Tuesday, January 2, 2024

What Do You Expect?

 Christmas Eve.

Earlier in service, Luke 2:1-20


     Play clip of Luke 1:68-79 (our scripture to music)




     What do you expect because of this baby, whose birthday we      celebrate on Christmas?




I.   Zechariah knew expectations were a powerful force.

     A.   Filled with the Holy Spirit, he expresses the great              expectation he had for this coming of the Savior.

          1.   He would redeem his people.

          2.   He would fulfill prophecy.

          3.   He would bring salvation from the enemy.

          4.   He would bring mercy.

          5.   He would be holy and righteous.

          6.   He would bring knowledge and salvation.

          7.   He would bring forgiveness of sin.

          8.   He would lead them from darkness to light.


     B.   His expectations were not unrealistic, but valid and full        of hope.


     C.   Zechariah set the tone for the coming, HE EXPECTED GREAT         THINGS.


II.  The Bible Places Importance on the Power of Expectations.

     A.   God told Abraham in Genesis 18:19 that he had chosen him         to keep the way of the Lord and promised that he would           bless him as he did so.


     B.   At the conversion of Paul in Acts 9:6, God told Saul to          "Go into the city and I will tell you what you must do."         He told Ananias in verse 15, "He is a chosen vessel."


     C.   In John 14:12, Jesus told his followers that anyone who          had faith in Him and what he was doing would do even             greater things than he had.


     D.   It is clear that the Bible, especially the life of               Christ, leads us to EXPECT SOMETHING.


III. What Do We Expect for Ourselves?

     A.   We have 8 beatitudes, but Alexander Pope spoke of a 9th,         "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be        disappointed."


          1.   We Must realize that our expectations will help                  shape the course of our lives!         

          2.   If we expect the worst of ourselves, we set the                  stage for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

              a.   "I don't know why I'm even trying this, I know                  I can't do it."

              b.   "I know that he or she won't like me, so I                       don't even know why I try!"

              c.   These are the sort of expectations that undo                    us.


     B.   We must realize that life is largely an "INSIDE JOB."

          1.   We like to blame, parents, our hereditary traits,                our environment, our government, our first grade                 teacher, our president, our neighbor, or anyone else             who happens to come to mind.

              a.   If we are married, we usually blame our husband                 or wife.

              b.   "This is all your fault.  I wouldn't be like I                  am if it wasn't for you!"

          2.   We do this because it is easier than facing the                  frightening fact that WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE, AND               WHERE WE END UP, is in the end UP TO US!


     C.   It is all wrapped up in our freedom to choose; Joshua            24:15 does not say let your wife choose, or let your             husband choose, or anyone else choose, it says clearly,          "CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY."


     D.   So what should we expect?

          1.   Ephesians 3:20 says that he is able to do                        immeasurable more than we can ask or imagine when                his power is at work in us.

          2.   Paul, in a cold, dark dungeon said, (Phil. 4:13)  "I             can do all things through Christ who strengthens                 me."

          3.   We need to LEARN TO EXPECT GOD TO USE US!  Dream a               little!

              a.   Kids dream about Christmas night and their eyes                 get bright and wide.  They live on the                          adrenaline that pumps just expecting the big                    day to get here.


              b.   Idealism, Morals, Standards, are a vanishing                    concept to many.  We are a nation of stark                       realists.  We tend to put down the dreamer who                   says we can make a difference.  We say that one                  vote, a call, an encouraging word are no longer                  able to change things.


              c.   Jesus was a dreamer; just check out the sermon                  on the mount and these kinds of ideals:

                   1)   When wronged, turn another cheek.

                   2)   When asked to go a mile, go the second                          mile.

                   3)   Pray for those who wrong you.

                   4)   Love your enemies.

                   5)   Never seek revenge.


              d.   We have tended to say, "Oh come on now; we                       can't live on that level, or even get anywhere                   close to it!"

                   1)   But these are the dreams of our Savior.

                   2)   These are the kinds of expectations that                        can change our lives, our church, and even                      make a major impact on our community and                        world.


     E.   God has done God’s part!  God/Jesus has come in this babe        born at Bethlehem.  It is a lack of proper priorities in         WHAT WE EXPECT that holds us back from all the                   accomplishments, all the changed lives, and the peace of         mind that we all seek for.



     A.   In closing, what are the hopes and dreams in your life?          What do you expect because of Christmas?  Life as usual?


     B.   As we begin the celebration of Christmas tonight, come to

a God who expected great things enough He came in the babe

born in a manger in Bethlehem, come to the greatest

dreamer of all, Jesus Christ, and let Him help you reach

for the stars and have great hopes and expectations for

the future!  Let this Christmas be the beginning of a life

committed or more fully committed to Christ.


     C.   You are invited at this time to come forth, place your

Christmas Offering on the Altar, remain/kneel for a time

of prayer and commitment, and pick up a candle as you return

to your seats.



     Candlelight service

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