Monday, January 8, 2024

A Different Way!

                                                 Epiphany Sunday!




A.   Read Matt 2:7-12.


B.   There's a gospel song that came out several years ago entitled, "A Different Way."

1.   It tells how the Wise men left a different way and how that when people meet Jesus they leave a different way today.

          2.   "They aren't the same people they once were!"

          3.   Give it a listen:


C.   This is a Biblical principal.



Let's look this morning at the way people leave when they meet Jesus!


              Colossians 3:1-14


I.   Christ gives us a new set of morals, based on a Spirit of Love.


A.   Christ's life and word teaches us Godly morals, based in Love!


1.   Morals that are fair for everyone.

2.   Morals that don't take advantage of others for self-gain!

     3.   Morals that cause us to want to help those who can=t help

themselves, because of our love.

          4.   A litmus test to whether something is sin is whether it comes from a Spirit of Love!  What does love say? “Love binds it all together in perfect harmony.”


B.   If we have any question as to whether or not God's morals are best for everyone, we need to picture a world without God's influence!


1.   A world where killing is not against the law!  The strong

survive!  Much like in the animal world.

2.   A world where stealing is not against the law!  You can just take what you want!

3.   A world where it is not taught that we should work for our living!  Everybody stealing and getting a living however they can.  Like two dogs fighting over the same bone!

4.   A world where women and children have no rights!  There are no laws against rape and child abuse because they have no rights!

5.   A world where there is no such thing as devotion to one mate. There is no commitment nor lasting love!

          6.   A world where bigotry, prejudice, and hate are unchecked because the litmus test is what is good for me and what do I want and not what does love say!


C.   We think it is bad now, but look at all the places where Christ has influenced our lives!


D.   We are blessed whether Christian or not to live in a world where Christ has had this influence!


II.  When we meet Christ, we will want Christ's morals!


A.   We will value the things of God!  

(we will value love)  Col. 3:12-14


1.   Compassion  (being merciful to those who are in need)

2.   kindness

3.   humility

a.   not thinking we are better than others.

b.   not thinking God is really lucky to have us on God's


4.   Meekness:  which means "God controlled."

5.   patience

6.   forgiveness - be forgiving!

7.   His Love! “binds it all together”


We will really strive and want these things because they are what we value!


B.   We will value our families, and we will work on our relationships!


C.   We will value God's word and God's message of love to humanity!


D.   After we have encountered Christ, we will have different values, values based in love!  We will leave a different way!


E.   Some of these morals and values will be instant, but others, we learn as we grow in Christ!  We should constantly be being perfected in God’s love!


F.   From the time we encounter Christ, we begin a journey in a different way: as Christ is revealed to us, we are changed!


III. Christ so changes our lives that when we meet him we walk away with a new purpose!


A.   Without Christ, without forgiveness, without love, what is life?


B.   It is meaningless!


C.   With Christ, life has meaning!



A.   Yes, I believe that like the wise men, when we meet Jesus, we leave a different way:  we are no longer the same!


B.   This is our Epiphany or Ah ha moment this morning: that this Christ who we encounter in the Bible has and can really change our lives!


C.   As we have an anointing of hands this morning, at the beginning of this new year, let us leave a different way, with a real love for the people that God has put in our lives!


D.   Church, as we are anointed with the Spirit of God, let’s leave a different church in this new year!

1.   With a real burden for the lost!

2.   With a feeling of urgency to reach out like we never have before!

3.   With a love for people like we have never had before!

4.   This next year could be the best year for Forsyth UMC!



     Anointing of Hands:


     You are invited to come forth and open your hands, palms upward.  I will anoint your hands with oil in the sign of the cross saying, “Spirit of God, use these hands as your own; let … leave a different way.”

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