!

B.   Many of the 12 died the death of a martyr!

1.   Andrew

When a Governor in Greece's brother and wife converted to Christianity, he became enraged and had Andrew arrested and condemned to die on the cross. Andrew, feeling unworthy to be crucified on the same-shaped cross as his Master, begged that his be different.  So, he was crucified on an X-shaped cross."  (Nelson Study Bible pg. 1245)

2.   Bartholomew

"tradition says that he preached in India, and his  death seems to have taken place there.  He died a  martyr for his Lord.  He was flayed [strip the skin off] alive with knives."  (Nelson 1245)

3.   James, son of Zebedee

"He was the first of the twelve to become a martyr."

(Nelson 1245)

4.   James, son of Alpheus

"Tradition tells us that he also died as a martyr and his body was sawed in pieces."  (Nelson 1246)

5.   Peter

"Peter was martyred on the cross.  Peter requested the he might be crucified head downward for he was not worthy to die as his Lord had died."  (Nelson                1247)

6.   Philip

"It is said that he died by hanging.  While he was dying, he requested that his body be wrapped not in  linen but in papyrus for he was not worthy that even his dead body should be treated as the body of Jesus  had been treated."  (Nelson 1248)

7.   Thomas

"It is said that he was commissioned to build a palace for the king of India, and he was killed with a spear as a martyr for his Lord." (Nelson 1248)


C.   But they had this promise to hang onto, that the Lord would be with them until the end!  Thanks be to God!


II.  The Promise is there for us to hang on to today also, just as    it was for them!

A.   At first, he was there in bodily form for them.

B.   Later, he was there in the Spirit.

C.   He is here for us in the Spirit too!

A.      That is what Pentecost is all about!


III. Let's look at some times it is important for us to know that he will be there for us.

A.   He will be there when we are tempted!

1.   He can help us through temptation.

2.   He was tempted and knows what strength we need to  resist!

3.   He will provide the strength!


B.   He will be there when others fail us!

1.   How many of you have had great confidence in someone only to have them fail or fall?

2.   It hurts doesn't it?  It can depress us to the point  that we just want to give up!

3.   The Lord can help us through these times if we will  keep our eyes on him; he knows what it is like to be  betrayed or let down!

4.   We have to be able to trust fellow Christians, but when that trust is betrayed, He'll bring us through.


C.   He will be there when persecutions come!

1.   The persecution may be that of death such as the apostles faced, or it may be in the form of being made fun of which is still a form of persecution.

2.   Whichever the case, the Lord can give us the strength that we need to overcome and not give in  under the persecution!


D.   He will be there when sickness comes!

1.   When we don't know if the sickness will take our lives or not, we know that if it does we will go on  to be with the Lord.  We will be finally healed!  He  will take care of us!

2.   Because of this, we can face sickness with a positive outlook!


E.   He will be there when tragedy strikes!

1.   When the world is jerked out from under us, he will  be there to help us put it back together!

2.   That's what He wants to do.

a.   put it back together.

b.   help us see things in perspective!

c.   help us to be better because of it!


F.   He will be there as we undertake mission to fulfill the great commission!

     1.   Answer the call into the ministry!

     2.   Be a teacher!

     3.   Give a word of testimony or invite someone to church!

          4.   Support missions or serve in a mission, such as the

              Thrift Store!

          5.   The Spirit will guide us!  Praise the Lord!


G.   Lastly, but not least importantly, He will be there when we face death!


"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."  (Psalm 23:4)


1.   Death has really got to be scary without the Lord.

2.   But with the Lord, it is a doorway into Heaven.

3.   It is only a "shadow" of what death is without Christ!


IV.  What is life without the Lord?

A.   It is scary!

B.   It is lonely!

C.   It is meaningless!

D.   It is hard!

E.   Oh yes, there will be fun times, but when tragedy strikes, what then?  When everyday life sets in, what then?



A.   Aren't you glad that the Lord gave us this promise?


"Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the  age."


B.   Aren't you glad that we have someone to go with us through these hard times of life?


C.   Aren't you glad that we can have a meaningful and full life?


D.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, let’s thank God for Christ’s indwelling Spirit.  Let’s yield to that Spirit’s leading in our lives!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

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