Monday, July 15, 2024

To Be a Blessing!


A.   As I reflect on my life, I can think of several people who have been blessings to me, but I want to share about one in particular this morning.  His name is Pastor Don.  I have told you before how the church I attended as a teenager split very sadly (it was in a tradition where the pastor could pretty well do what he wanted and had nobody to really be accountable to, and he split the church); the church wouldn’t let it go, and we eventually went to another church to find healing.  Well, Pastor Don was the pastor of the church where we went to find healing.  He was only a couple years older than me at the time, probably in his early twenties.  I can remember, not too long after we started attending the church where he pastored, he preached on giving.  I stayed after and talked to him; some of the things he said upset me.  He listened very intently and said he hadn=t thought of it that way.  He gave me a hearing.  I can remember one time while painting a house with my dad for hire Pastor Don came by and offered to help.  He built a relationship with us that day.  He was a people person.  His messages were ones of hope and growth/change in Christ (that we can make a difference); he preached with so much grace; I had never heard that before that I remembered.  Most of what I had heard before was repent before you burn theology.  God used Pastor Don to put my life back together after the split and disappointments that we had experienced.  Pastor Don greatly influenced my willingness to later answer the call into the ministry.  Pastor Don=s influence can still be seen in my ministry and preaching today.  Pastor Don has really been a blessing to me!  He, like myself, later joined the United Methodist church because his grace filled theology was a better fit there.


B.   We are all given ways to be blessings, and that is what I want to look at today!



First, let's look in our Bibles at a man who was a blessing to many, and then, we'll answer some questions about "Being a Blessing."



                  Gen. 12:1-3


I.   A Look at the Scripture.

A.   Here we have a passage where God promised Abraham that he'd be

blessed and he'd be a blessing.


B.   Before we go on to our questions, it would be good to notice two things from this passage.

1.   God is the source of our ability to be a blessing!

2.   For us to be a blessing, it takes obedience to God on our part.


II.  What is a blessing?

A.   Webster's def. =    an invocation of happiness.

B.   Many things can be used to cause happiness.  Most of them, we

All have.


C.   We will list four.  We can use these to be blessings, bring happiness, to others, but these can also bring us some happiness when used right, being a blessing to us as well.


1.   Time = The way we use our time can be a blessing to others! We are all given the same amount of time.

a.   Helping shut-ins.

b.   Visiting in the Nursing homes when we are able to.

c.   Helping others do something that we do well.

d.   Working on Mission projects.

a.      Inviting unchurched to worship!


In short, "Taking time to do for others."  These are ways

we can use our time to be blessings!


2.   Talents or abilities =   We are all given talents or abilities.  If we use them right, we can also be a blessing!

a.   Singing.

b.   Playing an instrument.

c.   Teaching.

d.   Preaching.

e.   Leading.

f.   Following.

g.   Talking on the phone.

h.   Mechanics.

i.   Green thumb.

j.   Cooking.

k.   Keeping books.

l.   Creativity.

M.   Making blankets, prayer shawls, etc.


     You name it; there is a way your talent can be used as a blessing!


3.   Material resources =     The use of our money or material

possessions can be a blessing to others.


          4.   Our speech!  We can use it to build others up and not

tear them down.


III. What is their Purpose? (Purpose of blessings?)

A.   Blessings are not provided just for our personal satisfaction.  Read Luke 12:16-21 & 31-34.

     1.   Our Luke passage tells us of a man who saved his goods

and built bigger barns in which to store them.  Then his

soul was required of him.  Whose would all of this be?

If he had shared his goods, his influence would have

continued with his passing.

          2.   The second part of our Luke reading, said to sell your

possessions and give alms.  This was a common practice

then of selling their possessions and joining their

resources together for ministry.  The point is to be

generous and support the ministry and store up treasures

in heaven!


B.   There are two reasons for God's blessings upon our lives!

1.   They should cause us to glorify and praise God.

2.   God's blessings upon our lives allows us to be a blessing

     to others, thereby pointing others to God and bringing

glory to God (Matt. 5:13-16). “let your light shine

before others, so that they may see your good works and

give glory to your Father in heaven.”


IV.  How can we more effectively use our blessings so that they will accomplish their purposes?

A.      Strive for a closer relationship with God, and God will guide

us   in the use of our blessings.


B.   Serve through the local church; use our abilities there.


C. Plan or budget out time, so we can minister to the poor, the

hurting, and those out of relationship with God.


D. Budget and plan the use of our material possessions so we will

use them wisely and not wasteful, thereby, being able to meet more needs.

1.   Consider your support of the church.

2.   The OT gives us a tithe or 10% as a guideline.  Some may not be able to reach that, but others may be able to give more.

          3.   The New Testament gives us the model of 100% commitment

to God, “present your bodies to God which is your reasonable service.”

          4.   Are you giving what you can of your material possessions?

Does it adequately reflect your commitment to God in all areas of your life?


E. Don’t use your speech to tear others down!

1. Political climate: Political speech should tell what they have done and what they intend to do.  It should paint a picture of how things would be if they were elected.  It should instill a goal or a dream!  It should not be used to tear down or attach the opponent!  Look for the candidate who lives Christianity and doesn’t just say, “I am a Christian!”

2. Use your speech to build up!  There is something to be said for the old saying, “If you can’t say something good, don’t say it!”



A.   We can all be blessings!


B.      As we encounter Christ at the table today, do we need to renew

our commitment to the proper use of the resources that God has given us?  Only as we do that, can we really be the church that God intended us to be!  Only as we do that, can we really be a blessing?


Prayer of Confession &

prayer for our leaders to be blessings!


Service of Communion

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