Monday, November 27, 2023

Thy Kingdom Come?

                                         Christ the King Sunday!


Focus Statement:    In this scripture, Jesus says his Kingdom is not of this world, but He affirms Pilot's belief that he is a King by saying for this he came into the world, to testify to the truth, and by saying those who belong to the truth listen to His voice.


Function Statement: Because of this sermon, the

                   congregation will understand that they are a part of Christ's Kingdom today and will commit to walk more faithfully in the truth.



                         John 18:33-37

Movement 1: 

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  What are we praying for here?  Are we praying for the end of the world?  For the end of time?  Many think so!  Many look at how the world is and pray this prayer looking for relief from this evil world.  "The Left Behind" series and much of the "popular" literature written about The Revelation of John today make us think of the Kingdom of Christ in purely futuristic terms, thus, making us long for that future time win Christ will make all things right.  Here is a trailer from one of the “Left Behind”  movies:

But is this the way it is meant to be understood and prayed at all?  “Thy Kingdom come. They will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Movement 2:


     Our scripture today is John's account of Jesus' answer to Pilot's question, "Are you the King of the Jews?"  The synoptic gospels all agree that Jesus answered in a rather short way, "You say so," but John's answer to this question is much longer.  Traditionally, many have thought that the Gospel of John and The Revelation of John were both written by the Apostle John.  This is not always agreed upon today.  Nonetheless, I think their understandings of the Kingdom of God and Christ are very much similar.  Wes Howard-Brook and Anthony Gwyther, in their book, Unveiling Empire: Reading Revelation Then and Now say, John's look behind the veil gave him a sense that reality was bifurcated.  The word 'bifurcate' means to divide into two branches.  Apocalyptic discourse (which Revelation is) does this by arguing that there is not only the world constructed by those with social power but also another world hidden by empire's illusions.  The world defined by those with power represents one branch.  This is the one most people consider 'reality' and which attempts to define our very being.  The world where God lives and reigns is the other branch.  According to the apocalyptic worldview, this latter world is the 'real' one, while the other is a parody or counterfeit version of this reality.11  To Howard-Brook and Gwyther, John's Revelation shows people living in a world ruled by empire, in which Christ was crucified, Christians are being persecuted, the poor are being taken advantage of, people are stepping on others to get ahead, and success is measured by how much money you have, that there is another realm in which we can live (the Kingdom of God) where Christ (the lamb who was slain) is victorious and reigning, where Christians are worshiping God. For John, it was happening now, not sometime in the future! In this second Kingdom (God’s Kingdom), it is more important to be fair and just than to get ahead, it is more important to live right and die than to succumb to the temptations of this world, and in this Kingdom, your success is measured by your faithfulness to God.  In this second Kingdom, we can rejoice!  That is why we can worship Christ as King!

In John's gospel, Jesus answers, "My Kingdom is not of this world."  He is not the King of this world where evil seems to be winning, where people are trampled on to get ahead, and where those without power are oppressed!  He is not the King of that first branch that Howard-Brook and Gwyther talk about.  If He were, His followers would fight to keep him from being arrested!  So Pilot says, "So you are a King?"  Here Jesus answers with the same answer as the other gospels, "You say that I am," but He doesn't stop with that answer.  He goes on to say, "For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth."  For what was he born?  To be the King of this second branch of existence or realm of life?  To testify to the truth?  John's understanding of truth was like the Old Testament understanding of truth where truth was moral and relational, not intellectual; to be true was to be constant, to be permanent, to be faithful, to be reliable, and to judge truly.2  For Jesus to testify to the truth was to testify to a Kingdom in which people could live in relation to God and each other, where morality is a virtue, where it is important to be faithful and reliable, and where people are just.  Jesus goes on to say, "Everyone who belongs to the truth [kingdom] listens to my voice."  Christ is the leader in this Kingdom!  Christ reigns!  Christ is King!

Movement 3:

John shows us a Kingdom in which Christ reigns.  We don't have to sit around and wait for the end to come to live in the Kingdom and for things to be better.  For us to sit around and wait, for us to give up and long for the end is to succumb to this world.  Christ has made a way for us to live in the Kingdom today!  We can make a difference today!  We can make things better!  If we live justly, if we stand for right even when it hurts, the world will be a better place.  That is what John’s gospel and the book of Revelation is about!  This isn't to say we won't suffer; the ones to whom John wrote suffered.  It is to say that in the bigger picture, in the Kingdom that counts, we are on the winning side!  John presents us with a challenge.  Will we choose to live in the Kingdom where Christ reigns, or will we live in the Kingdoms of this world?  Will we walk in Christ's truth?  The choice is up to us.  As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, let's commit to living faithfully in the Kingdom where Christ reigns!  Thy Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven, and help me Lord to live faithfully in it!    Thanks be to God!  Amen!

Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

       11.Wes Howard-Brook and Anthony Gwyther, Unveiling Empire: Reading Revelation Then and Now (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1999) 121.

       2.Paul J. Achtemeier, ed., HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (SanFrancisco: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996) 1179.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Praise, A Natural Response!

                                            Thanksgiving Sunday!

                         Psalm 150:1-6


     A.   Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.  Some will ask, what do I have to be thankful for?  Many will stop,  count their blessings, and express their thanks to God!


     B.   This is something that should take place all year round! People with a grateful heart will naturally express thanks!


     C.   Praise in worship is one form of thanks expressed to God and many times people have trouble expressing praise!



I would like to look at "Praise" today and see

     if we can come to a better understanding of how we can come to the place of Praising God!




I.   The Psalmist is very clear that we should praise the Lord!


A.   Praise God in his sanctuary!


B.   Praise God for what God has done!


C.   Praise God with music!


D.   "Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!


E.   But many times, Praise is seen as some mysterious

     thing that we do not know if we want to do are not!


II.  First, let's look at some common misconceptions about



A.   The Worship & Praise in a worship service is controlled largely by the worship leader.

1.   In other words, the leader should be able to cause us to worship and praise the Lord by the  way he or she conducts the service.

2.   The leader can possibly cause us to have an interesting service or maybe even raise the enthusiasm a little, but he or she can't cause us to praise the Lord!

3.   The leader might say, "Do I hear an Amen?"  We might respond by saying, "Amen."  That doesn't mean that we mean it!

4.   The leader might get everyone to raise their hands as a praise gesture, but that doesn't mean it is heartfelt!

5.   Worship & Praise comes from the heart, and the Worship leader can't create that in our hearts that causes us to Praise the Lord!


B.   The pastor, singers, & worship leader are conducting worship; we are just spectators.

1.   We should all be worshiping; we are all the actors.  The pastor is on the same level as the congregation, when it comes to praise in worship!

2.   God should be the spectator; we are all  worshiping for and to God.

3.   Although, God does become active also in the movement of the Holy Spirit!


C.   Praise and worship comes when individuals make a decision that today I am going to Praise the Lord!

1.   While this is a part of it, we do need to make an  effort to prepare ourselves for worship and to be  active in worship.

2.   This isn't the key either; we may decide that we think our worship services are lacking, so we are going to worship today.

a.   So, we decide that we are going to testify today, but we really do not feel the testimony or the victory!

b.   We may decide that our services need more outward expression (saying amen, lifting hands), so we decide to do this, but it isn't heartfelt, and we haven't praised the Lord!


III. Then how do we come to the place of Praising the Lord?


A.   We have to work on the heart.

1.   Praise is a form of Thankfulness; we may say  Thank You to someone because it is the thing to  do, but if we don't feel gratitude in our hearts  then we aren't Thankful!

2.   We can go through the motions of praise, but if  we don't feel it in our hearts, we haven't worshiped!


B.   How do we work on the heart?  If we have trouble worshiping and feeling praise, what do we need to do?  Start with the basics:

1.   Are we in tune with God the rest of the week?

APray without ceasing.@ (I Thess. 5:17)  If we aren't, how can we expect to be in tune on Sunday?

a.   Do we pray?  without ceasing? (prayerful attitude) 

b.   Do we consult God with everyday decisions?

c.   Do we lean on God through the week?

d.   Do we realize the good things God does and Thank God for them regularly?

2.   Do we desire to know more about God?

a.   Do we study and read the Bible regularly?  In it we see reasons to Praise the Lord!

b.   Do we take opportunities to learn from other Christians and be encouraged by other Christians by attending church services?

3.   Do we desire to serve the Lord through the week?

a.   Do we want to be used to tell others about Christ?  Do we take opportunities?

b.   Do we want to show God's love by caring and doing for other people?  Do we take opportunities?


IV.  We have too long put too much emphasis on our Sunday   Morning service as a gauge of how our church is doing!


A.   Someone asks how our church is doing; they are wanting

to know how many we are running on Sunday morning.


B.   They ask us how spiritual our church is; they are

wanting to know if we have any amens, crying, hand

raising, and things like that.


C.   But the real gauge of how our church is doing is what

are we doing after encountering Christ Sunday morning?

1.   Are we concerned about growth enough that we are taking part in our own daily Bible Study?

2.   Do we stay in close communication with God through prayer?

3.   Are we busy doing for the Lord through the week?

Helping others?  Involved in some personal ministry?

          4.   Are we supporting the ministries of the church

              through our tithes and offerings?


D.   When we aren't doing these things, we can't praise the Lord!

1.   We can't praise God for what God is doing in our lives when we aren't letting God do anything in our lives!

2.   We are too overcome with guilt and defeat!


E.   But when we do these things, Praise is a natural response.

1.   Our hearts are full!

2.   We are so excited about how we've seen God move in our lives!

3.   People will naturally express this praise in different ways.

a.   Some may cry!

b.   Some may want to say amen!

c.   Some may want to testify!

d.   Some will sing a little louder!

e.   All will want to participate in worship!


F.   But it will all be the natural response of hearts in tune with God, hearts that can see God making a difference in their lives!




A.   Are we one of those "hearts in tune" this morning?


B.   Or do we find ourselves asking, what do I have to be thankful for?  Thanksgiving has become a drudgery!  Praise has become something we try to work ourselves  up to!  It doesn=t have to be that way!


     C.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning,

          renew your relationship, work on that relationship all

          week, so that you can really celebrate Thanksgiving

          and so you can overflow in praise to God on Sunday?



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, November 13, 2023

A Good Soldier of Christ


Veteran’s Day Sunday

Introduction:  Watch clip:



A.   Yesterday was Veteran’s Day, a day that we as Americans have set aside to honor those who have served or are serving our country.


     B.   It is appropriate that we should set aside to remember

          those who have given so much so that we can enjoy the

          freedoms and privileges of living in this great land

of The United States of America.


     C.   But let's not forget who has made us great!  All that

          America is is because of the grace of God!!

          "God shed his grace on thee . . . ."


     D.   And there are other people who have given so much so

we may know God through Christ.



          One of these is Paul!  He was most definitely A Good

          Soldier of Christ! That is what I want to talk to you

          about today: “A Good Soldier of Christ.”



                        II Timothy 2:1-7


I.   A Good Soldier of Christ is strong!

     A.   The strength is found in the grace that is in Jesus

          Christ. v.1

              I can do all things through Christ which

              strengtheneth me!  Phil. 4:13


     B.   Paul had found the strength he needed to endure prison

          etc. in Christ and he is telling Timothy to rely on


          1.   Strength during sickness!

          2.   Strength during difficult times!

3.   “Share in suffering like a good soldier of

Christ.” Vs.3


a.   A Christian shouldn’t always demand their rights; sometimes we should be willing to suffer for Christ!

b.   On the other hand, a Christian should always be an advocate for the rights of those who are being overlooked or abused by society!

c.   It really affects how Christians are viewed!  Are they viewed as people who are always fusing that they aren't getting what's coming to them, or are they viewed as people who are always advocating for others?


II.  A Good Soldier of Christ teaches others what he/she has

     learned in Christ!  v.2


A.   This is how God’s Kingdom is grown.  It is God's method and it has been called, "the ministry of multiplication."


     B.   The key is to be able to teach others well enough that

          they can in turn teach others!


     C.   That's why teaching is so important!  That is part of

          what preaching does!


III. A Good Soldier has endurance!  v.3

          But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall

          be saved.  Matt. 24:13


     A.   He that endures doesn't let himself be entangled in

The affairs of this life to the point that he leaves

Out Christ!  v.4

          1.   Money is good, but it shouldn’t become our god!

          2.   Pleasure is good, but it shouldn’t become our



     B.   He that endures plays by the rules. v.5

1.   Discipline – be consistent in our service and worship of God!

          2.   Self-Control

              a.   moderation is key

              b.   keep our vows to God and each other.

3.   Tolerance – allow others to experience the same grace that we all need!

4.   Love – love God and love others as ourselves! The two greatest commandments we talked about last week!


     C.   He that endures is a hard worker. v.6 (The husbandman

          or farmer represents a hard worker.)



     A.   As Paul neared the end of his life he could look back

          and see that:

          1.   He had endured!

          2.   He had played by the rules!

          3.   He had worked hard!

          4.   He had taught others so God's message wouldn't

              stop with him!


     B.   His advice to Timothy was to do the same, and it's his

          advice to us too!


     C.   Are we heeding that advice?


     D.   Do we need the strength found in Christ?  Are we good

soldiers of Christ?


     E.   If we find ourselves lacking in any of Paul’s advice

to Timothy, we can ask Christ to help us as we

encounter Christ at the table this morning.


                      Prayer of Confession


Service of Communion

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Good Scribe!

                                              All Saint=s Sunday!


A.   Today is All Saint=s Sunday, when we look back at the Saint=s who have gone on before us, remembering their legacy, and perhaps trying to pattern our lives after.


  B.   We kind of get in our minds that all the scribes were

     bad because we see in the Bible where Jesus was always having trouble with the "Scribes and Pharisees!"  This clip is what we view as a typical interaction of Jesus with the Scribes and Pharisees:



     C.   Today, I would like to look at "A Good Scribe."

          Perhaps, as we do, we can gain understanding that will  help us be the kind of Saint=s who will be remembered  for years to come.



                      Mark 12:28-34 (NRSV)


I.   Let's look at the Scripture.

A.   Jesus was just being questioned by some of these men; they were trying to trip him up!


1.   vs. 13 Catch -(argeusosin) was used to describe (NIV & KJV) catching wild animals with  a trap!

So the NRSV uses the word Trap!


2.   The Herodians & the Pharisees had questioned him about paying tribute to Caesar.


3.   The Sadducees questioned him about the resurrection.  If a woman had been married

     several times in life, whose wife would she be at the resurrection?


B.   A certain Scribe was impressed by the way Jesus answered them!


C.   He asked, "Which commandment is the first of all?"



D.   Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God" & "Love your neighbor as yourself."


E.   The Scribe said, ""Well said, teacher, You are right

     in saying that God is one and there is no other but

     him.  To love him with all your heart, with all your

     understanding and with all your strength, and to love

     your neighbor as yourself is more important than all

     burnt offerings and sacrifices." (NIV)


          1.   Do you realize the magnitude of what the scribe said here?


2.   At the time of Christ, the religious leaders felt

the burnt offerings and sacrifices were most important!  Surprisingly, this man said this, and  their eyes met and Jesus looked at him very seriously and said, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."  The scribe got it!  He understood!


G.   Notice, Jesus always gave a Loving, Kind answer to

those who came to him honestly and sincerely searching  for him!


II.  The Religious leaders & the religious system that Jesus came to actually thought more of their little laws (getting    every little sacrifice just right) than they did people or God!


A.   Jesus was always being rebuked for doing good on the

Sabbath!  (Matt. 12:9-14)


B.   The Story of the good Samaritan! (Luke 10:30-37)  The

religious people, priest and levite, didn't stop!


III. To this type of world and to ours today, Jesus declared the two greatest commandments!


A.   First, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


B.   Second, Love your neighbor as yourself.


C.   Jesus got right to the heart of the matter!  We can't

     sin without breaking one of these commandments!

1.   Terrorism is a lack of love.

2.   Theft is a lack of love.

3.   Murder is a lack of love.

4.   Prejudice is a lack of love.


IV.  How does this apply today?

A.   If we love God and each other, we'll have unity!

1.   One mind, striving toward what God wants for our church!  That's positive!

2.   With love, we'll respect each other and our

     mutual love for God will keep us together!

     It will keep us focused, and we=ll work together!


B.   With love . . . we'll want to do what we can!

1.   Christianity is a Ado@ religion, and not just a


a.   do love.

b.   do stand up for those who can’t stand for themselves!

2.   Our love for God and people moves us to action!

3.   We find ourselves asking: "What can I do to help?" or "Where can I serve?"


C.   With love . . . we'll make a difference!  We'll touch lives!  People will come to God!  Lives will be changed!


V. When Jesus told the Scribe, "You are not far from the

kingdom   of God." it was because this Scribe had

understood what Jesus was trying to get across to the

people of his time and the religious system!  When the

scribe said:


A.   Mark 12: 33b   "is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."


He said a mouth full!


B.   What the Scribe understood was:

1.   1st priority, Love God!

2.   2nd priority, Love others!

3.   And everything else would fall in place!

4.   If we let anything be more important (even

     religion) than loving God and loving others,

we've missed it!

5.   They didn't even realize when their religion was getting away from God! Think about it, not doing work on the Sabbath was more important to them than being compelled by love to help someone.


     I've got to ask, “Do we have any don'ts that are more important to us than loving people?”


6.   Why we do the things we do has to go back to our

     love for God and our love for people!


A.   The Good Scribe understood!


B.   The question is, "Do we understand?"


C.   Are we compelled by a love for God and a love for

others?  Or have we become like the people of Jesus'

time, leaving love out all together?  Being compelled

by a religion of don’ts?


D.   We can let Christ transform us as we encounter Christ

     at the table.  Then, we will be Saints who are

     remembered for their love for God and people in years

to come; thanks be to God!


     Prayer of Confession & Service of Communion!