Monday, February 17, 2025

Series: "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations!" Sermon 5: Risk-Taking Mission and Service!



Luke 10:30-37 & Matt. 25:40


     A.   Overview of series thus far:

Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship,

     and Intentional Faith Development;

     Some won=t be involved in small group Bible Studies: some will

develop their faith during worship etc., others will find their place  in Mission and Service, which is the goal of discipleship and faith development anyway!


B.   Some service will be more risk-taking than others.  Leading a Bible Study among Christians is not too risk-taking, but it is needed.  It comes more under the faith-building we talked about last week.


C.   We are going to be talking about a particular kind of service today: “Risk-Taking Mission and Service.”


I.   A look at the Scripture:


A.   The Story of the Good Samaritan.


B.   The Priest and the Levite walked around obvious suffering, ignoring it or denying it, and went on their merry way.


C.   As Christians, we can=t do that:


II.  AVibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Risk-Taking Mission  and Service. Risk-Taking Mission and Service includes the projects, the efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives of others for the purposes of Christ, whether or not they will ever be part of the community of faith.@


A.   Some will be in service in the church among those who are already in the church such as teaching etc., which is a necessary service but is not what this practice is talking about. It is more what the Intentional Faith Development is about.


B.   Risk-Taking Mission and Service is talking about things like:

1.   VIM teams to Porta Rico or Texas for Hurricane relief.

2.   Allowing our church to be used for service ministries in the community.

3.   Thrift Store

4.   Working on people’s homes in the community.

5.   Gideon=s International, Heifer International, or Options.

6.   Helping immigrant families at the border!

7.   Our benevolence fund where we help people with gas, and etc.

8.   Cutting firewood for people.

9.   Some of these are more Risk-Taking than others, but this is talking about the ways we get our hands dirty serving those outside the church, whether or not they ever come into the church.  It is the way we are Jesus’ hands and feet to show God’s love in our world and community.


C.   Churches should be permission-giving instead of approval-seeking!


     1.   Let’s say Tom has an idea of having a yard sale on the church property to raise money for buying devotionals for prisoners in the local prison.

     2.   He goes to the pastor with his idea.  The pastor says, “You’ll have to check with the Trustees to see if it is okay to have a yard sale on the church property.”  They won’t meet until next month.

     3.   Next month, Tom goes to the Trustee meeting to ask them about having the yard sale.  They tell him they will have to do some research about insurance and etc. and get back to him next month. 

     4.   The next month, they tell him there are no insurance problems, but now he will have to take his request to the mission team to make sure his request is in line with the mission of the church.  Next month he does that.

     5.   They approve it, but they say he will have to take his idea to the Church Council next month for final approval. 

     6.   He finally gets permission, but now it is December and too cold for a yard sale this year.

     7.   You get the idea.  We need to be structured so that when people have a heart for mission and a plan they can be released to do so.


A.      Instead, the plan should be developed by those who have a heart for it.


B.      ANot everyone has the spiritual gifts, the personal temperament, or the physical stamina to step beyond the edge of ordinary service.@

1.      That is okay!  In the body of Christ there are many members, and we do not all have the same function.

2.      But the church should be permission giving and supportive of those who do have a heart for the ministry.

3.      Lyle Schaller was quoted as saying, when it comes to initiating new ministries, Awe should only count the yes votes.@  If there are people wanting to do it, we should turn them loose to serve.

a.   This isn’t to say we should say yes to every idea that someone has that they think someone should do!

b.   This isn’t to say we should pass the offering plate for every idea someone has.

c.   This is saying, if someone is wanting to do a ministry, we should be open to them doing it.

d.   If they have a plan, are willing to implement it, and have a way to fund it, we should say go for it without all the red tape!


III. Churches should be supportive of those who do Risk-Taking Mission and Service.

A.   That is how we can all be a part of it.


B.   We can be supportive by being permission giving.


C.   We can also be supportive by helping fund it.

VIM teams.  We could help with expense.  Some who have a heart for this may not actually be able to afford the expense.

Thrift Store.  We can fund with donations even if we aren’t there personally!  We can support the free food shelf by bringing food!

You can be a part of all the ministries of our church by our faithful giving to support the church!


IV.  Random thoughts about helping others.


     A.   When you can help through an organization that helps the homeless  

          and supplies food that has a good track record, such as our own

          United Methodist Committee on relief etc.

          1.  Springfield has signs up encouraging people to give money to

              charitable organizations rather than pan handlers.

          2.  They know sometimes money is abused that is given to pan



     B.   Unless you know the people personally, don’t give money to them

          directly.  Sometimes they will give you a story, and when you give

          them money, they will use it for something else.  There is biblical

          support for this. Notice the good Samaritan gave the money to the

          Inn Keeper!

          1.  If they are asking for help with utilities, pay it to utility

              company for them.

          2.  If they are asking for gas to take kids to the doctor, meet

              them at the station and put gas in their car.  I have had people

              tell me this, meet them at the station, and find their tank

              was full!

          3.  If you want to help a pan handler on the street, prepare a bag

              of food etc. to hand to them.  Have it in your car just in case.


     C.   This truly is risk taking work!  I really want to be a Matt.

          25 person!

          1.  But I have learned there are people who don’t care about the

              church other than as an easy way to get a hand out.

          2.  There is a network out there so that if you help one, others

              come with the same story that worked.

          3.  I have learned that if I take all the precautions I can to make

              sure I am being a good steward of God’s money and they still

              abuse it, it is on them.  They will have to account for that. I only have to account for that I did what I could!

          4.  I have also learned that there are more ways than money to help.

              Sometimes we need to look for those. 

          5.  I have also learned that sometimes I may not be able to do what

              they ask. Maybe I can refer them to something or someone else.

              Our money only goes so far!


     D.   But Fruitful congregations in some way are involved in Risk Taking

          Mission, in doing something with their faith, in reaching out

          beyond themselves and helping others!

          1.  It isn’t just about taking care of ourselves.

          2.  It is messy work, but we are called to do it.



AVibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Risk-Taking Mission and Service.@

Are you being called to serve?

Are you being called to be permission giving?

Are you being called to support in some other way?


As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, let us say yes to whatever we are being called to do!



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion 

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