Monday, September 16, 2024

Seven Churches of Revelation Series. Sermon Six: Philadelphia. "The Church with an Open Door!"



     A.   How many of you have locks on your doors or security

systems?  Not a bad idea for locks on our homes.


B.   But, is it possible for churches and individuals to

Put locks on their lives, keeping people out?


C.   We, as The United Methodist, advertise that we are a   church with Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors.


D.   This morning, we learn of a church that Christ loved

because it was an "open door" church. Let=s look at

what Christ meant by that.



                          Rev. 3:7-13


I.   Again, a few comments about the interpretation of

Revelation in case you were not here when I have covered


A.   There are three methods of interpreting Revelation.   They are:

1.   Post millennial - it's all historical. (Barr)

2.   Pre millennial  - it's all prophetical. (Barr)

     This method only became popular during the mid

1900s, but it is very popular today with some


3.   Al-millennial view - Symbolical.  The seven

     churches represent seven kinds of churches that

exist in any age and any time. 

(Barr - "New Testament Story" pg. 269)


              Another name for this type of interpretation is

Metaphoric because it uses metaphors to reveal

Truths that are applicable to any age.  I think

this is the most accurate way to interpret



B.   If we view it as either Historic or Symbolic, we can

take what Jesus says to these churches and apply it to today.


C.   That is what we are doing as we examine these letters

To the churches of Revelation.



II.  Philadelphia:  The City and it's Background.

A.   It was a small city.

1.   It had been destroyed by Earthquakes several

times.    (BKC)

2.   More of an agricultural town than industrial;

grapes and wine were their main businesses.


B.   Politically, it was pro-Rome, but there was no emperor

worship present.


C.   Religiously, Dionysius was the main god of the town.


III. Philadelphia:  The Church.

A.   Commendation.

1.   Open Door.

a.   Christ seems to be commending them because

they have an open door to the world.


b.   They knew how to reach out to those who were

around them, in Love by meeting needs.

c.   Their doors were open to the outsiders!

2.   Christ also commends them for their strength in

spite of weakness.      

3.   Lastly, they have not denied Christ.  They would

not compromise their beliefs in Christ. Again, a

reference to the Synagogue of Satan!


B.   Reprimand.  Philadelphia received no reprimand.

 Philadelphia is a model church, one to model after!


C.   Exhortation.  To hold fast to what they have.


D.   Promise.

1.   four things.

a.   Make them a pillar in the temple of God.

b.   Write upon them the name of God.

c.   Write upon them the name of the city of God.

d.   Write upon them Christ's name.

2.   All point to their security in heaven.

3.   All was write between them and God!


III. Philadelphia's message to Forsyth UMC.

A.   Realize that our strength is in Christ, not in the

Size of the church.

1.   This was a small church in a small town; yet,

Christ had no reprimand for them!

2.   We tend to gauge a church by its size!

a.   This is evident in that we are discouraged

if our number is down on a particular


b.   This is also evident in that if someone asks us how our church is doing they are usually asking about the numbers!

3.   A small church is too often plagued by the old

excuse, "We are just too small."

4.   Regardless of our size, we can do what God has

For us to do; there are people that we can

Touch with the love of God!"


B.   We must be an open door church to please God!

1.   Our doors must be open to all people; none


2.   The second we exclude anyone who is searching for

help or for a church, we are excluding Christ!

3.   We are "open door" by reaching out  "in love" to

those around us!

a.   the rich and poor.

b.  the blacks, Hispanics, Asian, and whites.

c.   the old and young.

d.   the conservative or the liberal.

4.   Our world is too much into judging and excluding.  We need to be an Open door church, one that Jesus would have no reprimand for!

C.   We can know that, if we endure to the end, some day

God will take away all the uncertainty of this life

and keep us secure in heaven!



A.   Are we hung up on the size of our church?  Are we

convinced that a small church can't make a difference?

Today, we can come to Christ for the encouragement

That we need to make a difference!


     B.   This letter is for us!  We are a small church in a

small town.  We are a church that has pretty much had

an open door!  This is encouragement for us that we

are on the right track, to keep on keeping on!


C.   As we encounter Christ at the table,  have you been

     apprehensive about the open door policy of our church.

Here it is.  Christ is commending us for that.  You

can let Christ fill you with love to reach out with an

open door! We can always reflect and do better!


     D.   Have you been discouraged because of our size?  This

letter encourages us that if we are reaching out to

all people, Christ is pleased and we can look forward

to rewards in heaven and acceptance by God!


     E.   This doesn’t mean be satisfied with our size though;

it means keep on doing what we are doing and we will

make a difference!  Keep reaching out!  Keep

welcoming! Keep inviting!


     F.   Do you need fired up and fueled up this morning?  We

          can be as we encounter Christ at the table!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

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