Monday, July 1, 2024

"Acting to Preserve Life!"


1)   Focus Statement:  This sermon shows how when Joseph's brothers became vulnerable to him he didn't get even but saw    it as God's hand in the situation, working it out for all   their good.


2)   Function Statement: Because of this sermon, the congregation      will determine to, by the grace of God, become positive     people who are looking for God working in each situation of   their lives.


Bible Story for kids:


                     Prayer of Illumination


                        Genesis 45:1-15

1st movement

     Every once in a while, you have a chance to meet a positive person who seems to always have a positive outlook on life: a person, who even when things aren't going their way, seems to always be able to find the silver lining in the cloud.  When you meet one of these people, it always has an impact on your life.  I have had the opportunity of meeting one of those people in a former pastorate.  When I went to her church, this person was already a shut-in because she couldn't see well enough to drive to church.  She really couldn't see well at all.  When I would go visit her, I had to tell her who I was or at least speak so she could hear my voice to recognize who I was because she couldn't see me well enough to tell.  She had one of these motion sensor Parrots at her door so she could tell if someone came in on her.  She had a big screen T.V., and when she would watch, she would sit right directly in front of it so she could see some of it.  She had to feel around the house to find things, and if anybody moved anything, she couldn't find it.  She loved flowers, but she could no longer really see them to enjoy their beauty! 

     As a pastor going to visit her, I would have expected to hear a lot about how she had lost her vision, how she missed it, and how she found it hard to go on without it.  I would have expected her to be looking to me for some kind of comforting words that would make it all better, but that wasn't the case at all!  She talked about family: past and present.  She didn't talk of missing them or them not coming around enough; she talked of the good things they had done or were doing for her.  She understood they had their lives, and she proudly talked about what they did.  She talked of her deceased husband in a proud way, talking about what kind of man he was, but never in a woe is me - he is gone, sort of way.  She talked of working in her yard.  She would still work in her flowers; she would feel her way around and weed them!  She would say, "I have strong hands!"  She wanted to know how everybody at church was doing.   Even when she finally decided to go to a retirement home, she was positive.  I figured it would get to her because she liked to work outside so much, but she found friends, and if it bothered her, she didn't let it be known.  Even when she was in the hospital on her death bed, when I visited her, she didn't have concerns for herself.  Her only comment to me was, "one thing good that is coming from this is that all my family is getting together!"  She was always looking on the positive and trying to see what purpose God had for her and how God was acting in her life.  She was a joy to visit!  She was one you look forward to visiting!  Her life was a testimony to the difference God can make in a life.


2nd movement

     Joseph had some faults, but he was a person who was looking for God acting in the situations of his life.  I think he too was one of these positive people.  I think people saw it and wanted to be around him.  When Joseph's brothers came to Egypt and found out he was there before them, they felt very vulnerable.  They couldn't even speak!  They were scared speechless!  Joseph could have had them killed; he had the power!  All he would have had to do was say, "Cease them!  Put them to death!"  It would have been done!  Joseph didn't do that.  He told them to not be afraid; he didn't blame them.  He believed God had sent him ahead of them for this very day so that he could save them and his father!  Wow!  Do you realize what these guys had done to him?  What they had wanted to do to him? 

     We could get caught up in whether Joseph saw God as causing these things or not, but I think the important thing is that Joseph saw God acting to preserve life!  Joseph saw God acting to preserve his life and the lives of those he loved; no matter what happened to him, he saw God in the picture, acting to preserve life!  He saw God acting when Potiphar bought him.  He saw God acting when he was able to interpret dreams.  He saw God acting when he was able to interpret Pharaoh's dream.  He saw God acting when he was given the task of saving up food for the famine.  He saw God doing all of this to preserve life!  He saw God acting to make life better and he willingly followed the Lord in all things.  He could have gotten very down on life and God when these things happened: being thrown in a pit, betrayal by his brothers, and falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife.  He didn’t!  Joseph was pre-New Testament in his understanding; he had a very New Testament understanding of God! We can put with this the New Testament understanding that God wants to bring us abundant life through Christ and ask ourselves, "How does God go about doing that?"  Does it have anything to do with our outlook on life?  We can also put with this the New Testament promise that, "all things work together for good to them who love the Lord," (Rom. 8:28) asking ourselves, "How does God do this?"  We could get caught up in all that is going wrong and miss the fact that God is acting to preserve life, or we could, like my friend Ruth and like Joseph, see the good things that God is doing in our lives in spite of the obvious bad things that also are there in life.


3rd movement

     As we come across the Joseph's in our lives, we are brought to ask ourselves some questions.  How is God acting in our lives?  What difference does it make to me and the people that I touch with my life how I view God acting in my life?  What does God acting to preserve life mean to me?  (pause)  Amen!


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion




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