Monday, April 29, 2024

Power to Live Forever.

 5th Sunday of Easter!

Series: Power to Live! 

Introduction:  watch clip:


A.   Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth; although,

historians don=t all agree on this highly romanticized part of  his story.


B.   People still search for ways to extend life or to take away the signs of age!


C.   Humanity has always had this desire to live forever.



In our scripture for today, we will see where Jesus gives us the APower to Live Forever!@



Luke 23:44-47; 24:1-9 & 36-49 and John 14:19


I.   Let=s look at the scripture:


A.   In the earlier part of chapter 23, Jesus goes through a mockery of a trial.


B.   In verses 44-47, darkness comes over the earth as Jesus dies.  The curtain of the temple is torn in two (some translations say from top to bottom which is significant).  God did it!


C.   In 24:1-9, women come to the tomb with spices to anoint Jesus= body for burial, but the tomb is empty and two men in dazzling clothes announce that he is not here, but he is risen!


D.   Toward the last of chapter 24, Jesus appears to his followers and declares that this was all a part of the plan, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations . . .

     1.   This was the plan!

     2.   Because of the resurrection, we can repent and have forgiveness of sins, because of the resurrection, we can live forever!


I. What is the plan, and how can this be?


A.   We stand before God lost!  Whatever you believe about the origins of humankind, the creation stories in the Bible tell us God created humankind with a choice to sin or not to sin: we were created with a free will.  God did not want us to be puppets on a string!  The first people sinned (we've sinned), and that sin separates us from God.


Romans 3:23

"since all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."


Romans 6:23

"For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."


B.   Spiritual death - separation from God and all goodness.  Death forever!


Hebrews 9:27

"And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once but after that the judgement,"


C.   Physical death - then the judgement.


D.   At this point, the picture is pretty bleak for us.  We are separated from God for all eternity; we are out of relationship with God.  Nothing we can do can restore that relationship!


God didn't want to leave us in this condition!


Romans 5:8

"But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us."


Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God - not the  result of works, so that no one may  boast."


E.   Saved by grace through faith!  Can't do enough good works to earn it!


John 1:12

"But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God,"


F.   Receive him - relationship restored!  Abundant life!  A life of purpose!


G.   A life eternally with God forever!  This is the AGood News!@  Jesus gives us the Power to Live Forever!



AIn a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will  see me; because I live, you also will live.[i]A John 14:19

A.   Because Jesus lives, we can live!  Do you want to have a life of Purpose today?


1.   This isn=t to say all your problems will be taken away.

2.   But you will have someone to walk with through them.

3.   You will wake up each day with a purpose!

4.   You can be a part of the Kingdom of God today!


B.   Do you want to have eternal life with God where all things are good? Jesus gives us the power for this today also!


C.   As we encounter Christ at the table this morning, do you need to receive what God has done for you in Christ? 

1.   As you come, just ask God to forgive your sins based on what Christ has done and believe in what God has done for you in Christ.

2.   If you do this, the scriptures tell us you will be saved. God has made a way!

3.   If you make a commitment to God, let me know so I can help you with your new-found walk with Christ.

4.   For all of us, as we encounter Christ at the table, let us be reminded that because of the resurrection, we have the power to live for God now and forever in eternity, thanks be to God!

     a)   We can rejoice that we can live for God today and

          be a part of what God is doing in the world and can

          make a positive difference!

     b)   We can also rejoice that this life is not all there

          is! When life is not good, we can rejoice that there

          is better to come because of the resurrection!



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


                        Holy Bible  : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

Monday, April 22, 2024

Power to Be Brave


Series: Power to Live!




Do video clip of Matt. 14: 22-33:




A.   When I read the scripture for today, I have to ask myself, ACould Peter swim?@  Why else would he be so excited when he began to sink?


B.   In this regard, I can relate to Peter.  I am not too brave when it comes to water things because I can=t swim.


C.   Tell story of canoe trip . . . .



I am perhaps a little less brave when it comes to water things after this trip.  I like to watch water; I fish from the shore mostly; I wear a life jacket when in a boat; I don=t wade out too far when baptizing someone ; and It would be in my

wildest dreams to ever ski!  But I think the lesson from this scripture has much more important implications than this.  Let=s look and see what we can learn about the power to be



I.   Let=s look at the scripture:

A.   Peter was brave in this scripture, especially if he could not swim.  If he could swim, he was still brave with the water as rough as it was that day!


B.   Peter was brave when Jesus was arrested; one gospel writer records that one who was with Jesus (believed to be Peter) drew a sword and cut off the ear of the slave of the high priest. (Mark 14:47)


C.   Peter was there all the way through the mockery of a trial.  He denied, but he was there.  He hadn=t quite matured in Christ!


D.   But when Peter was killed, tradition has it that he was crucified, and at his request, because he felt unworthy to be killed as his Lord, he was crucified upside down.  He was really brave by the time of his death!  What happened?


I. How does the implications of this message go deeper even then


A.   A lot of physical things in life take bravery; getting in the water if you can=t swim, riding a motorcycle for some of us, sky diving for others, handling snakes, etc.


B.   But I think, where the rubber hits the road, it is spiritual things and what God calls us to do that takes the most bravery!  In Peter=s case, it was Jesus who told him to step out onto the water.


C.   Jesus can give us the power to be brave in these cases too:

1.   When I became a Christian, mine was Public speaking.

     Tell of my first experience at standing before a class

     . . . .

                   a.   I am an introvert by personality type.

          b.   Preaching was the last thing I could imagine myself doing!

          c.   But here I am!

          d.   I still rely heavily on prayer before public speaking!

2.   Telling others about Christ!  Even the toughest dude, needs power when it comes to sharing with others about Christ!

3.   Giving a public testimony! What will people think?

4.   Teaching a class.

5.   Singing for Christ!

6.   Using our gifts, whatever they are, for Christ!


A. These things take bravery, but Jesus can give us the Power to

     be Brave!

     1.   Jesus helped Peter!

     2.   Jesus helped me!

     3.   I don’t know what the future holds or what I will be

          asked to do, but I know who holds the future and I know

          He can empower me to do it!



A.   Is God calling you to something that you can=t imagine yourself doing?


B.   Give it an honest look; don=t discount it too quick because you can=t see yourself doing it.


C.   Be willing to surrender to trying the Spirits! Be willing to step out into the water!


D.   Come to me and talk to me about; God can give you the Power to be brave!


E.   Are there things in your life that you need bravery to face?

     Come to the one who can give you Power to be Brave as we encounter Christ at the table this morning!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


Monday, April 15, 2024

Power to Help Others!

 Series:  Power to Live! 



A.   John Wesley, the man considered to be the founder of Methodism, didn=t really have any theological problems with the Anglican Church (Church of England), so he never left the Anglican Church.  He died an Anglican Priest.


          1.   Here is a clip I use for Methodist 101; it is a little

              longer than I usually use for a sermon clip, but it gives a good overview of the beginnings of Methodism with John Wesley.


     2.   Watch this clip:


B.   Wesley was troubled by what he saw the church doing with their faith; his problem was with the church’s practice of faith.


     C.   For this reason, Wesley began to go outside the church walls

          and started class meetings where he held the members accountable for what they were doing with their faith.  He would ask them questions like, are you visiting the sick, are you visiting the prisons, are you giving to the poor?  Etc.


     D.   He began to do field preaching (out on the mission field, like on the streets and in the workplace, rather than out in the middle of a corn field) rather than preaching in the church           building to reach the people who were not being reached by the church.



How does this affect who we are as a church today?  Wesley was

very involved in helping ministries!  I think our scripture

for today gives us scriptural support for that.  Listen as we

see how Jesus gives us the APower to Help Others.@


Read John 9: 1-12


I.   Let=s look at the scripture:

A.   Jesus and his disciples are walking along.  The disciples ask him, ADid this man sin or his parents that he was born this way?@


B.   You see back then there was a common misconception that when you were sick it was because of your sins or your parents.  We have that same misconception today.

1.   Jesus answers neither!

2.   He wasn=t sick because of his sin.

3.   Sometimes, we just get sick.

     4.   We aren=t always sheltered from this, even as Christians!

     5.   Just because someone has fallen upon hard times it

          doesn’t mean they have it coming to them because of their

          sin or what they have done.  Sometimes it is, but we

          can’t make that assumption.


C.   Jesus isn=t even asked by the man (I think this is significant), but he takes dust mixed with saliva to make mud to put on his eyes.

1.   He tells him to wash, and when he does, he is healed.

1.      Jesus helped even when he wasn=t asked to, because it was the thing to do!


I.      What does this scripture say to us today?

A.   First, I am sure that Jesus helps us many times when we don=t ask.  We should probably realize that and be thankful as we talked about last week.


B.   Second, we shouldn=t always have to be asked to help.  We should be looking for ways that we can help others!  There are needs all around us.

     1.   Young people who need an opportunity to socialize in a wholesome environment.

2.   Young people who need guidance.

3.   Senior adults who are lonely and need someone to care.

4.   Young couples who are struggling with how to raise their kids.

5.   People who don=t know where their next meal will come from.

6.   People who don=t know God!

7.   Maybe we aren’t equipped to meet all these needs, but for some we might just be the ones who need to act.

8.   Our Wesleyan heritage calls us to look around at the needs we see and act in ways we can!


      C.   So we need to ask how we can meet those needs.

           1.  Sometimes, the answer may be in starting new ministries.

              a.   John Wesley started small groups to hold people

                   accountable to do something with their faith.

              b.   These small groups later became Methodist societies

                   and later in America the Methodist Church!

              c.   Starting new ministries is very Wesleyan!

 2.  Other times, the answer may be in supporting ministries that are already started.

     a.   Support the Thrift Store! That at one time was a new


b.   Support the missions we support as a church: Mozambique, Heifer International, Options, and Gideons to name a few.


c.   Support our food ministries to help people in need, such as the free food shelf.

d.   Support our efforts to provide meals and transportation for those of our church who need it.


I.      It is the Christian thing to do, but we don=t have to do it alone.

A.   Jesus gives us the power to help others. Don=t try to go it alone. Because of the resurrection, we are empowered to help others and to make a difference! Christ is there to help us!    

B.   Pray! Seek God’s leading in prayer!


C.   Seek God in Bible Study!


D.   When you have your answer to what you can do, tap into the power to Help Others.



A.   John Wesley understood an important principle about faith.


     “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

                                                John Wesley


B.   Faith should move us to practice. It should move us to do something! 


C.   Has your faith moved you to helping others, to putting your faith into practice?  If not, come to the one who can give you the power to do that! Amen!



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, April 8, 2024

Power to Be Thankful!

 Series: Power to Live!


A.   We've just come through Lent, Passion Week, and last week  celebrated the Resurrection!

B.   Because of the resurrection, we have the power to live for God!  We have the power to change and be better!  We have the power to do and be lots of things!

C.   Watch this clip:



The first one is APower to Be Thankful.@  Let's look this morning and see how Jesus gives us the power to be thankful and look at our own inclinations toward being thankful or not!



Luke 17: 11-19


I.   Jesus healed ten lepers, notice the difference in the response

of the one leper to that of the other nine!


A.   They were all healed - they were all blessed!


B.   But the nine didn't return to give thanks!

1.   Perhaps they felt it would have happened anyway!

a.   Sometimes we are prone to explain our blessings

away this way.

b.   Even when we have been praying for someone or

     about a situation, when the person's situation

becomes better or our own situation is resolved, we forget to give thanks to God!

c.   Boy, I'm glad it worked out that way; that was sure lucky! (luck - another reason for it to be


2.   Perhaps they felt they deserved the blessing; after

all, they had never done anything to deserve that

type of lifestyle! They didn't owe thanks because

they had it coming!

a.   Sometimes, we are this way!

b.   We feel that what the person has done for us is

only fair, or we feel that what God has done

for us is only fair!

c.   We forget that the other person or God didn't

              really have to do anything!

d.   Examples from former pastorates:


Indiana, took wrapped presents for Christmas to

some in our community who we learned had fallen

on bad times. 


Responses varied: some, "Just put them here."

Others would be so thankful, they just

couldn't believe someone was doing  that for



Food pantry ministry: you can see it in peoples

responses to that. Some are so thankful!

Others just seem to expect it!


I see it and I am sure you do too in responses

from people receiving gas or help from

the Thrift Store!


                                                          This is the difference between expecting

                                                          someone or God to do for us because we deserve

                                                          it and realizing that all that people or God do

                                                          for us is a gift that doesn't have to be given:

                                                          one we do not have coming to us!


3.   Back to lepers: Perhaps they got caught up in

     the opportunities their new life opened up to

     them and "forgot" to give thanks!  Do we

     sometimes get so excited about the gift that we

     forget to thank the giver?


C.   But notice the one that did.


1.   He realized what life had been like without Jesus.

2.   He looked at what he had because of Jesus!

3.   And he was "grateful!"

4.   So he went all the way back and thanked Jesus for

what he had done!  When someone says thanks at the

time you do something for them, it is one thing, but

when someone goes to an effort to come back later,

they are really showing gratitude!  This was the

case with this man!

              5.   I believe that, because of the resurrection, Jesus

empowers us to express thanks in this way!



II.  Which one are you the most like?


James 1:17

"Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from

 above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is

 no variation or shadow due to change."


A.   Do we realize this and realize what we wouldn't have if it

weren't for God and respond by giving "Thanks" for the good



B.   Or do we:

1.   Feel they would happen anyway?

2.   Feel we deserve them?

3.   Get caught up in the good things & forget to give thanks?



A.   In concluding this morning, because of the resurrection, God

gives us the power to be thankful!.  Because of the

resurrection, we can be transformed in this virtue!


B.   Do we need to tap into that power this morning?.


C.   As we encounter Christ at the table, you can tap into that

power to be changed into a person who is thankful to God for

God’s blessings.  You can be that person who thanks God for

answers to prayer!  You can be that person who is thankful to

people instead of thinking they only did what they should! You

can be that person who puts a priority on being Thankful!


     D.   Maybe you’ve never made a commitment to Christ and maybe you

are feeling convicted in that, you can make a commitment to

Christ for the first time too as you come and encounter Christ

at the table.  If you do, let me know so I can help you with

your new walk in Christ!



Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

Monday, April 1, 2024

Resurrection: Life, Hope, and Proclamation!


Easter Service!


                          Mark 16:1-8


                     Prayer of Illumination


Watch clip: “Son of God” resurrection clip.


I.   The resurrection is the life of Christianity!


     A.   If we could be taken to a tomb where the founder of              Christianity lay and Jesus were still there, our                 preaching and singing would be for nothing!


     B.   Our religion would be just like any other world                  religion.


C.   But we can't.  The scripture today states that Jesus is not there!  People have never come up with a body that is believed to be that of Christ.


D.   Even for those who do not believe, this must be a mystery because the historical Jesus, who there is not much doubt lived, cannot be found!  He is not there!


     E.   Upon this fact is the Life of Christianity.


II.  The resurrection is the hope of Christianity!


     A.   We have the hope that our God has the power to bring             us through whatever we face in life.

1.   Trials, temptations, crises, loss of a loved one,

and whatever we face in life, Jesus can bring us

through them.

2.   Because he lived life as a human and understands,

but yet is God.


     B.   We have the hope that we as a Church and the people of

          God can make a positive difference in the world.




1.   Our church has a good location; it is one of the first churches you see when you come into town.  It has great curb appeal; we have a nice facility.  We are in a county seat town.  A lot of people come by our church in a day.  The possibilities are great!

2.   Our church is seen by the bishop and cabinet as a living church that is and can make a difference in this community. I hope you get that!  That is why they chose us for the Cohort!

3.   Some of you also have that vision and hope, which I can see as we talk and meet together!

          4.   If you don't have the vision; let's catch the

hope and vision that is possible because of the resurrection! We can make a difference!


C.   We have the hope that our God is able to raise us also!

1.   We have the hope that this life is not all there is.

2.   Some would have a pretty miserable existence if this life were all there is, but thanks be to God, it is not!

          3.   So the resurrection is the hope of Christianity!


III. The resurrection is the proclamation of Christianity!


     A.   The God who raised Jesus can forgive our sins!


     B.   The God who raised Jesus can raise us up also!


     C.   The God who raised Jesus is a God of Power!


D.   The God who raised Jesus is what our world needs, so the resurrection is the proclamation of Christianity; so let's proclaim it!



     A.   In our video, Peter says, he’s not gone he’s back!


     B.   Later, he says, “we have work to do!”


C.   So as we encounter Christ at the table today, it is

quite fitting that our observance of the Lord's Supper

be celebrated from this context.



          1.   Our observance of the Lord's Supper is a victory


          2.   We do not serve a God who was slaughtered on the

              cross and sealed in a tomb forever!

          3.   We serve a God who was and is victorious over

sin, hell, and the grave.

          4.   So as you encounter Christ at the table today,

let the living Christ empower you to get to work,

to let Christ use you as a vessel of God’s love,

and to let Christ use you to be invitational to



D.   So I say, Brothers and sisters, we too have work to do!  As we go forth today, proclaim the life and hope of Christianity!  He is not here; he has risen!!


Prayer of Confession

Celebration of Communion