A. What is a small group? (a small group is a group of people who meet
for an indefinite time or for a short time for a particular purpose; small
groups are not positions that you are elected to. You may be elected to lead a small group, but
the attendees are usually voluntary. The purpose may be to study, or the
purpose may be to serve in some way.)
B. Name some small groups that we have: Crafters for Christ, Women’s Friday game day,
Prayer meeting, Thrift Store workers.
Would also include things like: Sunday School classes, short term Bible
Studies, A prayer breakfast, an AA meeting, mission teams, Methodist 101,
Confirmation, Benevolent meals workers, etc.
C. These are the types of things we are talking
about today. These are all ways in which
people develop their faith either by learning or serving,
2:42 & Heb. 5:12-14
I. AVibrant,
fruitful, growing congregations practice Intentional Faith Development.@
A. AChrist=s
gracious invitation through Radical Hospitality invites and welcomes us@
B. AGod=s
transforming presence in Passionate Worship opens our hearts to Christ=s
pardon, love, and grace, creating in us a desire to follow.@
C. While
I want to believe that there is some part that worship and preaching plays in
our continued Sanctification and growth in Christ (I hope some of you are
challenged to growth through the message today), real growth in our Christian
lives comes through Intentional Faith Development.
D. A
church that doesn=t practice Intentional Faith
Development will fail at getting people past the milk of the word!
A2 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need
someone to teach you again the basic elements of the oracles of God. You need
milk, not solid food; 13 for everyone who lives on milk, being still
an infant, is unskilled in the word of righteousness. 14 But solid
food is for the mature, for those whose faculties have been trained by practice
to distinguish good from evil.[i]A
Heb. 5:14
II. Let me illustrate by again looking at a couple
people=s stories. These are not real people in particular, but
I believe their stories are real.
A. Bob
is invited to church by a friend. He
comes and he is met with Radical Hospitality: he is greeted at the door by a
greeter and handed a bulletin; the greeter shows him where the bathrooms are,
where the worship will take place, and introduces him to the pastor and a
couple other members. Worship begins, and during the hand of fellowship,
several other people come to welcome him.
Bob is really feeling good about this.
Worship is very Passionate, so much so, that Bob leaves feeling that he
really wants to follow God, so he plans to start coming to church here. The next week Bob comes back. He is Radically welcomed again! Several people come by to tell him they are
really glad he is coming. He continues
to be touched by worship and feels that he should do something. This goes on for several weeks. Finally, Bob stops coming. What happened?
B. Let=s
look at another persons story and see if we can see a difference: John also is
invited by a friend. He also comes and
is Radically greeted and welcomed. He is
shown around and introduced to the pastor and others in the church. Worship begins, several greet him during the
hand of fellowship, and the worship is very Passionate. John also leaves feeling that he will start
coming to this church, that he really wants to follow God. The next week John
comes back and is again greeted radically and worship again is very passionate,
leaving him feeling he really does want to know more about this God the church
worships. A couple things happen
different though this week: during the gathering before worship, a lady approaches
him and invites him to a Bible Study she is leading where they are going
through the Bible and introduces him to some of the participants; after
worship, one of the choir members approaches him and asks him if he would like
to be a part of the choir (telling him that they meet for prayer and practice
on Wednesday night and before service on Sunday morning); also, a person
catches him just before he leaves to tell about a small group he is a part of
for single parents. Bob decides to come
to choir practice and to the small group for single parents because it has been
real difficult for him since his wife died.
Bob grows in his relationship with the choir and finds a place he can
serve as well. He finds in his small
group support, relationship, and faith in a God who can help him. He later attends many other small groups
during his time at the church. He builds
many relationships, faith, and later feels that God is calling him to lead a
small group. John is even thinking of
the possibility that God may be calling him into the ministry. John has really found a place where he can
grow in his relationship with God!
III. What was the difference?
A. Intentional Faith Development where people are intentionally given
groups to be a part of for their faith to grow!
B. Radical Hospitality extended from these groups!
1. People
will not by and large just come and show up for these groups because they have seen it announced in
the bulletin or because it was announced to the church in worship!
2. They
need a personal invite.
a. Don’t
bug them about it.
b. But
make sure they know they are invited and let them know what the small group
c. This
is something I have experienced as a pastor.
People don’t very often just
volunteer. They need to know that you think this might be a
place they can serve.
3. Jesus modeled small groups with the 12:
a. He
preached to the multitudes.
b. He
personally asked the 12 to come follow him.
c. He
concentrated on faith building with the 12.
C. Bis. Schnase calls it closing the middle door!
1. People can become overwhelmed in a large group and feel
2. In a small group (a small church within a church) they can
connect, they can build relationships, and build faith!
IV. So let’s look at Small Groups.
Small Groups can be for different purposes: Prayer,
fellowship, a ministry, or a study!
Small groups aren’t always led by the pastor!
Small groups should be in line with the mission of our church
to make disciples for the
transformation of our community and
the world.
I want to think that even if the small group is a mission
team going somewhere to do
something or something like our
Thrift Store there should be a
scheduled time for prayer
and reflection.
If it is a mission team going somewhere to help with storm
damage for example, the team should gather for
prayer, a
devotion, or to share where they
have seen God as they
start the day, maybe around
For our Thrift Store, could there be a time on Monday
while the workers are preparing
for the next week when the
workers can gather for prayer for
the week, maybe a
devotion, and a reminder of what
they are there for, to
serve God?
Crafters for Christ does start with devotion and prayer.
Of course, our prayer meeting is all about prayer.
All of our groups should be about intentional faith
Development; there should be an
element of prayer, a
reminder of why we are here, and
sometimes even a
If anyone ever thinks of a group that they would like to
lead, let me know. We are all in this intentional faith
development together.
Don=t ever think that I don=t
think what you do in small groups
is important! I can’t attend every small group
as the pastor.
When small groups are working at their best,
it would be
impossible to do so. I hope this look at small groups helps
illustrate how important it really is! It is a very important
part of the process of making
disciples for Jesus Christ!
Prayer of Confession
Service of Communion
[i] The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard
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