Monday, January 29, 2024

Anointed with the Spirit!

                                                            4th Sunday after the Epiphany!       


Focus Statement:      In this scripture, Jesus is filled with the Spirit and takes a scroll and reads from Isaiah

that he is anointed to bring good news to the poor, release of the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and to let the captives go free.


Function Statement: Because of this sermon, the congregation will see that we too are filled with the Spirit

to reach the down and out, to even reach those who are a little rough around the edges.



Luke 4:14-24

Watch clip: (dramatic reinactment of scripture)



Sermon manuscript:

Movement 1: 

When I was a kid, my parents didn=t do too much with me that had anything to do with sports.  I worked with my dad out in the yard and things like that, but we weren=t raised on basketball or baseball.  Dad did put up a basketball goal for me, and mom played Horse or Pony with me sometimes.  When I got into elementary school and they would pick teams, I was always one of the last ones to be picked!  If we ever formed groups in Science or other classes, everyone wanted to be in my group, but when it came to ball, I was one of the last to be picked.  It was like you take him and I=ll take him or her.  It was like deciding who was going to be stuck with me.  Before long, I was pretty well convinced that I couldn=t do it.  I mean, I did play catch with my neighbor across the fence in our backyard.  I could throw well playing with him, I could catch fly balls, line drives, and just about anything he threw, and he did play on a team, but when I was playing at school and the ball would come to me, you could just about bet I would miss it!  Every time we picked teams, it was reinforced that I was not the one to have on your team because I couldn=t play.  I don=t remember a coach ever giving me the time of day; that reinforced to me that I was not even worth teaching.  I was stereotyped that I couldn=t play.   I was just put on a team and given the position where I would hurt them the least!   By the time I got to Junior High and Senior High, I was convinced and never did go out for any kind of sports!  I fulfilled what they expected of me.


Movement 2:

Our scripture today is about. Jesus being filled with the Spirit, going to Nazareth, taking a scroll, and reading from the prophet Isaiah.  He says, AThe Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord=s favor.@  Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of that prophecy.  He said in essence, I have come to receive and minister to those who are outcasts!  He said the Spirit has empowered me to do this!  The Spirit is upon me! 

There are probably several reasons that this statement did not go over too well!  First, he wasn’t what they expected the Messiah to be.  He didn’t in their opinion come from royal blood but instead from a peasant family.  They had watched him grow up.  He didn’t seem that much different from any of them. They judged that he could not be the Messiah!  That is probably the reason for this initial reaction of surprise that he would claim to be the Messiah. 

As time went on, he continued to run into issues with them over what it meant to be “anointed to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  They felt they were the oppressed.  They felt like the Messiah should be for them, the Messiah should confirm what they already thought, but Jesus continued to reach out to the outcasts of society, like the woman at the well we talked about last week, who was a woman and a Samaritan.  He seemed to want to include those gentiles who they felt were the scum of the earth.  He ate with sinners which was a sign of acceptance in that day!  He even accepted in his inner circle a tax collector, who was known for stealing from them!  Yes, his idea of what he was anointed to do probably led to his later final rejection by them and crucifixion!  


Movement 3:

What about for us?   Sometimes, we do people the same way that I was done in school.  Sometimes, we look at people and decide whether we think they will receive our message.  We stereotype who will receive.  I remember, when I worked in a retail lumber and hardware store for a little while after graduating from high school, there was this particular carpenter team who was, to put it mildly, a little rough around the edges.  They talked and acted to me like they didn=t want anything to do with church.  They were hard to deal with! I didn=t even like to wait on them!  It seemed like they made it their goal to make it hard on us, and because they caused a lot of money to come through the store, we had to put up with them.  I was usually pretty good about witnessing to people or at least inviting them to church, but with this couple of guys, I am not sure I did that very well.  I was pretty convinced that they would reject what I had to say!  I pretty well judged them like I was judged that I could never be good at playing ball, and I made up my mind they were not worth my time, just like the coaches did with me.   I have since learned that sometimes the people who seem to be the most unreceptive are the ones who are struggling the most with the gospel message and may be the closest to making a change!  Jesus made it his mission to reach out to those who the religious leaders of the day didn’t feel like were worth their time!  The Church that Christ started was at least in part made up of people who the religious leaders would not have felt were worth their time, and they were very active in the early church and some even in the writing of the New Testament Scriptures!


As followers of the Christ, Jesus= mission becomes our mission.  We are the ones who are anointed with the Spirit Ato bring good news to the poor,@ Aproclaim release to the captives,@ Arecovery of sight to the blind,@ and Ato let the oppressed go free.@  Who are the outcasts today?  Who are the oppressed who need to be set free?  We are the ones anointed with the Spirit to reach out to those who are outcasts and a little rough around the edges with the gospel that gives them good news, release, sight, and freedom!  We are the ones to share the Love of God with them!  There are those people who are different then us all around; there are those people who are a little rough around the edges (at least to us) all around us.  Will we pre-judge them as not willing to receive our message before we try, or will we offer them the love of God?  Will we require them to be “just like us” or “clean up their act” before we will offer them the love of God?  Or will we throw the doors of our hearts and our church open to receive them?  We are anointed with the Spirit to do it!  That means we are not alone and God will help us to do it!  The Spirit will give us the words to say!  Are we willing to let God use us?  We do not go forth with this task of being the bearers of the good news alone, we are anointed with the Spirit of God!  We do not go forth alone!  That is the significance of the flame being carried out at the end of the service.  The flame represents Christ/God.  Jesus is the light of the world!  Christ goes out with us!  If you want to let God use you, as we encounter Christ at the table this morning, say to God, let your mission be my mission; use me!  Then go forth and share the Good News that God loves those you come in contact with and wants a relationship with them, and let God do the rest!  Amen!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Why Samaria?

                                                 John 4:3-30 & 39-42

 Introduction:  John 4:3,4

A.   Just following is the woman at the well.


B.   Why did he "[have] to go" through Samaria?


C.   Why did he feel this necessity to go through Samaria?

None of the other Jews did!



I.   Why Samaria?

A.   Closest route?  Easiest?

1.   There were 2 routes from Judea to Galilee (Bible Knowledge


a.   One straight through.

b.   The other around Samaria and up through Peria.  This

one was most used by the Jews!

2.   "Samaritans were a mixed race descended partly from the

Ten tribes, partly from heathen immigrants (Assyrians).

Their faith and practice was founded on the Pentateuch

(pen' ta tuk) (1st five O.T. books) alone, and they

rejected the whole of the other Jewish books" (Young's


          3.   It wouldn’t have been a popular thing to do with the

other Jews!


B.   If this way wasn't the easiest then why did he go?

1.   He wanted to seek out these despised Samaritans, and

perhaps, he even planned to meet this woman at the well.

2.   Barrier to overcome!  In the normal routine for most Jews, he wouldn't have a chance to talk to this woman.  So he planned a meeting where he would have this opportunity!

3.   By speaking to the woman, he created an interest by showing

an interest!


II.  How does this apply to us today?

A.   As individuals we may have to plan to spend some time with someone in order to ever really have a chance to talk with them!

1.   If we don't then we are letting Barriers keep us from doing


a.   Not enough time on the job.

b.   Not the proper place.

2.   We can overcome these barriers just like Christ! Plan a


a.   Ask them to your house for supper and games!

b.   Help them paint their house!

c.   Go shopping with them!

d.   Common interest?  Share it together!

e.   Help them in a time of need!

3.   Don't be pushy, but look for an opportunity to share!

4.   By doing this we will have broken down the Barriers of the

proper time and place, and you will have created an interest by caring!


B.   As a church we may need to plan ways to reach people!

1.   If we do not, then we may be letting barriers keep us from

doing that!


a.   Distance to church!

Parents may not drop kids off for church -Adults

may not have transportation

b.   Not being able to draw people in through our     

regular church services!

People aren't just knocking our doors down to

come to church any more!

2.   As a church, we too can overcome these barriers like Christ  by planning!

a.   Distance to church?

People may not have a way to church, but through

planning we might. . .

1)   find people who would be willing to make one

stop on their way to church in order to

pick someone up!

2)   find people who would be willing to visit in order to find these people to pick up! 

b.   Not being able to draw people in through our     

regular church services?

1)   People are drawn to a church when that

church meets their needs.

2)   So we concentrate on finding ways to meet needs,

to do something with our faith!  That is in part

what this Small Church Cohort is about, finding

ways to meet needs.


     People in the community, who are not being reached by a church.  Who are they?  How can we meet their needs? Casual worship? Bridge activities? (activities that they will come to and be introduced to the church)


3.   Once we have broken down these barriers we can reach people!



A. Christ's life was a ministry day by day planning to meet with people

and meeting their needs!  Christ had the Living Water!  Christ was

the Living Water, but he still had to plan His ministry.


Watch this clip: (a modern day take on the story)


B. We have the Living Water!  We have what people need!  Our life

   should be a ministry also.


C. For our life to be a ministry, we must do some planning!


D. For our church to minister, we must do some planning!


E. Are you planning your ministry??  As we encounter Christ at the

          table this morning, let’s commit to being more intentional about

          planning our ministry.


Prayer of Confession

Holy Communion!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Do Whatever He Tells You!

Focus Statement:  In this scripture, Jesus is at a wedding in Cana and the host runs out of wine.  Mary tells the servants, ADo Whatever He Tells You,@ and Jesus turns water into wine.


Function Statement: Because of this sermon, the congregation will realize for us to see the miracles of people brought to Christ and church growth we must do whatever he tells us: we must seek guidance and direction from God: specifically, people will commit to seeking direction from God for the church and in their lives.



John 2:1-11



Sermon manuscript:

Movement 1: 

I want to tell you about a friend of mine who I met in one of my former pastorates.  I will call her Jane; her story is true, but her name has been changed to protect the innocent!  Jane and her family were very active in our church.  They were the type of family that people looked up to.  They had been in the community a long time, and people respected what they thought.  Jane=s husband and she served on several committees and boards in our church; although, they did not always show up for meetings.  By the older generation, they were looked upon to be the future of the church; if we can just get them excited and involved, we will grow.  Jane was very busy with her job though.  She worked at school and was very active with anything that went on at school.  When I would go to school games, it seemed Jane was always there supporting the home team.  The kids loved her.  Jane walked with a fast gate, like someone who had some place to go.  She was usually dressed in name brand work-out sweats.  She was slim and very attuned to what she ate and taking care of herself, getting plenty of exercise.   She was a very likeable person.  After we moved from that church, one time I was at the school at a game where our school was playing the school from my former pastorate, and Jane was there.  She had followed her team to this away game.  Donna and I saw her after the game and talked to her a bit as we walked out to the car.  She still had that fast gate, and she was telling us about her latest diet and exercise plan.  We walked with her out to her car, she took her key from its hiding place (she never carried a purse - remember she is in work-out sweats), and she went on her way. 

It wasn=t too long after that when I heard she had had a major stroke.  She was completely paralyzed on one side, couldn=t walk, couldn=t move one arm, and couldn=t hardly speak.  She was devastated; her church was devastated; she didn=t know what she was going to do. Why did this happen?  She was almost without hope!  Would she be able to walk again?  Would she be able to talk?  Could she go to games?  Would she ever be able to drive again and regain some of her former freedom?  She was told that if she would do what the therapist told her she could make great strides toward recovery.  Jane did her best to do what the therapist told her to do.  She pressed on, making small steps each day.  Time went by and Donna and I were in a neighboring town stopping into a Wendy=s to eat, and guess who drives up?  You guessed it, Jane!  She was by herself, driving her car.  She was in her sweats.  She walked with a limp, but she walked.  She talked slowly, but she was able to communicate.  She had taken early retirement, but she was able to go again; she wasn=t home bound because she did what the doctors said to do!


Movement 2:

Our scripture today is about the first recorded miracle that Jesus performs.  He is at a wedding celebration, and they run out of wine, and Mary, Jesus= mother, tells him about it.  Surprisingly, especially with what later happens, he says, AWhy is that a concern of me or you? My hour has not yet come.@  Gerard Sloyan, in Interpretation Bible Commentary says this was a symbol that nobody had claim on him except the Father.  That isn=t what stood out the most to me as I read this.   Mary then tells the servants, ADo whatever he tells you.@  Jesus then tells them to fill six stone jars with water.  They do.  Jesus then tells them to serve the chief steward from the jars of water.  They do, and the steward says, why did you save the best wine until last! 

Jesus was the one who could make miracles happen.  Mary told them to do whatever he says!  I don=t know how she knew this, but she did.  It was important for them to listen to Jesus.  What if they hadn=t?  What if they had said, AThat is ridiculous!  Take water to the chief steward?  He will laugh us out of here!@  They wouldn=t have experienced the miracle.  They did what Jesus said.  They experienced the miracle, it revealed his glory, and the disciples believed in him; the scriptures say.


Movement 3:

What about for us?  Individually, it is best for us to do what Jesus says.  Jesus is our great physician, our Lord, our master, and our King!  God=s plan for our lives is best for us.  We can be happiest doing what Jesus says.  We can have purpose doing what Jesus says.  We can be the best we can be doing what Jesus says.  I challenge you to seek God=s direction in your life!  Read the Bible to see what Jesus says in it; Pray!  Only as we read what Jesus says can we love people as Jesus loved!  Only as we read what Jesus says can we make decisions about the social issues of the day!  Don’t take someone else's word for it; read what Jesus says! 

As a church, it is best for us to do what Jesus says.  God=s ways are the best for us.  God has a perfect plan for Forsyth UMC.  A plan where we can reach the most people.  A plan where we can make the greatest difference.  A plan where things will work out, but what is that plan?  Forsyth has a good start!  We have a greeter; some of you are good at welcoming people!  We have a good facility that we have been working on; it gives us lots of options.  We have upgraded our sound and visual equipment!  We support missions!  We have experienced some good growth, but how do we sustain it?  How do we better serve our community?  We have joined the small church Cohort that is fully about helping us to that!  What do we do first?  How do we find out what Jesus says? 

I want to suggest for us as a church that it has to start with prayer!  Before we can do anything else, we need to seek God=s will!  We need to pray for God=s leading and direction!  Pray for your pastor.  Pray for each other; let’s discern together!  I challenge you, at a certain time each day,  pour out your hearts for the church:  seek God=s direction for the church.  Make a special time to do this.  God give our pastor direction in leading us!  God help us to know what you would have us do next!  God direct our Cohort team!  God use us!  God help me to be more inviting!  God help me to be filled with your love!  We really do need to do whatever Jesus tells us to do so we can continue to see miracles today! 

As we encounter Christ at the table today, I want to invite you to pray at the altar or at your seats for God’s leading in our lives and in our church and begin this ministry of prayer for ourselves and the church.  Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


Monday, January 8, 2024

A Different Way!

                                                 Epiphany Sunday!




A.   Read Matt 2:7-12.


B.   There's a gospel song that came out several years ago entitled, "A Different Way."

1.   It tells how the Wise men left a different way and how that when people meet Jesus they leave a different way today.

          2.   "They aren't the same people they once were!"

          3.   Give it a listen:


C.   This is a Biblical principal.



Let's look this morning at the way people leave when they meet Jesus!


              Colossians 3:1-14


I.   Christ gives us a new set of morals, based on a Spirit of Love.


A.   Christ's life and word teaches us Godly morals, based in Love!


1.   Morals that are fair for everyone.

2.   Morals that don't take advantage of others for self-gain!

     3.   Morals that cause us to want to help those who can=t help

themselves, because of our love.

          4.   A litmus test to whether something is sin is whether it comes from a Spirit of Love!  What does love say? “Love binds it all together in perfect harmony.”


B.   If we have any question as to whether or not God's morals are best for everyone, we need to picture a world without God's influence!


1.   A world where killing is not against the law!  The strong

survive!  Much like in the animal world.

2.   A world where stealing is not against the law!  You can just take what you want!

3.   A world where it is not taught that we should work for our living!  Everybody stealing and getting a living however they can.  Like two dogs fighting over the same bone!

4.   A world where women and children have no rights!  There are no laws against rape and child abuse because they have no rights!

5.   A world where there is no such thing as devotion to one mate. There is no commitment nor lasting love!

          6.   A world where bigotry, prejudice, and hate are unchecked because the litmus test is what is good for me and what do I want and not what does love say!


C.   We think it is bad now, but look at all the places where Christ has influenced our lives!


D.   We are blessed whether Christian or not to live in a world where Christ has had this influence!


II.  When we meet Christ, we will want Christ's morals!


A.   We will value the things of God!  

(we will value love)  Col. 3:12-14


1.   Compassion  (being merciful to those who are in need)

2.   kindness

3.   humility

a.   not thinking we are better than others.

b.   not thinking God is really lucky to have us on God's


4.   Meekness:  which means "God controlled."

5.   patience

6.   forgiveness - be forgiving!

7.   His Love! “binds it all together”


We will really strive and want these things because they are what we value!


B.   We will value our families, and we will work on our relationships!


C.   We will value God's word and God's message of love to humanity!


D.   After we have encountered Christ, we will have different values, values based in love!  We will leave a different way!


E.   Some of these morals and values will be instant, but others, we learn as we grow in Christ!  We should constantly be being perfected in God’s love!


F.   From the time we encounter Christ, we begin a journey in a different way: as Christ is revealed to us, we are changed!


III. Christ so changes our lives that when we meet him we walk away with a new purpose!


A.   Without Christ, without forgiveness, without love, what is life?


B.   It is meaningless!


C.   With Christ, life has meaning!



A.   Yes, I believe that like the wise men, when we meet Jesus, we leave a different way:  we are no longer the same!


B.   This is our Epiphany or Ah ha moment this morning: that this Christ who we encounter in the Bible has and can really change our lives!


C.   As we have an anointing of hands this morning, at the beginning of this new year, let us leave a different way, with a real love for the people that God has put in our lives!


D.   Church, as we are anointed with the Spirit of God, let’s leave a different church in this new year!

1.   With a real burden for the lost!

2.   With a feeling of urgency to reach out like we never have before!

3.   With a love for people like we have never had before!

4.   This next year could be the best year for Forsyth UMC!



     Anointing of Hands:


     You are invited to come forth and open your hands, palms upward.  I will anoint your hands with oil in the sign of the cross saying, “Spirit of God, use these hands as your own; let … leave a different way.”

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

What Do You Expect?

 Christmas Eve.

Earlier in service, Luke 2:1-20


     Play clip of Luke 1:68-79 (our scripture to music)


     What do you expect because of this baby, whose birthday we      celebrate on Christmas?




I.   Zechariah knew expectations were a powerful force.

     A.   Filled with the Holy Spirit, he expresses the great              expectation he had for this coming of the Savior.

          1.   He would redeem his people.

          2.   He would fulfill prophecy.

          3.   He would bring salvation from the enemy.

          4.   He would bring mercy.

          5.   He would be holy and righteous.

          6.   He would bring knowledge and salvation.

          7.   He would bring forgiveness of sin.

          8.   He would lead them from darkness to light.


     B.   His expectations were not unrealistic, but valid and full        of hope.


     C.   Zechariah set the tone for the coming, HE EXPECTED GREAT         THINGS.


II.  The Bible Places Importance on the Power of Expectations.

     A.   God told Abraham in Genesis 18:19 that he had chosen him         to keep the way of the Lord and promised that he would           bless him as he did so.


     B.   At the conversion of Paul in Acts 9:6, God told Saul to          "Go into the city and I will tell you what you must do."         He told Ananias in verse 15, "He is a chosen vessel."


     C.   In John 14:12, Jesus told his followers that anyone who          had faith in Him and what he was doing would do even             greater things than he had.


     D.   It is clear that the Bible, especially the life of               Christ, leads us to EXPECT SOMETHING.


III. What Do We Expect for Ourselves?

     A.   We have 8 beatitudes, but Alexander Pope spoke of a 9th,         "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be        disappointed."


          1.   We Must realize that our expectations will help                  shape the course of our lives!         

          2.   If we expect the worst of ourselves, we set the                  stage for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

              a.   "I don't know why I'm even trying this, I know                  I can't do it."

              b.   "I know that he or she won't like me, so I                       don't even know why I try!"

              c.   These are the sort of expectations that undo                    us.


     B.   We must realize that life is largely an "INSIDE JOB."

          1.   We like to blame, parents, our hereditary traits,                our environment, our government, our first grade                 teacher, our president, our neighbor, or anyone else             who happens to come to mind.

              a.   If we are married, we usually blame our husband                 or wife.

              b.   "This is all your fault.  I wouldn't be like I                  am if it wasn't for you!"

          2.   We do this because it is easier than facing the                  frightening fact that WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE, AND               WHERE WE END UP, is in the end UP TO US!


     C.   It is all wrapped up in our freedom to choose; Joshua            24:15 does not say let your wife choose, or let your             husband choose, or anyone else choose, it says clearly,          "CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY."


     D.   So what should we expect?

          1.   Ephesians 3:20 says that he is able to do                        immeasurable more than we can ask or imagine when                his power is at work in us.

          2.   Paul, in a cold, dark dungeon said, (Phil. 4:13)  "I             can do all things through Christ who strengthens                 me."

          3.   We need to LEARN TO EXPECT GOD TO USE US!  Dream a               little!

              a.   Kids dream about Christmas night and their eyes                 get bright and wide.  They live on the                          adrenaline that pumps just expecting the big                    day to get here.


              b.   Idealism, Morals, Standards, are a vanishing                    concept to many.  We are a nation of stark                       realists.  We tend to put down the dreamer who                   says we can make a difference.  We say that one                  vote, a call, an encouraging word are no longer                  able to change things.


              c.   Jesus was a dreamer; just check out the sermon                  on the mount and these kinds of ideals:

                   1)   When wronged, turn another cheek.

                   2)   When asked to go a mile, go the second                          mile.

                   3)   Pray for those who wrong you.

                   4)   Love your enemies.

                   5)   Never seek revenge.


              d.   We have tended to say, "Oh come on now; we                       can't live on that level, or even get anywhere                   close to it!"

                   1)   But these are the dreams of our Savior.

                   2)   These are the kinds of expectations that                        can change our lives, our church, and even                      make a major impact on our community and                        world.


     E.   God has done God’s part!  God/Jesus has come in this babe        born at Bethlehem.  It is a lack of proper priorities in         WHAT WE EXPECT that holds us back from all the                   accomplishments, all the changed lives, and the peace of         mind that we all seek for.



     A.   In closing, what are the hopes and dreams in your life?          What do you expect because of Christmas?  Life as usual?


     B.   As we begin the celebration of Christmas tonight, come to

a God who expected great things enough He came in the babe

born in a manger in Bethlehem, come to the greatest

dreamer of all, Jesus Christ, and let Him help you reach

for the stars and have great hopes and expectations for

the future!  Let this Christmas be the beginning of a life

committed or more fully committed to Christ.


     C.   You are invited at this time to come forth, place your

Christmas Offering on the Altar, remain/kneel for a time

of prayer and commitment, and pick up a candle as you return

to your seats.



     Candlelight service