Monday, April 1, 2024

Resurrection: Life, Hope, and Proclamation!


Easter Service!


                          Mark 16:1-8


                     Prayer of Illumination


Watch clip: “Son of God” resurrection clip.


I.   The resurrection is the life of Christianity!


     A.   If we could be taken to a tomb where the founder of              Christianity lay and Jesus were still there, our                 preaching and singing would be for nothing!


     B.   Our religion would be just like any other world                  religion.


C.   But we can't.  The scripture today states that Jesus is not there!  People have never come up with a body that is believed to be that of Christ.


D.   Even for those who do not believe, this must be a mystery because the historical Jesus, who there is not much doubt lived, cannot be found!  He is not there!


     E.   Upon this fact is the Life of Christianity.


II.  The resurrection is the hope of Christianity!


     A.   We have the hope that our God has the power to bring             us through whatever we face in life.

1.   Trials, temptations, crises, loss of a loved one,

and whatever we face in life, Jesus can bring us

through them.

2.   Because he lived life as a human and understands,

but yet is God.


     B.   We have the hope that we as a Church and the people of

          God can make a positive difference in the world.




1.   Our church has a good location; it is one of the first churches you see when you come into town.  It has great curb appeal; we have a nice facility.  We are in a county seat town.  A lot of people come by our church in a day.  The possibilities are great!

2.   Our church is seen by the bishop and cabinet as a living church that is and can make a difference in this community. I hope you get that!  That is why they chose us for the Cohort!

3.   Some of you also have that vision and hope, which I can see as we talk and meet together!

          4.   If you don't have the vision; let's catch the

hope and vision that is possible because of the resurrection! We can make a difference!


C.   We have the hope that our God is able to raise us also!

1.   We have the hope that this life is not all there is.

2.   Some would have a pretty miserable existence if this life were all there is, but thanks be to God, it is not!

          3.   So the resurrection is the hope of Christianity!


III. The resurrection is the proclamation of Christianity!


     A.   The God who raised Jesus can forgive our sins!


     B.   The God who raised Jesus can raise us up also!


     C.   The God who raised Jesus is a God of Power!


D.   The God who raised Jesus is what our world needs, so the resurrection is the proclamation of Christianity; so let's proclaim it!



     A.   In our video, Peter says, he’s not gone he’s back!


     B.   Later, he says, “we have work to do!”


C.   So as we encounter Christ at the table today, it is

quite fitting that our observance of the Lord's Supper

be celebrated from this context.



          1.   Our observance of the Lord's Supper is a victory


          2.   We do not serve a God who was slaughtered on the

              cross and sealed in a tomb forever!

          3.   We serve a God who was and is victorious over

sin, hell, and the grave.

          4.   So as you encounter Christ at the table today,

let the living Christ empower you to get to work,

to let Christ use you as a vessel of God’s love,

and to let Christ use you to be invitational to



D.   So I say, Brothers and sisters, we too have work to do!  As we go forth today, proclaim the life and hope of Christianity!  He is not here; he has risen!!


Prayer of Confession

Celebration of Communion

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