Monday, May 13, 2024

The Sacrificial Love of Motherhood

 Mother’s Day and Ascension Sunday!



A.   Where I once pastored in Indiana there was a bird that would build its nest among the rocks on our parking lot about once a year.

B.   It was a Killdeer.

Killdeer  (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., 1980)

1.   "American bird that frequents grassy mud flats, pastures, and fields. . ."

2.   "The killdeer is named for its loud insistent whistle."

3.   "The parents take turns incubating."

4.   "Intruders are led away from the nesting area by a 'broken

 wing' distraction behavior, in which a parent bird limps

 or flutters along the ground, appearing to be injured."

     C.   When we would drive unto the parking lot and saw this bird

running across the lot like it was hurt, we knew to look for

the nest among the rocks, and we would set a chair over it so

nobody would run over it.


watch this clip of the Killdeer’s broken wing act:


D.   Also called killdee  (Webster's). You will probably notice me calling it this.



The killdee's role as mother is one of a sacrificial love!  She risks her own life for her babies. Jesus is another type of this sacrificial love.



Matthew 23:29-39


(Mat 23:37 NRSV)  "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!


I.   Jesus compared himself to that of a mother.


A.   The Jewish man was a loving, caring type of individual. Thus, the Jews didn't have a problem with giving God the title of father.  To them, giving God the title father meant one that is loving and caring, much like we many times think of mothers today.


B.   Because of this, Jesus didn't have a problem here with comparing himself to a mother chicken.


1.   He wanted to tenderly gather them under his wings to care

     for them and nurture them.

2.   He would eventually give his life for them and for all the


3.   His was a sacrificial love!


C.   But they would not.  This did not stop him from loving them

sacrificially, eventually giving his life for them and for us.


D.   He still wants to gather us in & love us, restoring us back to God.  Will we let him?


II.  But there is something about mothers that allowed Jesus to use them for this illustration, and this is Mother's Day, so let's talk about this.  A mother's love is sacrificial.


A.   Mother, many times, must sacrifice having her own way.

Mother should sometimes get her way too, but many times she

has to do her share of giving in.

B.   Mother, many times, must sacrifice getting a good nights sleep.

1.   Mother will miss sleep when her children are sick, and yes, the father should help out here too.

2.   If mother works, it will be a real sacrifice because the

children cannot help being sick, and they need cared for just the same.

3.   If mother doesn't work outside the home, it is still a

     real sacrifice because she probably will not have time to catch up on that sleep she has lost.

4.   Children are a responsibility, and when children are sick,

parents sacrifice!

5.   Mother sacrifices this time without giving it a second



C.   Mother, many times, will sacrifice getting the "things" she "wants" in order to have money to buy things for the children.

1.   A real mother will do this almost automatically.

2.   Fathers, watch out for mother so that she doesn't leave

     herself out to the point that her physical needs are neglected.


D.   Mother, many times, will sacrifice her time.

1.   Time to do the things she would like to do.


2.   Because she realizes that her children would like to do

something else or want her to do something with them.


E.   Mother, many times, will sacrifice her very life.

1.   After mother has done all the above sacrificing, she will

wake up one day and her life  has been spent, not on herself but on her family.


2.   Sometimes mother may actually give her life in defense of  her children: ex. protection from intruders?


III. Is it worth all of the sacrifice?


A.   How do you want to be remembered?

1.   Will your children remember you in their adult years as a

mother who always wanted her own way, who resentfully took care of them when they were sick, who never had time for them, and who always got the things she wanted at their expense?

2.   Or will your children remember you in their adult years as a mother who taught them to give and take by her example, who always took care of them when they were sick without               complaint, who always had time for them, and who gave up  things that she wanted so they could have things they wanted or needed?


B.   Relationships are worth the investment;  to have friends, one must show himself/herself friendly.


C.   It is the same with motherhood; to be reverenced as a real mother, one must show herself motherly.



A.   Jesus used mothers as an example of how he wanted to gather his children up and take care of them.

B.   Mothers are special people.




She could not paint, nor write, nor rhyme

Her footprints on the sands of time,

As some distinguished women do;

Just simple things of life she knew -

Like tucking little folks in bed,

Or soothing someone's aching head.


She was no singer, neither blessed

With any special loveliness

To win applause and passing fame;

No headlines ever blazed her name.

But, oh, she was a shining light

To all her loved ones, day and night!


Her home her kingdom, she its queen;

Her reign was faithful, honest, clean,

Impartial, loving, just, to each

And every one she sought to teach.

Her name?  Of course, there is no other

In all the world so sweet - just Mother!     May Allread Baker


     C.   An interesting thing about the Killdee is that this sacrificial

broken wing act was shared by the father too. Mother and Father

take turns protecting the nest and eggs.


1.   Sacrificial love isn’t just for the mother.

2.   Whether you are a mother, father, grandmother,

grandfather, son, or daughter, we all need sacrificial

love.  We need Christ’s sacrificial love and we need to

exemplify sacrificial love in our lives.

          3.   On this day, we also celebrate Christ ascending back to

Heaven.  Christ is there making intersession for us.  As

we encounter this risen and ascended Christ at the table,

ask Christ to help you to grow in this kind of love!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

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