Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Do Not Disturb!



A.   When we see a sign "Do Not Disturb," what does it mean?


B.   The people inside don't want to be bothered!


C.   I want to look at a story this morning about some people who didn't want to be bothered.


D.   I want us to ask ourselves two questions:

1.   Can we hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign out on our  lives?

2.   Can we hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign out on our church?



                          Mark 5:1-17


I.   Let's look at our story.


A.   Here we have a man who lived among the tombs and was demon possessed!

1.   In Jesus' day, anyone who was sick mentally or physically might be considered demon possessed.

2.   Apparently though, this man was demon possessed based on the conversation between the demons and Christ and the fact that Christ ordered them out.  Also, the people who knew of him and this man  himself were convinced that he was demon possessed.

3.   He definitely needed the touch of Jesus on his life!

4.   When Jesus touched him, it was a miracle; his life  was Changed!


B.   But notice the reaction of the people.

1.   The man with the need was glad Jesus had come along  (vs. 18-20).

2.   When the people found him,

a.   he was sitting beside Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind.

b.   but the pigs were gone!  They knew what had happened because some had seen it!

3.   They should have been happy and rejoicing because this man's life had been straightened out!

4.   Instead, they were disturbed and upset!  They didn't want things disturbed; they wanted things left like they were! Jesus had cost them something!

5.   Many times, in the comfortable world we live in, we would like things to be left like they are!   Sometimes, we don't like to sacrifice to see things made better around us!

6.   So in a since, we hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign out to God.


II.  Can we hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign out on our lives?


A.   We all want to serve God; right?  But are there areas that we don't want disturbed?


1.   What about finances or possessions?  That was the problem in our text today.

a.   We feel pretty good as long as it's our money

and a certain % is the Lord's; we can live with


1)   We can pay our part and feel good!

2)   If the church doesn't have enough money,

it isn't our fault!

b.   But when someone starts teaching total

commitment, that we are accountable for how we

spend everything, and it's all the Lord's and

we are only using it, we start getting


1)   We realize that we might ought to be giving

more than the percentage that we're


2)   We can no longer feel good when we pay

"our part" and spend the rest . . . .

c.   Sometimes we say, "That's my business Lord!

I'm giving you my part!  Do Not Disturb!"


2.   What about our Religion?

a.   We feel pretty good about it.

1)   We are pretty comfortable with it!

2)   It doesn't require much!

3)   Just check in on Sunday Morning and that  takes care of it!

b.   But when someone starts saying that isn't enough and it matters what we do the rest of  the week, we start to get defensive!

c.   "Wait a minute Lord!  I'm doing my part!  Do Not Disturb!"


3.   What about our time?

a.   We give the Lord a couple minutes a day, and we give the Lord an hour or two a week in church.  We're happy with that!

b.   When someone starts talking about all the time  we waste and how we could be using our time  more effectively,  it's none of their business!

c.   "Wait a minute Lord!  I'm there every Sunday  for worship!  Well at least once a month anyway!  I like it that way!  How I spend my time is my business!  Do Not Disturb!"


4.   What about our lifestyles?

a.   We like how we live; we like what we do!

b.   Don't ask me to change how I am living so that I can be a better witness!

1)   Don’t ask me to be more accepting of others!

2)   Don’t ask me to not do something I like to   do!

c.   Don't ask me to sacrifice any of my lifestyle to help others or to spend more time with my family!

d.   Once and for all, "Do Not Disturb!"


III. What about our church?  Can we hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign out on our church?


A.   You know?  I like my church just like it is!  I like the people!  I know everybody!  I like how things are done!


B.   Don't bring anybody new in; that might change things!

     1.   They might sit in my seat!

     2.   They might want to do things differently!


C.   Don't change the way we are doing things!  Don't try anything new, not even if it does have a good chance of  changing people's lives, we haven't done it that way before!

D.   "Do Not Disturb!" 


E.   I hope we never do this!  There is so much we can accomplish if we are receptive to Christ and will look at        the needs around us and be open to change if and when we see that it is needed!




A.   Are we saying "Don't Disturb Me Jesus?"  "I like things how they are!"


B.   Are we asking Jesus to leave?


C.   Are we saying, "Don't challenge us with change?"


D.   Friends, from what I understand in the Bible,  Christianity is change!


                      Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion

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