Monday, February 24, 2025

Series: "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations!" Sermon 6: "Extravagant Generosity!"


A.   This is the last sermon in our series on the AFive Practices of Fruitful Congregations.@


B.   The ultimate goal of all of these is to be a Fruitful Congregation; a Fruitful Congregation is one that is making disciples for Jesus Christ.  That is what all of this is about!


C.   This sermon or Practice of a Fruitful Congregation is “Extravagant Generosity.” This, at least for this preacher, gets into a topic that is hard for me to talk about; I suppose it is mostly because some might say, “Well, he is just in it for the money.”  The reality is, if you ask google how many times Jesus talked about money, you will find:


     1.   Jesus talked about money more than He did Heaven and Hell



     2.   Jesus talked about money more than anything else except

          The Kingdom of God.


     3.   11 of 39 parables talk about money.


     4.   1 if every 7 verses in the Gospel of Luke talk about



     D.   The reality is it is a very relevant subject for then as well

          As for today!  I shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it, as hard

          as it is for me.


     Trans.    The fact is, “Extravagant Generosity,” is about more than

              money.  It is about who we are as Christians.  Let’s look

              and see.


Luke 21:1-4 & Rom. 12:1&2


I.   A look at the Scripture:


A.   The story of the widow putting in two small copper coins is about proportionate giving.  It is about Jesus looking at how much we give in relation to how much we have!


B.   It isn=t about a certain percentage.  The 10% tithe concept comes from the Old Testament and is a good guideline for proportionate giving, but should only be used as a guideline.  Problems with making it literal:


          1.   Makes new Christians feel like they aren=t pleasing God if

              they can=t yet give 10%.


          2.   Makes people who could give much more feel like they have

              done their part.


C.   One of the best New Testament teachings on giving, I think, comes from Romans 12:1&2.  It is about 100% commitment.  It is about making Christ Lord of all of our life!  It is about Extravagant Generosity!


II.  Extravagant Generosity and giving is about us: our personal

     relationship with Jesus Christ.


A.   It isn=t about the church needing our money!


B.   It isn=t about some legalistic system where you have to give so much to appease God!


C.   It is about:


1.   Not being at the mercy of our debtors.


2.   Being in control of our spending and not being controlled by a society that says there is never enough.


3.   Being able to support something bigger than ourselves.


4.   Being able to make a positive difference for people in our community besides ourselves and for our children and our children=s children.


5.   Being able to make disciples for Jesus Christ!


6.   There is satisfaction and blessings in our heart when we are able to do that!


7.   It is about growing in our commitment to Jesus Christ!


     D.   We give extravagantly because Jesus gave extravagantly to us.


          1.   What we give is between us and God.


          2.   What we give is one thing we can control.


          3.   What we give is ultimately what we are accountable for.

Story from the book: p. 113

Part-time custodian who gives

some money to a homeless person

while taking out the trash.

AWhat they do with the money -

- - well, they have to answer

to God about that.  I just have

to answer to God about what I

do with mine.@


          4.   This brings me back to what I said last week.

              a.   There are people who will take advantage and I tried

to give some guidelines to avoid that last week,

which sounds a lot like the pastor and folks in this


              b.   These are good guidelines when you can, but even

though I try to not just give money, there are times

I have, usually prefacing it with please don’t tell anyone I have given you money. 

              c.   I guess is kind of a heart thing.  When it feels

like there is no other way to help and in your heart

it feels right to give money, it comes back to “I

just have to answer to what I do with mine.”


III. Extravagant Generosity is about giving freely.


A.   Giving freely: God loves a cheerful giver!


B.   Giving freely: Once we give it is no longer ours but it belongs to whoever we gave it to; we are no longer responsible for it.  In the case of the church, it is God=s.


1.   If we believe that the church is Jesus’ idea, that Jesus is the head of the church…


2.   If we believe that the church is how God wants to reach out and make a positive difference in the world….


3.   Then we should support God’s church.


     a.   That means giving to the church freely and not trying to control how it is spent.


     b.   We may not always agree exactly with how it is used, but like the man said, Athey have to answer to how it is spent. We have to answer to how we spend ours.@


c.   We can attend the Board Meeting and be a part

     of that discussion.  But when it doesn=t go our way be big enough to support it anyway.  Not always

     agreeing exactly how it is spent does not mean we

     are no longer accountable to God to give! As board members, when we are on the loosing vote, we have to be big enough to support it anyway as well!


d.   If we believe the church is God’s idea, we have to

     believe that in the big picture God will convict

     people and lead people so that by and large the

     money is spent how it should be spent in the church

     most of the time.  We have to realize that by

     ourselves we do not have all the answers. Thinking

     that only we can decide how the money should be

     spent is really a pretty selfish attitude which is

     exactly the opposite of AExtravagant Generosity.@


   C.     Being an Extravagant Generosity Christian means prayerfully

          deciding how much God would have us give to support the

          ministry of the church.  It might be a tithe.  It might be

          more or it might be less.


         1.   It means then giving it freely as a part of our



          2.   It means giving it regularly.


a.   Which means still supporting your church that

     you have decided to serve through, even when

     you are away on vacation or have to miss for

     some other reason.



b.   It means coming back and catching up on your



c.   It means giving that amount to the church

     regularly and only supporting extra giving

     when you can do it above what you have

     committed between you and God to give to

     support the ministry of your church.


d.   It is only through this kind of giving that

     we can consistently do the ministry of the



          3.   When we give this way, the church doesn’t have to

worry about having the money to do ministry.  God

will truly provide.


          4.   As God’s people practice “Extravagant Generosity,”

the church grows and is fruitful.  The church makes

a positive difference in our community and world.


     D.   Being an Extravagantly Generous Christian means prayerfully

          consulting God with who we will help and who we spend 100% of

          our money and talents!



A.   As we encounter Christ at the table, do you need to come to ask God to help you move a step closer to a tithe or to move beyond a tithe in your giving so that people can be touched with the gospel of Christ?


B.   Do you need to come to ask God to help you give more freely without strings attached to God=s work?


C.   Do you need to come and ask God to help you really be an extravagantly generous disciple of Christ?


D.   We can do all of that as we encounter Christ at the table today!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


Monday, February 17, 2025

Series: "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations!" Sermon 5: Risk-Taking Mission and Service!



Luke 10:30-37 & Matt. 25:40


     A.   Overview of series thus far:

Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship,

     and Intentional Faith Development;

     Some won=t be involved in small group Bible Studies: some will

develop their faith during worship etc., others will find their place  in Mission and Service, which is the goal of discipleship and faith development anyway!


B.   Some service will be more risk-taking than others.  Leading a Bible Study among Christians is not too risk-taking, but it is needed.  It comes more under the faith-building we talked about last week.


C.   We are going to be talking about a particular kind of service today: “Risk-Taking Mission and Service.”


I.   A look at the Scripture:


A.   The Story of the Good Samaritan.


B.   The Priest and the Levite walked around obvious suffering, ignoring it or denying it, and went on their merry way.


C.   As Christians, we can=t do that:


II.  AVibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Risk-Taking Mission  and Service. Risk-Taking Mission and Service includes the projects, the efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives of others for the purposes of Christ, whether or not they will ever be part of the community of faith.@


A.   Some will be in service in the church among those who are already in the church such as teaching etc., which is a necessary service but is not what this practice is talking about. It is more what the Intentional Faith Development is about.


B.   Risk-Taking Mission and Service is talking about things like:

1.   VIM teams to Porta Rico or Texas for Hurricane relief.

2.   Allowing our church to be used for service ministries in the community.

3.   Thrift Store

4.   Working on people’s homes in the community.

5.   Gideon=s International, Heifer International, or Options.

6.   Helping immigrant families at the border!

7.   Our benevolence fund where we help people with gas, and etc.

8.   Cutting firewood for people.

9.   Some of these are more Risk-Taking than others, but this is talking about the ways we get our hands dirty serving those outside the church, whether or not they ever come into the church.  It is the way we are Jesus’ hands and feet to show God’s love in our world and community.


C.   Churches should be permission-giving instead of approval-seeking!


     1.   Let’s say Tom has an idea of having a yard sale on the church property to raise money for buying devotionals for prisoners in the local prison.

     2.   He goes to the pastor with his idea.  The pastor says, “You’ll have to check with the Trustees to see if it is okay to have a yard sale on the church property.”  They won’t meet until next month.

     3.   Next month, Tom goes to the Trustee meeting to ask them about having the yard sale.  They tell him they will have to do some research about insurance and etc. and get back to him next month. 

     4.   The next month, they tell him there are no insurance problems, but now he will have to take his request to the mission team to make sure his request is in line with the mission of the church.  Next month he does that.

     5.   They approve it, but they say he will have to take his idea to the Church Council next month for final approval. 

     6.   He finally gets permission, but now it is December and too cold for a yard sale this year.

     7.   You get the idea.  We need to be structured so that when people have a heart for mission and a plan they can be released to do so.


A.      Instead, the plan should be developed by those who have a heart for it.


B.      ANot everyone has the spiritual gifts, the personal temperament, or the physical stamina to step beyond the edge of ordinary service.@

1.      That is okay!  In the body of Christ there are many members, and we do not all have the same function.

2.      But the church should be permission giving and supportive of those who do have a heart for the ministry.

3.      Lyle Schaller was quoted as saying, when it comes to initiating new ministries, Awe should only count the yes votes.@  If there are people wanting to do it, we should turn them loose to serve.

a.   This isn’t to say we should say yes to every idea that someone has that they think someone should do!

b.   This isn’t to say we should pass the offering plate for every idea someone has.

c.   This is saying, if someone is wanting to do a ministry, we should be open to them doing it.

d.   If they have a plan, are willing to implement it, and have a way to fund it, we should say go for it without all the red tape!


III. Churches should be supportive of those who do Risk-Taking Mission and Service.

A.   That is how we can all be a part of it.


B.   We can be supportive by being permission giving.


C.   We can also be supportive by helping fund it.

VIM teams.  We could help with expense.  Some who have a heart for this may not actually be able to afford the expense.

Thrift Store.  We can fund with donations even if we aren’t there personally!  We can support the free food shelf by bringing food!

You can be a part of all the ministries of our church by our faithful giving to support the church!


IV.  Random thoughts about helping others.


     A.   When you can help through an organization that helps the homeless  

          and supplies food that has a good track record, such as our own

          United Methodist Committee on relief etc.

          1.  Springfield has signs up encouraging people to give money to

              charitable organizations rather than pan handlers.

          2.  They know sometimes money is abused that is given to pan



     B.   Unless you know the people personally, don’t give money to them

          directly.  Sometimes they will give you a story, and when you give

          them money, they will use it for something else.  There is biblical

          support for this. Notice the good Samaritan gave the money to the

          Inn Keeper!

          1.  If they are asking for help with utilities, pay it to utility

              company for them.

          2.  If they are asking for gas to take kids to the doctor, meet

              them at the station and put gas in their car.  I have had people

              tell me this, meet them at the station, and find their tank

              was full!

          3.  If you want to help a pan handler on the street, prepare a bag

              of food etc. to hand to them.  Have it in your car just in case.


     C.   This truly is risk taking work!  I really want to be a Matt.

          25 person!

          1.  But I have learned there are people who don’t care about the

              church other than as an easy way to get a hand out.

          2.  There is a network out there so that if you help one, others

              come with the same story that worked.

          3.  I have learned that if I take all the precautions I can to make

              sure I am being a good steward of God’s money and they still

              abuse it, it is on them.  They will have to account for that. I only have to account for that I did what I could!

          4.  I have also learned that there are more ways than money to help.

              Sometimes we need to look for those. 

          5.  I have also learned that sometimes I may not be able to do what

              they ask. Maybe I can refer them to something or someone else.

              Our money only goes so far!


     D.   But Fruitful congregations in some way are involved in Risk Taking

          Mission, in doing something with their faith, in reaching out

          beyond themselves and helping others!

          1.  It isn’t just about taking care of ourselves.

          2.  It is messy work, but we are called to do it.



AVibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Risk-Taking Mission and Service.@

Are you being called to serve?

Are you being called to be permission giving?

Are you being called to support in some other way?


As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, let us say yes to whatever we are being called to do!



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Series: "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations!" Sermon 4: Intentional Faith Development!



A.   What is a small group?  (a small group is a group of people who meet for an indefinite time or for a short time for a particular purpose; small groups are not positions that you are elected to.  You may be elected to lead a small group, but the attendees are usually voluntary. The purpose may be to study, or the purpose may be to serve in some way.)


B.   Name some small groups that we have:  Crafters for Christ, Women’s Friday game day, Prayer meeting, Thrift Store workers.  Would also include things like: Sunday School classes, short term Bible Studies, A prayer breakfast, an AA meeting, mission teams, Methodist 101, Confirmation, Benevolent meals workers, etc.


C.   These are the types of things we are talking about today.  These are all ways in which people develop their faith either by learning or serving,



Acts 2:42 & Heb. 5:12-14


I.   AVibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Intentional Faith Development.@


A.   AChrist=s gracious invitation through Radical Hospitality invites and welcomes us@


B.   AGod=s transforming presence in Passionate Worship opens our hearts to Christ=s pardon, love, and grace, creating in us a desire to follow.@


C.   While I want to believe that there is some part that worship and preaching plays in our continued Sanctification and growth in Christ (I hope some of you are challenged to growth through the message today), real growth in our Christian lives comes through Intentional Faith Development.


D.   A church that doesn=t practice Intentional Faith Development will fail at getting people past the milk of the word!


A2 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic elements of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food; 13 for everyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is unskilled in the word of righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, for those whose faculties have been trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.[i]A  Heb. 5:14


II.  Let me illustrate by again looking at a couple people=s stories.  These are not real people in particular, but I believe their stories are real.


A.   Bob is invited to church by a friend.  He comes and he is met with Radical Hospitality: he is greeted at the door by a greeter and handed a bulletin; the greeter shows him where the bathrooms are, where the worship will take place, and introduces him to the pastor and a couple other members. Worship begins, and during the hand of fellowship, several other people come to welcome him.  Bob is really feeling good about this.  Worship is very Passionate, so much so, that Bob leaves feeling that he really wants to follow God, so he plans to start coming to church here.  The next week Bob comes back.  He is Radically welcomed again!  Several people come by to tell him they are really glad he is coming.  He continues to be touched by worship and feels that he should do something.  This goes on for several weeks.  Finally, Bob stops coming. What happened?


B.   Let=s look at another persons story and see if we can see a difference: John also is invited by a friend.  He also comes and is Radically greeted and welcomed.  He is shown around and introduced to the pastor and others in the church.  Worship begins, several greet him during the hand of fellowship, and the worship is very Passionate.  John also leaves feeling that he will start coming to this church, that he really wants to follow God. The next week John comes back and is again greeted radically and worship again is very passionate, leaving him feeling he really does want to know more about this God the church worships.  A couple things happen different though this week: during the gathering before worship, a lady approaches him and invites him to a Bible Study she is leading where they are going through the Bible and introduces him to some of the participants; after worship, one of the choir members approaches him and asks him if he would like to be a part of the choir (telling him that they meet for prayer and practice on Wednesday night and before service on Sunday morning); also, a person catches him just before he leaves to tell about a small group he is a part of for single parents.  Bob decides to come to choir practice and to the small group for single parents because it has been real difficult for him since his wife died.  Bob grows in his relationship with the choir and finds a place he can serve as well.  He finds in his small group support, relationship, and faith in a God who can help him.  He later attends many other small groups during his time at the church.  He builds many relationships, faith, and later feels that God is calling him to lead a small group.  John is even thinking of the possibility that God may be calling him into the ministry.  John has really found a place where he can grow in his relationship with God!


III. What was the difference?


A.   Intentional Faith Development where people are intentionally given groups to be a part of for their faith to grow!


B.   Radical Hospitality extended from these groups!

     1.   People will not by and large just come and show up for these  groups because they have seen it announced in the bulletin or because it was announced to the church in worship!

     2.   They need a personal invite. 

          a.   Don’t bug them about it.

          b.   But make sure they know they are invited and let them know what the small group does.

          c.   This is something I have experienced as a pastor.

          People don’t very often just volunteer.  They need to know that you think this might be a place they can serve.

3.   Jesus modeled small groups with the 12:

     a.   He preached to the multitudes.

     b.   He personally asked the 12 to come follow him.

     c.   He concentrated on faith building with the 12.


C.   Bis. Schnase calls it closing the middle door!

1.   People can become overwhelmed in a large group and feel disconnected

2.   In a small group (a small church within a church) they can connect, they can build relationships, and build faith!


IV.  So let’s look at Small Groups.


     A.   Small Groups can be for different purposes: Prayer,

          fellowship, a ministry, or a study!


     B.   Small groups aren’t always led by the pastor!


     C.   Small groups should be in line with the mission of our church

          to make disciples for the transformation of our community and

          the world.


          1.  I want to think that even if the small group is a mission

              team going somewhere to do something or something like our

              Thrift Store there should be a scheduled time for prayer

              and reflection.


          2.  If it is a mission team going somewhere to help with storm

              damage for example, the team should gather for prayer, a

              devotion, or to share where they have seen God as they

              start the day, maybe around breakfast.


          3.  For our Thrift Store, could there be a time on Monday

              while the workers are preparing for the next week when the

              workers can gather for prayer for the week, maybe a

              devotion, and a reminder of what they are there for, to

              serve God?


          4.  Crafters for Christ does start with devotion and prayer.


          5.  Of course, our prayer meeting is all about prayer.


          6.  All of our groups should be about intentional faith

              Development; there should be an element of prayer, a

              reminder of why we are here, and sometimes even a



          7.  If anyone ever thinks of a group that they would like to

              lead, let me know.  We are all in this intentional faith

              development together.


     D.   Don=t ever think that I don=t think what you do in small groups

          is important! I can’t attend every small group as the pastor.

          When small groups are working at their best, it would be

          impossible to do so.  I hope this look at small groups helps

          illustrate how important it really is!  It is a very important

          part of the process of making disciples for Jesus Christ!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

[i] The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989, S. Heb 5:12