John 4:3-30 & 39-42
A. Just
following is the woman at the well.
B. Why
did he "[have] to go" through Samaria?
C. Why
did he feel this necessity to go through Samaria?
None of the other Jews did!
I. Why Samaria?
A. Closest
route? Easiest?
1. There
were 2 routes from Judea to Galilee (Bible Knowledge
a. One
straight through.
b. The
other around Samaria and up through Peria.
one was most used by the Jews!
2. "Samaritans
were a mixed race descended partly from the
Ten tribes,
partly from heathen immigrants (Assyrians).
Their faith and
practice was founded on the Pentateuch
(pen' ta tuk) (1st
five O.T. books) alone, and they
rejected the
whole of the other Jewish books" (Young's
3. It wouldn’t have been a popular thing to do
with the
other Jews!
B. If
this way wasn't the easiest then why did he go?
1. He
wanted to seek out these despised Samaritans, and
perhaps, he even planned to meet this
woman at the well.
2. Barrier to overcome! In the normal routine for most Jews,
he wouldn't have a chance to talk to this woman. So he planned a meeting where he would
have this opportunity!
3. By
speaking to the woman, he created an interest by showing
an interest!
II. How does this
apply to us today?
A. As individuals we may have to plan to spend
some time with someone in order to ever really have a chance to talk with them!
1. If
we don't then we are letting Barriers keep us from doing
a. Not
enough time on the job.
b. Not
the proper place.
2. We
can overcome these barriers just like Christ! Plan a
a. Ask
them to your house for supper and games!
b. Help
them paint their house!
c. Go
shopping with them!
d. Common
interest? Share it together!
e. Help
them in a time of need!
3. Don't be pushy, but look for an opportunity
to share!
4. By
doing this we will have broken down the Barriers of the
proper time and place, and
you will have created an interest by caring!
B. As
a church we may need to plan ways to reach people!
1. If
we do not, then we may be letting barriers keep us from
doing that!
a. Distance
to church!
Parents may not drop kids off for
church -Adults
may not have transportation
b. Not
being able to draw people in through our
regular church services!
People aren't just knocking our
doors down to
come to church any more!
2. As a church, we too can overcome these
barriers like Christ by planning!
a. Distance
to church?
People may not have a way to
church, but through
planning we might. . .
1) find
people who would be willing to make one
stop on their way to church in
order to
pick someone up!
2) find people who would be willing to visit in
order to find these people to pick up!
b. Not
being able to draw people in through our
regular church services?
1) People
are drawn to a church when that
church meets their needs.
2) So
we concentrate on finding ways to meet needs,
to do something
with our faith! That is in part
what this Small
Church Cohort is about, finding
ways to meet
People in the community, who are not being reached by a church. Who are they?
How can we meet their needs? Casual worship? Bridge activities?
(activities that they will come to and be introduced to the church)
3. Once
we have broken down these barriers we can reach people!
A. Christ's
life was a ministry day by day planning to meet with people
and meeting
their needs! Christ had the Living
Water! Christ was
the Living
Water, but he still had to plan His ministry.
Watch this clip: (a modern day take on the story)
B. We have the Living Water! We have what people need! Our life
be a ministry also.
C. For our life to be a ministry,
we must do some planning!
D. For our church to minister, we must do some
E. Are you planning your ministry?? As we encounter Christ at the
table this morning, let’s commit to being more intentional about
planning our ministry.
of Confession
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