Monday, December 11, 2023

Preparing for His Coming!

                                                 2nd Sunday of Advent!


Focus Statement:    This scripture is Zechariah's prophecy of what John the Baptist would be and do in preparing the way for the Lord; he will give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of sin.


Function Statement: The congregation will prepare for the second coming of the Lord by realizing that we can't do it ourselves and therefore by making a total surrender to God, through God all things are possible.



Introduction, scripture, and prayer


     This is the second Sunday of Advent:  watch this clip:



Luke 1:68-79


1st Movement

On January 16th, 1991, the United States and other allied countries began an air attack on Iraq that was called Desert Storm.  Iraq, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, had attacked and taken control of a little neighboring country called Kuwait.  Kuwait was a very oil-rich country, and Saddam wanted to control their oil.  Oil was probably part if not the main reason that the allied forces got involved; they didn't want Saddam to control that much of the world's oil supply.  But another factor that was involved was the way he had raped and plundered the people of Kuwait.  This was the one that was played up by our leaders and the media to get the support of the American people; yet, this wasn't even mentioned in the historical account to which I looked for a refresher on this event in history.  But this is what for many people justified such actions.  As a new pastor two years into my first full time ministry, I fully supported what we were doing and talked about it to my congregation.  I’ve learned since then, to be more careful about this.  I’ve learned to ask my congregation to pray for our leaders, no matter who they are or what political persuasion.  I’ve learned to not always believe the media reports and to try to get my news from an assortment of media providers to try to get as unbiased report as possible.  I’ve learned to be careful about jumping on a political band wagon!  Back to Dessert Storm, To think of going in for money would be wrong to many, but to go in like some modern day messiah and right the wrongs that had been done to these people seemed heroic and justified.  The Air Attacks were a huge success, and when ground troops were finally sent in, Iraqi soldiers surrendered by the groves, and the Kuwaiti people were given back their land.


 2nd movement

When I tried to put myself into the situation of our scripture, the story I have just shared came to mind.  The Jewish people had been conquered and taken into foreign lands many years before and had since returned to their homeland, but now, they were under domination and oppression by the Romans.  They were looking for a Messiah:  one who would right the wrongs that had been done to them, one who would take them out of oppression, one who would return them to the good old days when they were a United Kingdom.  They would have seen the emperors who were currently in power with about as much animosity as the Kuwaiti people had against Saddam Hussein.  Abraham had been promised by God that he would be the father of a mighty nation, and they were ready for that promise to be fulfilled.  After a long time of waiting, Zechariah was prophesying that the time had come, and John was the one to prepare the way for this Messiah.  John preached that the way to prepare for the coming of the Messiah was to repent and be forgiven of sins through Baptism.  To a great extent, John's message and that of Jesus was the same:  forgiveness.  John would preach it; Jesus would bring it into being in his Kingdom. (Mercer Dict. of the Bible, p. 97)


3rd Movement

Again today, the call goes out for us to prepare for the coming of the Lord, or the Messiah.  We aren=t under oppression like the Kuwaiti people or the people of Judah at the time of Christ, so it is hard for us to get into the mind set of longing and looking for the Messiah.  This time the Messiah will still come to right the wrongs, to overcome oppression once and for all, and to overcome sin once and for all.  Are we on the side of right?  Or as the Messiah overcomes sin, will we be overcome?  This time, we are called to prepare for Christ=s second coming,  that is the coming I am speaking of.  How can we do that?  The message is still that we must repent and be forgiven!  The forgiveness is taken care of by God, and the repentance is our part.  I am more and more convinced that what we often understand as being repentance is a made up mind on our part to turn and do good, which when you think about it is a type of works salvation.  What we really need to do is to come to the realization that "we can't do it!"  We have a habit that we have tried to get a handle on for years, but we keep messing up!  Maybe it's a bad temper.  Maybe it's something else.  We think if we can just find the right thing to do we can lick this thing, but we still haven't found it.  Maybe our trouble is in the turning and doing good.  We fully intend to really get active in church; we want to be regular in our attendance; we want to read our Bible regularly; we want to take a job in the church and be faithful doing it.  But we keep messing up; we think we need to make one more attempt to turn our lives around and do good!  What we really need to do is realize that we can't do it!  Remember from the video, the call to let Jesus in was to the church!  As Christians, do we need to turn and face God, giving God our full devotion?   As long as we try to run our lives ourselves, we are going to continue messing up.  We need to unconditionally surrender our lives to a God who can do it!  Repentance is not a made up mind but a Aturning to face God!@  Then and only then will we be able through the Lord to stop doing those things that we know we shouldn't do; then and only then will we be able to do the things we know we should do, and then and only then will we really be ready for the second coming of the Lord.  Then and only then will we really be ready to celebrate Christmas!  Thanks be to God!  Do you need to make that surrender this morning?  As we encounter Christ at the table today, we believe you can repent and turn and face God.  Won’t you do that this morning?  If you turn to face God for the first time, let me know so I can help you with your new journey with God.


Service of Communion

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