Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Seven Churches of Revelation Series. Sermon Four: Thyatira. "The Church That Had a Choice To Make!"


           Introduction:  watch clip about making choices:




A.      How many choices did you make today?  This week?


B.   Most choices are common everyday choices.



Today, we will look at a church who had a very

important choice to make and consider the choices that

we have made and continue to make ourselves.



                          Rev. 2:18-29


I.   Thyatira:  The city and its background.

A.   Thyatira is a smaller town than the other six.

1.   Commercially known for its trade guilds.

a.   Similar to our unions of today.

b.   Here are a few: wool-workers, linen-workers, dyers, tanners, bakers, potters, & etc.

2.   Politically, the city was neutral.

3.   Home of Lydia mentioned in Acts 16:14.

(a convert of Paul's ministry)


              “A certain woman named Lydia, a worshipper of

God, was listening to us; she was from the city

of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The

Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what

was said by Paul.”


B.   Religiously the city was active.

1.   No temple of emperor worship.

2.   There were many other gods and temples.


II.  Thyatira:  The Church.

A.   Commendation:  for five virtues.

1.   Love.

2.   Faith.

3.   Service.

4.   Patient endurance.

5.   Latter works exceed the first; they grew.


B.   Reprimand:     Allowed wicked woman (called

Symbolically Jezebel) to convince them that immoral

conduct was alright.

1.   Background is probably tied to the guilds.

a.   To work, you had to belong to a guild.

b.   To belong to a guild, you had to participate

in their social and religious activities.

c.   These events very often ended in immoral and

unGodly acts!

2.   This woman had said it is okay to do this to keep your jobs, just so you do not do it otherwise! (The lesson here: It is not okay to cheat or do anything against your faith because your boss or anyone else tells you to.)

3.   Again, this church is compromising their faith to get ahead financially!


C.   Exhortation:

1.   To those who had followed Jezebel, repent of

Their wicked ways and divided loyalties.

2.   To those who had not, hold fast to their    



D.   Promise:

1.   Power over nations; symbolic of the strength to

stand up at all costs and win out.

2.   Morning Star.

a.   Interpretation is questionable.

b.   Could possibly symbolize the glory to come

to those who stay true to Christ.


III. Thyatira's message to Forsyth.

A.      The church and sinful ways of the world must never


1.   Matt. 6:24     "nobody can serve two masters."

2.   We must never let the sinful practices of the

world rub off on us.

a.   Lying.

b.   Deceitful business.

c.   Prejudice.

d.   exclusiveness.

e.   promiscuity   (to name a few)

          3.   Again, this is about our individual choices to

justify sin in our own lives for self gain!  It

isn’t about trying to make others conform to what

we think! 


B.      The Church must preach the gospel of grace, repentance

of sin, and extend God’s love to all people.

1.   The world needs to know that God will forgive

their sin however immoral it is!

2.   This is the message we need to share as seen in

John 3:16.


“For God so loved the world, that he gave

his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth

in him should not perish, but have everlasting



C.   We must realize the power available if we stay true to


1.   As an individual Christian.

a.   to grow.

b.   to overcome temptation.

c.   to deal with life's difficulties.


2.   As a church.

a.   to teach those who we reach and to keep


b.   to bring those on the outside to Christ!

c.   to share the love of God in a world that

very much needs to experience it.

              d.   We are not alone!



A.   Think about the choices we have made and make each  day.


B.      Is there anything that has come between us and God? Do

we choose God in our everyday choices?


C.      Do we need to ask God to help us with our choices

today: to help us to choose God above everything else?


D.   Let's do that as we encounter Christ at the table this



                      Prayer of Confession


                      Service of Communion

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