Monday, July 29, 2024

He Never Changes!



 Life doesn't stay the same.  We moved from the home I remember most when I was growing up when I was fifteen and went to a new school and a new church.  The church had a thriving youth group; that was great!  That church split a few years later and the church that was left, where we attended after that, didn=t have many youth.  We later went to another church where I was able to witness God at work and a lot of growth.  I became a deacon in the church.  The pastor who I had grown to love resigned and moved.  A new pastor came who I learned to love in other ways. I answered the call into the ministry!  I married!  We have had two kids!  They=ve changed as they have gone through different phases of their lives and are now adults and live on their own. Amanda has married and lives in Virginia and is an RN there.  Wesley lives just north of Springfield and works for the Dept. of Natural Resources. My loving father has passed away and my my mom now lives with us for the past 5 years.  I served 3 different churches in the General Baptist Church.  I changed denominations for various reasons I won=t go into here.  I=ve served 7 charges in the United Methodist Church since 1998.  Each congregation brings different people and different challenges.  We seen recent changes where some of those have disaffiliated. I came to Forsyth in 2021, and we have experienced some changes here.  We have had a few people leave to go to other churches.  We=ve had people pass away and move on to their heavenly home.  On the other hand, we=ve seen  12 people join the church.  We=ve had new people come in who haven’t yet joined, and our attendance averages about 15 more than when I came inspite of those who have passed or moved away.  We’ve seen much change: some good and some not so good.  All of this change is a quite normal part of life!  Life changes, people change, circumstances change.


Trans:    With all this change, we need something that doesn't change!  We need something to give our lives backbone: something to give us stability. We find that in Jesus Christ!!



Heb. 13:1-8


I.   There is a lot we could talk about from this passage:

     A.   Let mutual love continue! 

     B.   Be hospitable to strangers!

     C.   Being empathetic to all people by putting ourselves in their


     D.   Live faithful to monogamous relationships!

     E.   Keep free from the love of money!

     F.   Remember your leaders and those who have brought the gospel to


     G.   But what I want to really concentrate on today is the last verse:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”


II.  Christ doesn't change; he's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

     Christ has always been about loving God and others as ourselves!  We

can always count on that!


A.   Where have you been?  Christ was there!

1.   Before you became a Christian, Christ was there leading

You back to God, loving you!  (prevenient grace!)

2.   When you have had good times, Christ has been there making

things happen, loving you!

a.   Healing of a friend.

b.   Healing of yourself.

c.   Coming to Christ.

d.   A loved one coming to Christ.

e.   Marriage!

f.   Having children!

g.   Call into ministry!

h.   Finding your place in the Kingdom!

3.   When you have had bad times, Christ has been there to carry you through, loving you!

a.   Sickness or death of a loved one.

b.   Crises (for me when my church split or the loss of loved ones)


B.   Where are you now?


1.   Are you indifferent?  Do you feel like what's the use?  Do

you feel defeated?

2.   Christ is there loving you and wanting to fill your life with purpose!!

3.   Maybe you are having those good times now, then give Christ the credit!


C.   Where are you going?


1.   Are you growing in the Lord? Are you growing in faith?

2.   Are you fearful of the future? We have no need to fear

because Jesus is there!!


D.   Jesus is always the same and always will be!  You can count on that!!

Christ will always Love us and offer the best for us!!


III. As a church, we need to remember that Jesus is always the same!


A.   Christ has been there in the past!


1.      bringing us through the hard times: Covid, the loss of

faithful members!  New people to replace those who have

passed away or moved!

2.   blessing us with the good times! Baptisms, Christian



B.   Christ is there today!


1.   Are we in His will?  That is when He can bless us today!

2.   Are we dedicated to Him or are we dedicated to everything


3.   Christ wants to bless us today and make things happen

today, but He needs our dedication!! Jesus is still the same today!  He can still make a difference in people's lives!  But he has chosen us as his ambassadors to lead people to him. We can do that by sharing God’s Love with all people!


C.   Christ will be there tomorrow!


1.   He can make things happen tomorrow; do you believe that?

Are you afraid of what tomorrow may hold for the Church?

2.   Prov. 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

a.   He will be there tomorrow!

b.   But will we be there tomorrow.

3.   God has made a difference and will continue to make a


a.   See some visions!

b.   and keep going and doing.

c.   Don't be afraid, but trust that through Christ, who doesn't change, this Church can continue to have a positive impact on this community if we will trust him!

          4.   Christ still wants to love others through us!  They will

respond to that!  They will want to be a part of something



D.   We have a 2-fold mission.


1.   To reach people and to teach people.  That is how me make


2.   Let's be working and doing that, believing that we can

still make a difference through Jesus Christ.

          3.   I think, in the world we live in today, such as it is,

people are thirsty to hear there is a God who loves them! 

They will respond to that!  They will want to be a part of

something positive!




A.   Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!


B.   But where are you and where are you going?



C.   Do you want to join Christ in loving people?  You can as you

encounter Christ at the table today!


Prayer of Confession

Service of Communion


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